My dd started rec classes at 6yo. She isn't supremely naturally talented, but after trying out lots of different sports and not liking any of them, we were happy that she liked it enough to want to stick with it for a while. She progressed through the rec levels at a normal speed, there were skills she had to work at as well as things that came easier to her. When she was 7 the tops people asked if she was interested, but both her coach and I agreed she wasn't ready physically or emotionally. Right before she turned 8 she started asking about joining tops and claimed to really want to do it, I told her unless she stopped goofing off in class and started taking things more seriously I wouldn't let her try out. She had to prove to me that she wanted it by taking class seriously for 3mo before I let her try out, and she did. Her coach and I agreed that she was ready, the tops people had actually contacted me again right about this time to ask about her and it all fell into place. She was not a natural for tops, she had a bit of a struggle with strength and after 5mo on tops the coach suggested she try team instead, old L4. This was right on the tail end of the season and she wouldn't compete, just start training.. The coach said dds skills were much better than her strength and I absolutely agree with that, however I'm very happy that she did tops as I feel it prepared her well for team.
The old L4 team was made up of previously competing members and newbies, as they acquired skills they were moved to the "higher" group. Dd worked really hard on getting to the higher group and made it.... Then the coaches invited the more skilled group to do level 4/5, the rest of the group would be new L3. Dd is a L4 and absolutely loving it! She turned 9 during the summer, just got her straight arm kip and high bar kip and I'm absolutely amazed at what she can do... She has improved so much during the past couple of months, and its all hard work and dedication which is something I wasn't entirely sure was up her alley. This stuff doesn't come easy to her, she's a compact, curvy girl but she loves it and I'm absolutely thrilled that she has found her thing. We're both really looking forward to competing for the first time this season, and whatever happens happens. I'm not expecting her to ever become a L10 or anything, but as long as she is happy and progressing, I'm happy!