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What kinesiology tape do you or your gymnast use?

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Feb 12, 2023
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Not looking for medical advice, just wondering which one you or your gymnast likes. Preferably if it works well for a knee.
dd uses KT tape. I don't recall her using it on the knee. Mostly her back and ankles/achilles
I use rocktape. I like it better than kt, it's cheaper (at least where I am) and it stays on WAY longer. I can usually get about 4-5 days of training out of it!
Haruto sensitive skin, we get it on Amazon. It’s not as sticky as non sensitive skin types due to the different adhesive, but my daughter doesn’t like to keep it on longer than one practice anyway, so works well for her. Regular KT or Rock tape leaves her skin red and irritated, this brand does not.
I use regular kt tape but heard good things about rock tape

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