Parents What's your summer schedule???

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My Dd will be training level 6 and will go 16 hours. Sounds like a lot to me. I hope she still enjoys her summer. She will go Monday, Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 10-2. What's your scehedule like?
My girls level4/5 and level6/7 are both supposed to do 15 hours a week 9-12 M-F. Though that is what I have paid for there will definitely days missed due to late nights, social moments and living life in general. Most of their friends are in the gym anyway or in other day camps, this way they'll have fun and stay fit whilst doing it.

They will also go to two weeks of sleep away gym camp that they absolutely love.

This is optional training at our gym, some girls do no summer training at all, in fact some girls finished training on May11th and will return the first week of September.

I think as long as the coaches are flexible and get that my kids will not be there all the time the hours are okay. Obviously they won't progress at the same rate as a child that attends every training, but I know it just won't happen.

DO you have flexibility within the schedule?
My dd is also competing L6 in the fall, but she will move on to L7 after Christmas. We actually have a light schedule since our coach will be gone most of the summer w/ the Olympics. We go M-Th 12:30 to 3pm and on Fri. 12 to 3pm and on Sat. 10 to 12pm. We have one week of gym camp where we go from 8 am to 2pm--it is at our gym with our 2 coaches...they don't like the girls working with other coaches so a sleep-away gym camp is out of the questions. I am actually quite glad these are our hours...this is what we do during the school year while competing compulseries---the hours almost double when you go to optionals. We also skip a couple of times to do fun a parent I feel like it is necessary to make sure she experiences things outside the gym---especially before we move to optionals :)

Hope this was helpful!
My dd is a level 7 - she normally does 17.5 hours per week - but over the summer they do 22 :eek:. She will go Mon, Tues, Thurs from 4:30-8:30 and Wed & Fri from 9:00-2:00. I think it is a lot - but she wants to get really good (and hopes that she gets all her 8 skills so maybe can do level 8 this year - I don't see that happening, but won't tell her that).
DD's schedule doesn't change for summer. She trains from 3:45 - 7:45 on Tues and Thurs and from 4 - 7 on Friday, a total of 11 hours a week. This schedule is the same for the level 5 team as well so I think we're good for the next year and a half.
Dd's schedule is M-F: 9-1pm. There has been talk of maybe doing 9-2pm, but as of this moment that is still a rumor.

This is no different than what she does now. During the school yr they train 20 hrs and 9-1 is still 20hrs, so we will see what happens.
I'm jealous of all of you. We don't even have a summer schedule yet...:(
Monkeygirlsmom--- So do they still train at night?

yes my girls are mon and Thursdays (normal is Wed night and Sat mornings during the year)

there is an alternative day on Thursday for some of the girls who rides are a problem!!

They start at 5:30!! I just realised I said this wrong!! Monday and Thursday nights for the preteam!!
Mon, Wed nights and Thursday mornings for the other levels (tho they have a Thursday night option for the girls who rides are a problem)

my brain is still sleeping so I hope that makes sense!! LOL
Both my girls are working level 6 and will go M-Th from 9-1. I think these are great hours as they will have the rest of the day to do whatever.
My dd is not thrilled with her summer schedule - only because the extra hour on the 5 hour days is going to be ballet - and she HATES doing ballet. Other than that she likes that sometimes it is at night and sometimes morning.
Gymbratsmom: I agree with you. 9-1 is so much better than 10-2.

We also have an a hour of ballet twice a week in the summer.

We also have no airconditioning in the gym!!!!!!! It will probably be a hot, humid summer!!
My DD just got her letter for Level 4. She is so excited. In July she will slowing build up her hours. But in August she will go for 4 hours 3/days plus one day 3 1/2 for TOPs.
Our hours actually decreased, though I think that is just a change that they were making anyway and I am thrilled about it and crossing my fingers that it stays that way. L4 used to be MW 4-7:15p F 4-8pm. Now it is MW 4-7 and F 5-8 (unless it was a typo). So that should be 9 hours instead of 10.5 hours. My DD has only been doing 2 days a week since April and is adding the 3rd day this month.

The optional girls though moved from M-F 4-8pm to M-F 9a-3p. Yikes. Our summer schedule is only June and July.
YIKES, how bad am I, I don't remember what the schedule is. It has been e-mail'd and changed so many times already I am just gonna wait and see at the end of the month in case it changes one more time. I think it will be 2 mornings (8:30 start time UGH!) and then 2 afternoons (12:30) a week which would be nice since my DD also does dive team. It will free up her nights and also some afternoons for swimming/dive and friends. Not a bad schedule, better than the nights we had last Summer.
Our summer schedule started yesterday. The pre-teams keep the same number of hours, but their actual practice times change. All the team girls do more hours. My gymmie is on the L7 schedule for now. Practice is Mon: 8-1, Tues: 2-7, Wed: off, Thur: 2-7 and Fri: 8-1---total of 20 hours. She seems to like having a full day free and only up "early" on 2 mornings. Should she officially be moved up to L8 during the summer then she would add another 5-6 hours to the schedule. Of course, tuition for the next few months goes up too.

Right now, they are almost completely focused on working all L8 skills and some L9 drills for those that are getting or have L8 skills down.

Hmmmmm---forgot to ask when she'll do ballet. My gymmie is just like flippymonkeysmom dd. Does NOT like ballet!!
My daughter just moved to Level 4 and will train 9 hours a week. Mon-Tue-Thur, 12-3. I work nights and will be quite tired, but I've already been offered a mat to sleep on by her coach. :D

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