What do you like to do on your days/day off from gym??

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I relax, play the sims, draw, do lots of homework, and photoshop 3rd eyes onto pictures of people :D (okay, i photoshop other stuff too, but that one is the most fun)
Almost everything is gymnastics related, even when I'm not training. I flip around the house, design leos, strech and anything else gymnastic related! I get so twitchy when I'm not doing gymnastics and it drives my teachers up the wall :P

I also wrestle competitively. I love it almost as much as gymnastics- but not quite. :)

I love music, so I'll just randomly break out into song around the house.

I love to read and write poetry/lyrics and short stories, so I do a ton of that. I have quite a few gymnastics poems!
When I dont have gym?? Hmm...
I watch gymnastics videos on Youtube..
I do pike ups in my closet on the "bar" your clothes hang on.
I put a leg up on my couch and the other on the ground and do over splits.
I do press handstands on my counter
I take my mattress down 1 flight of stairs, and tumble outside.
Attempt to draw gymnasts.
Go swimming... Just to tumble underwater, and do beam on the ledges by the pool..
Go shopping, and tumble in the isles
And... Go to school, to sit in my classes and think about gymnastics: ALL DAY// ;)

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