What are your goals?

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I thought that I could start this thread for people to post their goals and let eveyone know how they are doing on the goals! My goals rite now are when I do my cast out of free hip, make all my kip squat ons. Also holding my dismount longer on beam. Sticking my front tucks without squatting. On vault keeping my hollow body better and sticking landings without stepping!
MY goals: Staying tighter on beam and landing my beam routine every meet. Yes its sad me being a level 8 needing to stay tighter.
Not much else for right now..
Hmm...I have a lot of them.

Main One: Make it to lvl 7 next year, if possible.

Vault: be more consistent

Bars: kip with straight arms, connecting everything

Beam: consistent hs-straddle down, 180 jump & leap,
consistent full turn, more confidence in general

Floor: consistent fhs-fhs stepout tumbling pass, everything tighter & cleaner,
fix my ro-bhs-back layout, press handstand

1. Tsuk double-back on a competition surface.
Right now I can do it onto a resi on a good day, but it's inconsistent. This morning I was kicking them out nicely going into a pit, but didn't get a chance to throw a mat in and land them. I also have a tendency to twist a bit in the second flip.

2. Tsuk arabian double-front
I've done it into a pit, but lately I haven't been working on it, since I've been focusing more on the tsuk double back.

3. Handspring rudi (handspring front layout with 1.5 twists)
This needs a lot of work. Right now the hardest thing I can do on a competition landing surface is a half, and I pike those quite a bit.


1. Back 3/2 punch front 1/1 punch front one-and-three
I can do back 3/2 punch front 1/1, but it's not consistent enough to add a one-and-three yet. I've done punch front 1/1 punch one-and-three before, but it's been awhile.

2. Front layout punch front doublefull
I've done front layout punch rudi on a competition floor, and I've done the doublefull on a rod floor; I just need to get the doublefull on floor.

3. Arabian double pike
I can occasionally stand these up on a resi, but it's not consistent, and I really need to fix the takeoff on my arabians anyway.


1. Consistent iron cross, maltese, and inverted cross
On a good day, I can hold all three no problem. But as with most of my skills, it varies a lot from day to day. I just need to condition more for these, though.
These are my goals for state, in about 2 weeks.

Bars: consistent cast handstand, tight legs throughout routine.

Beam: stick my series! (frontwalkover-fronthandspring) I usually make one or the other.

Vault: get off that table fast!

Floor: Land all passes. I've done it before, but I really want everything to come together for state.

And I can't forget to mention our team goal-place top 4. It'll be tough, but we won our last meet, so I think we've got a shot if we all hit.
Bars- To get a tight, perfected fly away! :)

Beam- just get over my fear and be less shaky ;)

Vault- less pike, more straight body position on front handspring :eek:

Floor- Floor is my best event and i love it but... maybe another 9.9 to finish my level 6 season (i got a 9.9 in level 4) :D
Well i would like to have by the time i quit (whenever that may be)
Toe shoot

Back walkover
Stick front sault dismount on competition surface
back sault dimount

Round off flip sault with no spot
a good front sault (mine are somewhat terrible)
split change leap

More powerful, less piked and generally nice front handspring

General goals (hopefully possible)
To place at least once during the season (on any apparatus)
To qualify for state
Vault: Front handspring over with tight body; I often frog it due to depth perception issues
Bars: Kips with tight legs and high casts out of them, clear hip circle
Beam: Hold 12 o'clock handstand for longer then a second, back walkover with controlled hand positioning and tight legs
Floor: Round off back handspring back tuck, no spot, with tight legs and high set, also I want to get consistent with the other level 6 tumbling passes
Well this is after I am fully recovered & back in full training from my broken elbow.

Vault: Handspring

Bars: Glide kip, cast above horizontal, clearhip circle, long kip, flyaway

Beam: Back walkover, front walkover, tic toc, change leap, cartwheel back sault

Floor: Round off flic layout, Handspring front sault, double turn, straddle jump, change leap side leap.
After I am recovered from my knee...

Vault: Lessen my pike and get my FHS on regular table

Bars: Kip, squat on, FHC flyaway

Beam: Able to hold my handstand fully verticle, BWO, FWO, aerial dismount

Floor: Improve my switch leap, RO BHS BHS and lots others
bars-cast handstand, clear hip to handstand, clean my current routine and skills

floor-bigger set on round off flip flop tuck, 2 front handsprings, front handspring front tuck, back handspring step out, and stalder press

beam-back walkover, full turn, english to side handstand dismount, more consistent perfect cartwheels, bigger leaps and split jumps

vault-get rid of my stupid arm circle habit ( I circle to late), huge block

I would also like to try for level 7 next year
i have lots!

front handspring

squat on
3/4 giant
straddle undershoot

full spin
split leaps/jumps
front tuck dismount

free cartwheel with less run up
front hanspring front tuck

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