The only way regular kids get to go to "The Ranch" is by going to the Karolyi's summer camp, that is open to everyone with the $$$ and does not get them seen by national team staff and is not anything to do with elite. It is just a summer camp, with camels.

It's so hard to really gauge any kind of talent from a message board post. What you are describing sounds like talent, but going elite is a whole different breed from what I understand. As a point of reference, I have a 7 yr old who has some skills ranging between levels 4-6, is talented, but is competing level 2 because that's where she will score highest and they would like to clean up form minutiae. She will definitely not be going elite, but she has "talent." Our gym has no elite level type training and is not "high power." We will all be thrilled if DD makes it to optionals or possibly college, but even that takes A LOT of talent. It sounds like your DD has lots of potential, but I would just proceed cautiously and explore gym options.