What are you scariest falls ???

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i have many many many EMBARRASING FALLS.

once in level 6 on the high bar after the long kip i did the long hang pullover, and came up really fast and hit both of my hips on the bar. i came down and was folded over, and some guys were standing up in the bleachers going OHHHHHH!!!!

another time i did a completely terrible flyaway and landed on my heels on a landing mat that my coach was standing on, and when i landed the mat slid and it took my coach with it, so basically we went mat surfing for about 10 feet... oh and there just happened to be a University of Alabama gymnast there. haha yeah.

back hand springs on beam have given me some interesting falls..... i dont know and my coach doesnt know how i end up on my back under the beam... haha

i was training fulls on floor, landed really weird, and fell back quite a few feet and almost landed in the pit. then, as i sat up, i fell in. there were definitely people i knew in the bleachers... heheh
Okay so i have had TONS!! haha
many times when i was tumbling, i would "freak out" in mid air and crash down on my head...but i never got hurt...lucklyy haha (:
and i have split the beam tons of times...but this one time was hilarious!! okay, so do you know the level 4/5 dismount, the side hs, turn out thing? well when i was a level 5 i split the beam on that! We were all having a side hs contest and i held it the longest and when the coach told me to come down, i was like, STUCK in a handstand, and could figure out how to come down, then i started to fall sideways and split the beam...idk if you can understand that...i couldn't figure out how to write it (:
then one time, when we were on bars, i was getting ready to do my flyaway, and as i wass swinging backwards, i peeled off the bar and and flew OVER the low bar and landing on the mat (almost the spring board) on my face!! after everyone found out that i was okay, the burst out laughing...haha.
and my friend tumbled off the floor onetime....into a walll (: hehe

i love the one about walking off the beam...that is hilariouss (:
hahaha good thing that if you intended that, with better form you could have done a straddle back :D
Once, when i was doing the level 4/5 dismount a while ago, i turned WAY too far, and instead of landing on the floor, i landed with my back on the beam. OUCH! then to, make things worse, I rolled right off the beam. Everyone was laughing so hard. :D It hurt at the time, but now its just funny.

Another one is when i was doing cartwheels on beam, my foot went right off the side of the beam. As I fell down, my entire shin scraped against the side of the beam. It was soo bloody, and now, almost a year later, I STILL have a bruise.

Ok, this one is definitely the funniest. We were just fooling around on trampoline, and i was doing back handsprings. But as I jumped up, I started accidentally doing a buck tuck!! In a moment of confusion, I tucked way too hard, and my knees went right into my mouth/cheeks! I just stopped flipping in mid air and fell onto my back. But luckily, I was ok. No teeth missing!! lol
I had a terrible fall trying a "fuettè" leap on the beam..injurying my ankle...I hadn't tried it anymore....
when i was doing handsprings on vault my hands kinda slipped backwards and i ended up landing on my back on top of the vault:eek:
So this wasn't really scary, but it was rather amusing, and it wasn't a fall for me, but....
I was doing my beam routine, and on the end of the beam doing one of my jumps, and the beam apparently decided it didn't want to stay that height anymore, but only on the side I was on, and went down to floor level. So the beam was crooked, needless to stay, but I managed to stay on-a once in a lifetime trick, but I received a "10." for the stuck dismount lol
this was some time ago but i was doing my level 4 beam routine at practice adnd i was doing my handstand held it there for like 4 seconds and i started to go forword so i tried twisting out of it and twisted 2 much and i was on the opposite side of the beam like is you did a handstand did half a twist and landed on ur belly on floor but i was on beam and then i fell off and hit my head pretty hard and i had a bruise that started bleeding! i have many more stories tho....
I was doing double front tucks into a pit so my cousin said to cowboy it but instead i did a normal tuck did the double and landed on my neck! it didnt hurt tho surprsingly!

Also last practice i was doing bwo's on beam and when i went i stopped in the middle and my back landed on the beam. i also tried to put my hand on the beam but then i fell!
this isnt really bad but i was doing the level 4 mount and i used to not make it so my coach told me to push more and i ended up falling off the other end of the beam. its hard to explain but my coach was laughing so hard and i guess it looked funny too. she said she never saw anyone do that before. lol!
last week i had quite a funny fall. i was doing round offs off the vault and i blocked too hard, my feet slipped out from under me and i skidded off the mat and onto the floor!!!! i got a massive scrape up my arm and everyone just burst out laughing!!!
and another time i was doing backward rolls and one of the little girls ran behind me, i didn't see her and i rolled right over her!!!!!!:eek: i felt sooooooooooo bad!!!!!
And for everyone speaking of bruises,
Let me lay down some background. i hate squatons. in level 5 the first year i was learning them at least once a practice i would miss a foot, making both my feet slide off the bar, and me whack my shins on the bars and frontflip to my back.
Therefore winning me the only person to win the colorful shins award. i had bruises the whole year.
one time i was telling a story while doing leaps on beam. i finished my leap and in order to face my coach who i was telling thw story too i had to turn around and walk backwords. i literly walked off the beam and on the way down i smacked my head on the low beam.

