Deleted member 18037
But, he implied that several of the L3s had similar setups at home. Not crazy parents. But parents who want to help their daughters' improve. He was very surprised that we didn't do the same thing.
I have also seen plenty of mini Facebook videos of BHSs in the grass from preteamers, L3s and L4s doing flippy/twisty things on trampolines, etc.
First I hear my mother in the background saying "If everyone jumps off a bridge are you going to follow?"

I don't really parent from a "well they are all doing it perspective".
And what you see on Facebook regarding the occasional BHS or something on a trampoline, is the viewer really has no idea how long the person has been doing something.
For instance my daughter has been doing cartwheels since she was 3 and BWO since she was 6. She is 9.5. If she does the occasional cartwheel or BWO on the beach or grass, its not really a big deal, she can pretty much do them in her sleep. Now flipping a back or front tuck on the grass or beach h@ll no. Not even on our outside trampoline.
Having equipment in the home is encouraging a kid to perhaps do more then they should. As most of us are not coaches, they then do more without the benefit of correction, perhaps establishing really bad habits and form, leading to issues that could be huge down the road, like back issues. Sure you won't necessarily see those right away. And it also encourages the child to do more then they may be ready and able to do because what the heck the equipment is there and shhh coach isn't watching.
Finally, many coaches have different opinions on things like conditioning, how much and when.
I am sure some say 5 should be doing conditioning as opposed to fun is fine and many say they are kids, a few times a week in the gym is more then enough. I mean there is a minimum age for TOPS. I'm sure there is a good reason for that.
And unfortunately there are crazy gym people out there who hear a coach say well xy and z is fine. And then the crazy gym people go well if xyz and is fine, then if we kick it up 5 notches that will be even better. JMO but no good usually comes from that.