What I meant by this if I got admitted as a preferred walk on to a school with a historically low admissions rate (like Stanford) , I might still continue with the process at the original school who “committed” me as I would be interested in continuing at Stanford even if I “don’t make the cut “ for the team as you say , but I’m still at the school of my choice. I would still be upset that I was dumped but the school choice would be different.
But say I was originally committed to a school with a higher admission rate like Eastern Michigan or Southern Utah (72% acceptance rate, both nice schools but easier to get in) , AND my scholarship was pulled , I’d probably look elsewhere where there was no history. I don’t think gymnasts are always dumped because they are “lazy” but if that’s what the coaches are thinking or I’m not in their plans anymore, yeah, it would have the potential to be 4 years of hell so I’d move on . Call me crazy but I’d rather have a fresh start