What's you're favorite event (or your dd)???

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Jun 25, 2012
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I love bars, that feeling you get when you do your transition perfectly, catch a release, learn a new dismount! I love the swinging feeling :)
Vault! My little one is so powerful that it's fun to watch. She also loves floor now that she gets to do a RO-BHS. Anything where she gets to jump!
I agree with the OP on bars! I love to swing and turn and stuff. Unfortunately, it's also my worst event.
My older dd is crazy and loves beam! My little dd loves bars (but she's only Level 5 so she doesn't do much yet).
Balance beam done well. I like to coach it as much as I like watching it when it's done well.
My DD loves floor because of all the tumbling passes, but she is excellent on beam, so that's my favorite!
Bars. My favorite to watch, and dd's favorite to do. My ds's favorite is pbars. I like watching him on pommel.
Dd enjoys doing bars and vault and I enjoy watching her on floor :)
Bars are DD's favorite right now. She also loves vault, because jumping on the springboard is apparently a blast. ;-)
DD#1 who is a level 2 loves bars the best and DD#2 who is a level 1 loves the balance beam. DD#3 who is age 2 just loves being there.
Usually it is floor, because I like tumbling. I am not doing floor now because of injuries, so I've been doing a lot of bars. It's okay, but I hate getting rips and stuff.
My DD loves the bars but is best on the beam. She is amazing on the beam :)
I love to watch my dd on bars, I would think it's her favorite event as well. Many girls do bars and you watch their routine and they are doing all the skills, but it just looks like they are powering through it. When I watch my dd, she has a flow, a fluidity to her routine. It's just a joy to watch!
I love to watch my dd on beam and floor because those tend to be her strongest events. I haven't been able to watch her barely at all this summer because she's practicing during the mornings so I'll be in for a surprise to see how she's improved come fall!
My daughter's favourite is probably bars - she just loves those and is quite strong on them. She also likes making up floor routines.

Personally I like to watch her on beam - probably her weakest piece but for me, as a parent, its the event in which she becomes virtually unrecogniseable if that makes sense! She has a look of complete concentration on her face, she holds herself like a gymnast and not a 7 year old child - fills me with awe.
I love swinging and tumbling- so floor and bars. And sometimes vault- love tsuks. and beam though challenging. I can't decide!
My favorite would have to be bars because I can do the most on it. (And that isn't very much) But I think it's my strongest event. (:

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