when do you know its time to quit?

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Oct 4, 2009
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Hi, Well it has been a bit of an upheaval with a new coach with a new approach (HA that rhymed! win!) and the club has put out an expression of interest for a selective rec class with level 4 minimum standard and must be ex - competitive. The question is do i take this class. At the moment it is merely and Expression of Interest and what i originally was going to do is do gym for 1 more year then do adult gym (17+).

The new approach taken is less enjoyable and i dislike it sometimes but other times i love it. I love working skills and getting new stuff and i am more of a chuck it person which makes me feel that maybe the rec class is better suited.

I don't want you to tell me what i should do because i will freak out if even one person tells me i should quit and it will occupy my thoughts forever (it's just the kind of person i am, little things bug me), instead i would prefer it if you share your experiences and what you think the signs are for when to quit or switch classes if you prefer that term.
I think once the thought has come into your head it is time to make a change of some sort. That change would depend on you and your circumstances. And good luck.
Well I think when the "fun" is gone and your doing it for some other reasons other than for yourself. When you don't really like the sport and feel trapped. When you dread going to the gym and working out. most of all when you have lost your passion for the sport.

We all have bad days or a coach that just doesn't suit us and we need a change. It sounds like you need something to change. exactly what that is only you can answer. Is this the only gym in the area? From your description is sounds like you might be getting tired of your current gym
Well I think when the "fun" is gone and your doing it for some other reasons other than for yourself. When you don't really like the sport and feel trapped. When you dread going to the gym and working out. most of all when you have lost your passion for the sport.

We all have bad days or a coach that just doesn't suit us and we need a change. It sounds like you need something to change. exactly what that is only you can answer. Is this the only gym in the area? From your description is sounds like you might be getting tired of your current gym
THe trouble is that it is pretty much the only gym in the area, except one that is a good 45 mins away and my mum doesn't want me doing gym at all really so i can only be at this gym. So i am trying to decide whether to go into the potential selective rec class
I'm confused, so the new class is more structured or something? And you want to just throw tricks instead of training? Is there any way you can stick it out for a year and then do the adult class as planned? I am not going to tell you to quit or not, as I am not you I don't know how you feel inside and the decision is so personal.

I would say most people quit when they stop feeling like gymnastics is fun and start feeling like it is a chore, although on that note a lot of people just need a break or a change for the passion to come back.

When I did gym I would have been much happier if I could have just lived at the gym, when I wasn't training I missed it. Not to say I didn't have bad practices or bad meets where in the heat of the moment I was upset and wanted to quit but the feeling always faded away and the love returned.
Ok to clear up any confusion my current squad has changed from being a group of girls who want to learn skills and compete them to as if we were training for super high levels (which is not what our squad is about considering most of us are older) I think i am going to stick with it i think it is just one of those down moments and i haven't quite adjusted to her coaching technique (I am not allowed to backwalkover at all on beam despite being able to do one before simply because i can't do a bridge kickover on the beam) i think i will stick with it for a year and see how it goes. And throwing tricks isn't quite the right word, more like attempting skills i know i am capable of with a coach (e.g. i know i can do a safe back walkover on beam but i can't do it because i haven't got the prerequisites that she requires)
I think its time when you dont want to go to practice and when you dont enjoy it anymore. :(
Sorry I didn't mean to sound nasty or anything in my post but when a gymnast says they "chuck" skills to a coach that usually means throwing things and translates into bad form and danger. Maybe you can approach this new coach and tell her your personal goals that may help.

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