another time i was doing bhs o beam and i missed the beam with my foot but was close enough i like sat on it and like bounced off then i turned in the air and landed on my knees ( we have that one on video P:
well, of course there are a TON, but i will only name some. first on vault, my coach was spotting yerchancos, i went for it, but i went totally crooked away from my coaches spot and landed on my head! OUCH! next on beam, one of the coaches spotted me on a back walkover bhs on the low beam, my back walk over was off, and i kinda half did the back hand spring and landed on my back! YOWSERS!! and finally, on bars, one of my coaches was spotting like 10 giants, with only one chalk up!! so when i am on like my last giant, i peel and ACCIDENTLY did a one and a half twist flyaway!! and there are many, many others, but i guess i have to keep this short don't i!!

p.s. do you know how to post threads? i can't seem to figure it out!!

There have been so many different but funny falls in our gym...
#1: When i was competing as a level 5 when I was younger, I was doing a handspring vault and i hit the springboard a little harder than usually...resulting in missing the entire vault. Technically you can describe it ias a dive roll over the vault. I rolled over it, got up saluted, and di my second vault. That was such a funny vault.

#2: Recently during practice, we were learning tsuks on vault. We were doing drills so this is how it was set up: We had the vault(at regaular vault setting and reg. springboard setting), but behind the vault we put a big resio mat so we can land on our back so we learn to gain height..my friend has ALOT of power, that comes from her legs. And may i mention that the resi is only like 12 ft long and 3 feet of floor after it before the wall is there. So, when she was doing her vault drill, she got ALOT of distance....a little too much that made her miss the entire resi and land on the floor. All every1 heard throughout the gym was a giant THUD. Every1 looks over and sees my teammate just lauging histarically.

#3: this one was kind of scary...my other teammate doesnt really come in that often and when she finally decided to show up...when we were going on floor for the first rotation..she decided to do a round off backhandspring back tuck....when she went for the tuck, she had a very interesting landing. To put it in the simplest of way....she did the worm(you know the dance move?LOL)..out of the tuck! Yeah....odd much? But funny.
Heh heh... This is certainly my genre... Where do I begin...

Well, I've had quite a few falls, but I really can't pick out at event I fall on the more.

VAULT:In level 5, I had made it to zones, and I was on my third event of the day, vault. I did my first vault, and it was okay, so I really wanted to kick some butt on my second one. But, I got my steps wrong, but not noticing I kept on going, and I jumped almost completely over the spring board and flew over the vault onto my head on the other side. I was both painful and embarrassing but I ended up getting third!

BEAM: At my first gym, they had a lot of beams that were really soft and smooth, and pretty hard to work on. When I moved gyms, I had to get used to really new sanded beams. So for the first two months I had some pretty fantastic falls. Once, I was trying to make my full turn in warm up, and I stepped out a little early. I started to turn sideways into a "surfer pose" and flailed my arms hopelessly. While doing this my back foot came up, so I tried to put it back on the beam but I missed. Falling, I did a 1 1/2 spin before hitting the beam and bouncing off of it onto my back on the floor. When I got up, the whole team was just staring at me for it felt like minutes, until someone finally asked if I was okay. I was laughing, and it was more "fun" than scary. Somehow...

Well, I was practicing my series (back handspring two-foot backhand spring step out) on the low beam and on the first back handspring i split the beam (the only time in my life while doing a back handspring by the way) and then ended up on my head!!!!!!:confused:It was very freay and I got a big headache.

Another time on bars I was doing giants on our pit bar and I fell and hit my left leg on the bar. It got a really big bruise and and a really big scratch on it.:(((this was two weeks ago))

when i first learned back tucks on floor they scared me a lot!!! so i went for a ro bhs back tuck and i landed literally on my face and skidded a bit...haha i had carpet burn and scrapes all on my face for school the next day
OK this happened twice but it scared me more the 1st time cuz i was 6. I was the first little girl to try 2 jump 2 jump 2 the high bar and my hands weren't all the way around the bar and down i fell. My mom was in the waiting area watching and she almost broke down the door 2 the gym. hahaha :) It happened 2 me again when i was 9 but didnt freak me out as much.

AAG Forever
i have 3 and i can't decide which one is best :)

when i was about 8 i learnt cartwheels on the beam, i was pretty confident with them after i'd done about 5 and on my 6th, my first foot landed on the beam my 2nd foot completely missed, swung under me and i smacked my head on the metal part of the beam, it was a miricle i escaped with just a headache!! :)

i was practising my R/o backhandspring back tuck on the tumble tramp with a tower of crashmats at the end, i did it but rolled off the tower sideways and landed on my neck on the rhythmic floor so it was practically just wood. my coach freaked out because i had landed on my neck, but once again only a headache :)

i compete power tumbling and our floor is about 25m long and 1.5 m wide, the begining of my pass was front tuck step out R/O back handspring, and because i have bad vision and obviously cant wear my glasses when i tumble, i went kinda sideways and flipped completely off the floor!! :)

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