Let me try to think back to when my DD was on pre-team (age 5). She was w/ girls a little younger like your DD and a little older. She learned the spring board & to do a flat back vault onto the mat, which was a biggie coming from just a regular rec class. They learned/did some of the conditioning exercises, splits, V-ups. On bars they learned the pull-over and practiced swings and hip circles. On floor they were starting back bends and towards the end (before she hit L4) back walkovers, hand stands, cartwheels and round offs. Did lots of beam stuff like the different poses, turns, but didn't really do the dismount until L4.
Our program was re-structured after us and now the pre-teamers actually work out w/L4 team once week and do so much more than what we learned, they will be much more ready for the L4 team. But our gym doesn't compete until L4 so I am not sure what is required in L2 or L3, but I am sure you will be doing the basics. I know much time was and still is spent on posture, sucking in the gutt, tight booty, hollow holds, arm postions and pointed toes in these earlier classes. With the little ones the coaches know how to "work" them and still keep it fun. Stickers, contests, ect....my daughter loved her pre-team class.