Parents why do some parents record all kids' scores?

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I don't mention names when i am talking about placements just something like:
"L3 (10 girls in 4 age groups totaling 42 girls)
Personal Best Events: 10
Personal Best All Around: 4
1st place Events – 5
2nd place Events – 3
3rd place Events – 2
1st place All Around - 1
2nd place All Around – 1
3rd place All Around – 2
A TEAM record score on floor helped contribute to a 3rd PLACE TEAM finish.
Way to go girls."
The only time names are mentioned is for 9.0 Club and qualifying for Nationals (2 REALLY BIG DEALS in our gym).

And actually, it is easier to place in Level 7 than it is in L3 or 4 at some of our bigger meets because top 12 place in all age groups (At our biggest meet, L3 and L4 had 20/21 per age group... L5 had 19/20 per age group... L6 had 10/11 per age group... L7 had 8/9 per age group... L8 had 7 per age group... L9 had 2... Xcel Silver had 1... Xcel Gold had 10/12 per age group... and Xcel Platinum had 9). We had 37 girls compete in that meet in 14 different age groups spanning L3-7 and XG-XP. 35 of those girls placed on at least one event (all 12 places earned medals - and ties were recognized, unbroken). The two girls that did not earn medal each had a personal best score on an event, so they were still really proud!
As you can see, I look for the good. :) - even when we have an unfabulous meet, I find all the positives I can. :);):cool:
ok, explained this way it seems much less intense than i was imagining it!
ok, explained this way it seems much less intense than i was imagining it!
I kinda thought you might have had the wrong idea, lol :)
It was kinda hard to explain without using an example.
And I do that for kind of break down for each level - always ending with a positive comment... which can be hard when we have 1 girl in a level ... competing against 7 girls up to 5 years older than her... she doesn't place top 3 on anything (but some 4ths)... and doesn't get any personal bests. In that case, I mention it was tough competition... the age difference... she held her own... was close to top 3 "x" number of times... think back to her routines... any skills she nailed... etc.
There are always a couple of parents that I notice recording everyone on the team's scores. Why is this important to them? Of course I cheer for the other kids but I'm not at all interested in their scores and don't really understand why anyone would be. I do notice cut-off score for placement in various age-groups, etc -but I don't worry about how other teammates did. Curious why some people seem so interested in this.

It's fun, in the begining, like in L4. Honestly now 8 yrs later I hardly even get my own daughter's scores, LOL
It makes the meets more exciting for me. We write random scores too, just to get an idea on how the scoring looks overall on each event in comparison. It keeps me busy because I have nervous energy. I do use tumble tally to track scores too :)
Our first meet is in a few weeks, and this thread is helping me realize that I need to bring lots and lots of knitting.
I think people obsess over this issue way too much. Who cares if a parent is writing scores for their dd's team down? Why is it the source of an entire thread debating whether it makes them crazy, sane, uber competitive, chilled out or otherwise? I'm wondering why it matters at all?

When my dd was in the lower levels (when there are lots in her team) every parent writes down scores, we all did. We all sat together and it was a fun thing to figure the team score out. It was not competitive (hell, most of the time all the girls were in differ age groups...had nothing to do with knowing if your kid beat Suzy). It was a fun bonding thing.....inevitably a parent would miss their own kids score and holler down the line "anyone write my kids score down? I missed it?" Also, Meet awards make mistakes. If no one ever writes down scores how would you know if there was a mistake in awards? Our team was skipped in awards once....should've placed 2nd but they added in a wrong score and it needed corrected.

When dd had meets when she was the only team member at her level, then I never wrote down others scores..there was no team score to figure.

I almost didn't post on this thread because again......who cares who is or is not keeping a team score? I say stop worrying about what anyone else is doing and do what makes sense for you.
Also, Meet awards make mistakes. If no one ever writes down scores how would you know if there was a mistake in awards? Our team was skipped in awards once....should've placed 2nd but they added in a wrong score and it needed corrected.

We had a meet once where they messed up the team scoring. They were adding up add the scores for all the girls in each level instead of top 3. Our team "won" L3 ... because we had the most L3s at the meet. I was in a rush (because they had already messed up individual age group awards and the next session was getting ready to start) and didn't catch the team score. I did catch it the next session for L4 when our team scored over 240... and I knew something was up. I asked the award announcers because a PERFECT team score would be 120.
They said that's "just the way they do it" ... when I told HC, she passed it on to another HC (aka - the Head of the entire District). They decided to deal with it AFTER the fact - when the meet was over, they figured out the real team placements and emailed all the coaches.

