WAG What else does your gymmie do at home?

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L7 here too. She is in no other activities. She pretty much sleeps, goes to school, straight to gym from there and then home to eat, shower and go to bed. She's 9, so when she is home she spends most of the time reading, playing on her tablet (YouTube gymnastics videos of course!), or just playing with her sisters.
No other scheduled activities for competition season. Off season, she can usually participate in a local children's choir. Other than that, she loves baking and crafting. And, of course, watching YouTube and playing on Pinterest.
DD is training level 7 and is in the gym about 15 hrs per week.

Besides gym, she snacks, does homework, snacks, naps, occasionally watches YouTube, snacks, and naps.

As a family we do hike, have movie/board game nights, and we swim a lot in the summer. She does occasionally see friends when we can fit it in.

She also does compete rec cheer - she trains 2-3 hours per week and does four total competitions/yr. This should be her last year doing that. She notices a LOT more wear and tear on her body from that than gymnastics.
9 year old level 6 does 16 hrs a week, school, 4th grade band (flute), 1/2 hr ice figure skating lesson each week, school Robotics team,loves playing with Lego Friends, American Girl doll stuff, having sleepovers with gym and school friends, Minecraft and Youtube viewing. WHEW. She seems to have plenty of time still to play.
Sooo happy for all your replies, really.
I always tried not to be that kind of mother who constantly wants their children to do something "useful". As a family we love nature, so we go on a lot of hikes, play games etc. My daughter liked to do handstands and cartwheels everywhere, sometimes throws a back handspring or tuck, but that's really it. No practicing at home (only presses sometimes or splits for fun in front of the TV) or any other competitive stuff. When I see all the Instagram girls, I wonder if they ever have down-time or sit still. My kids won't be able to tumble all day due to school and simply energy and I am happy they sometimes just do nothing while they are still kids :)
My 10 yr old L7 goes 20 hours a week and has no time for anything else. Her only free day is Sunday and she likes to just hang out with her friends.
My daughter is L5 and does 15 hours a week. She is in Junior High and wants to try track this spring. We are going to let her try as tract practice is right after school, meet season is practically over, the school year is practically over, and the tract practice will only interfere with the first 30 mins of gymnastics practice. She may have to miss a few gym practices for tract meets. But like I said, our gym season is practically over at this time. So not a big deal.

That is it for other organized activities. She loves to write songs and is pretty good at it. That is what she is usually doing in her extra time aside from school. In the summer, we camp most every weekend.
My daughter is 9year old L4 she does does squad swimming, surfing and nippers (surf lifesaving) She constantly on the move not one that is happy to sit still lol!!
My 9 year old daughter is a L5 in Australia and does 14 hours per week over 4 days. She doesn't have any other scheduled activities and likes to watch tv, watch stuff of YouTube, play and hangout with the local kids at the park across the road from us and she loves doing art and crafts.
My daughter is pretty musical. She does piano lessons and is in the after school choir at her school. They only meet 1x/week for an hour, so it's not a huge commitment. She'll be joining band at 2nd semester in two weeks, as well, but that will be during the school day, so the only outside commitments are concerts (twice a year, spring and winter) and maybe festival when she gets to middle school or high school - not sure when those start. She is also in CCD and choir (and is a cantor) at church. CCD is right before Mass and choir practice is right after, so all of the church stuff happens on Sunday when there is no gym.

ETA: For non-structured things, she likes doing arts & crafts, drawing, sewing and scrapbooking. She also loves our dog and likes to hang out with her friends in the neighborhood. She goes with her friends to the library's free events a lot, too.
9 year old level 6 does 16 hrs a week, school, 4th grade band (flute), 1/2 hr ice figure skating lesson each week, school Robotics team,loves playing with Lego Friends, American Girl doll stuff, having sleepovers with gym and school friends, Minecraft and Youtube viewing. WHEW. She seems to have plenty of time still to play.

Oh yes, how could I forget her Minecraft addiction. Playing Minecraft. Watching other people on YT play Minecraft (how is that interesting???). She uses her Kindle more for that then for reading books.
Hey, I train only 10 hrs per week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I also just fractured my wrist on Tuesday, on beam doing a BWO-BHS. So right now, I'm gonna be doing a lot of strength and stretching. Outside the gym, I dance in between gym on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I also love to play video games and hangout with friends. I enjoy reading too. How could I forget piano before gym on Mondays. But, with this fractured wrist, I guess I'll be playing one handed at our recital this Sunday. Other than that, not much haha.
My seventh grade level 6 girl is only officially in gym, but until level 5, she also played outdoor and indoor soccer. Currently she trains 20 hrs/wk. Outside of school and gym, she makes jewelry, paints, crafts, sculpts -- she enters and often wins art competitions -- rides ATVs and likes to play with the cows on our farm, and she target shoots. She also has frequent sleepovers and girlfriends outtings to just play football at the park, rollerskate, or go to the trampoline park.

My 9th grade T&T boy also plays trumpet in the school band, shoots competitively, rides ATVs and a dirt bike (trick riding), and has an active social life/xbox online life. He plays rec basketball, and he played rec soccer until he aged out at 12. He trains 12 hrs/wk. He is also an honor student.
My L6 daughter practices 17 hrs/week and also does a violin lesson once a week. She also enjoys reading, crafts, being with friends.

My L3/4 also takes piano lessons, reads, does art and spends a lot of time practicing piano. She is only at gym 4 hours/week because of a less competitive track.
L4, soon to be 10, gym 9hrs a week.

Viola, but lessons at school
Culture/language class weekly
Religion class weekly

Football/basketball with her neighborhood friends, as well as Nerf gun wars, Madden football, Minecraft and their associated YT channels
L4, soon to be 10, gym 9hrs a week.

Viola, but lessons at school
Culture/language class weekly
Religion class weekly

Football/basketball with her neighborhood friends, as well as Nerf gun wars, Madden football, Minecraft and their associated YT channels

I also enjoy playing Minecraft. I also just played Nerf gun wars a few weeks ago with my brother and our friends. Of course I beat him lol.
Our gym doesn't tell us parents levels and they don't compete until age 9 .. My DD is 7 in 2 weeks & does 9.5hrs a week at gym and every other spare minute at home doing gym!!
She also does ballet x2 a week - 1 hr each session (plus gym has 2 30 min sessions of ballet on top of her 2 external classes) and she does 1hr of street dance- she was also on the young swim team preparing to compete but she had to drop it in August when gym hours changed - her choice not mine as I tell her the situation she chooses the result.
She also does recorder, violin & choir .. All in school but requiring home practice!
She loves Disney (thankfully) so we watch a lot of Disney films & programmes in chill out time .. Which isn't much with her schedule! She likes to draw, watch Netflix, play the odd app especially mathletics, dulingo & club penguin & she LOVES to read & is an advanced reader reading quite a lot.
As a family we enjoy board games, cinema visits, meals out, theme parks, swimming & just general days out .. We fit those things in as much as we can!
L2 and pre-team here. My younger one also plays soccer, L2 did a couple seasons when she was younger. We've offered piano lessons, but DD wants to concentrate more on gym.

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