Which level?

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Normally i wouldnt approach but, my dd keeps telling me that she wants to do level 5.

Then I would encourage her to tell her coaches that. They would take her input much better than yours.
I'm with gymmomtwo. If your daughter wants level 5 that badly, she needs to approach the HC and ask. It's what I have told my daughter at times-told her that if she wants it enough, she has to address it with her coaches and I stay out of it. Good luck to her!
Thanks a trillion!

Thanks! I really didn't know what to do! I'm going to tell Kaddie to do that because i agree that it would be better coming from her than me. Thanks again :D
Just a mom's opinion, BUT - I have 2 gymmies - 1 is Level 4 and 1 is Level 5 ...

Kadee would do better to compete a year of Level 4 and skip Level 5. Most girls have a 'more winning' year
of Level 4 than any other year. It's nice for them to have a winning year - trophies and medals are nice.

Level 5 is MUCH harder than Level 4 (or Level 3) - tougher skills, longer routines, and tougher scoring, more deductions. Coming
from competing Level 3 - it's would be a frustrating year - competition - wise, for most girls, and I would guess the coaches
know best.

I see Level 4 as a Level where girls get a chance to really get 'polished' for competition - (learning the little things
about presentation that can start to make a bigger difference). Especially if your gym does a lot of uptraining during the competition year, she can still work on her kips (glip and long hand), squat on, dive roll, front hand spring, back extension roll, and cartwheels and leaps on beam, and the front handspring vault. - Notice I am mentioning more than kips - Level 5 has more skills than just kips - though it IS usually the kips that keep most girls from moving UP to Level 5, they still have to do a LOT more , and many girls have trouble with cartwheels on beam.

However, good Luck to Kadee and whatever she (and her coaches) decide!
You could always train level 4 and, if she happens to get all of the skills for level 5 during competition season, she can just start doing level 5.

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