We are not going back to that meet this year, lol. :-)
I think people obsess over this issue way too much. Who cares if a parent is writing scores for their dd's team down? Why is it the source of an entire thread debating whether it makes them crazy, sane, uber competitive, chilled out or otherwise? I'm wondering why it matters at all?

When my dd was in the lower levels (when there are lots in her team) every parent writes down scores, we all did. We all sat together and it was a fun thing to figure the team score out. It was not competitive (hell, most of the time all the girls were in differ age groups...had nothing to do with knowing if your kid beat Suzy). It was a fun bonding thing.....inevitably a parent would miss their own kids score and holler down the line "anyone write my kids score down? I missed it?" Also, Meet awards make mistakes. If no one ever writes down scores how would you know if there was a mistake in awards? Our team was skipped in awards once....should've placed 2nd but they added in a wrong score and it needed corrected.

When dd had meets when she was the only team member at her level, then I never wrote down others scores..there was no team score to figure.

I almost didn't post on this thread because again......who cares who is or is not keeping a team score? I say stop worrying about what anyone else is doing and do what makes sense for you.
Like. Like. Like.
I have much more important things to be concerned if the car will actually get us to the meet, for example...:confused:
Our first meet is in a few weeks, and this thread is helping me realize that I need to bring lots and lots of knitting.
Garter stitch-anything with a pattern will be challenging unless you like frogging! Not that I speak from experience or anything! (Just started a funky shawl like object called Garter Trap on Ravelry, perfect for meets!)
I'll keep a mental note at the team comps, but that's about it. We only competed as a team twice this year so there's really no need to at most comps. I must suck at it though, because I was totally blown away when they came in second at states. I thought they were in about 4th or 5th. Lol.

All scores are posted on our state website shortly after comps, so there's really no need to write anything down.
Busy? What is this 'busy'?

I thought competitions were about zoning off into a less crowded place and not warp the bones in my back while trying to keep juice off the sandwiches and not let anyone know I brought my purse.

I have been going about this all wrong.

No those things are important too! Making sure someone doesn't steal half your seat when you go to the loo is another task at competitions.
I always keep track, but DD doesn't ever want me to tell her where she is. I only keep track of her team. I love seeing all their progress from meet to meet. Many parents refer to my meet tracker to keep up with their kids as well.
The company who provides the scoring for most the of the meets in our state has an online recording system that has real time of the meet on it's website. It renders any sort of record keeping completely unnecessary. We kept track at state last year the teams scores through each age group session until the team race literally came down to the last girls. Of course, the girls have no access to phones and have no idea, but the parents were having a blast in the stands. It was a pretty fun bonding experience for the parents, and honestly no crazy parents in the bunch, just supportive parents.
I tend to be a nervous Nellie at meets, especially the first couple. Because I rarely watch practice, I don't know where to expect DDs skills to fall. Same goes for her teammates. Keeping Tra k of their scores on the program gives me something to occupy my time. It keeps me focused on our team girls and someday will give DD some info to look back on the meets. I try to stay off of meetscore online because u di want the surprise at awards. I also don't try to track girls from other teams. So, I don't know before awards whether thst girl who got a 9.65 on vault was in DDs age group or not. Depending on the meet, DD is usually in the same age group with no more than 3 or 4 at most of her teammates.

Because I track the girls on the program and not in an app, I am not watching trends or anything like that. Just killing time and getting out my nervous energy while stuck in uncomfortable seats
Well, for anyone who has been stalking me and thinks they've figured out who I am (oh get a life... ;)) this will out me. I take my needlework to competitions, and stitch. At my daughter's first competition ever, I took embroidery, my husband took marking, and we got on with it, though we clapped/cheered at the appropriate parts. We weren't paying a huge amount of attention though. So when she won the comp, we were a little shocked! I think we go down in history as the parents who most underestimated their daughter's abilities.

I write down my daughter's scores and her besties' scores and that's about it. She likes to know and she loves numbers.
The company who provides the scoring for most the of the meets in our state has an online recording system that has real time of the meet on it's website. It renders any sort of record keeping completely unnecessary. We kept track at state last year the teams scores through each age group session until the team race literally came down to the last girls. Of course, the girls have no access to phones and have no idea, but the parents were having a blast in the stands. It was a pretty fun bonding experience for the parents, and honestly no crazy parents in the bunch, just supportive parents.
This is us.

I am a bit of a data geek type person, but I download from meet scores on line. I actually do current level of our meets and next level up. I like information and a vague idea where the kids need to be if they are hoping to place. At the meet we are watching scores on our phone, the gymmies, my knit/crocheting, chit chatting and at the meet, only scores I log are my kid.

And sure mistakes happen, but that tends to get straightened out, its really not my job to police that. Even with the odd mistake or scratch you can see how the levels are performing in your area give or take. Really all it is is information.

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