WAG Why I love the gym...

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Proud Parent
May 25, 2016
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...that I work at
...that my gymmie(s) attend

I figure that there is so much negativity about gyms and coaches right now (and justifiably), that it's getting difficult to remember what we love about our gyms and coaches.

So, I thought it might be nice for us to remind each other of the things we like about where we are. Let us know.
As A gymmie:
I love my gym because the equipment is good, the coaches are always encouraging me to push myself, and if it doesn't do go as planned they also knowkhow to cheer me up

As a coach :
I love my gym because im getting paid well, the groups aren't too big and most of the kids appreappre what I do for them. They also never fail to make me laugh

Great idea
For me... I am really happy with Short Stack's gym
  • We can drop in on any practice at any time for any amount of time, as long as we are not disruptive
  • Our 3 main coaches ALL work with all of the girls L4-L9
  • The coaches have distinct, yet complimentary personalities. And they are all supportive of the girls--especially if that girl regularly puts forth the best effort she is able.
  • Coaches have high expectations and are demanding but never demeaning.
  • Although the communication could always be better (it IS gymnastics after all) I rarely feel like I am in the dark
  • Xcel is not treated as less than
  • The coaches are approachable
  • Visible owners
I love my DDs current gym because they always seem to meet girls where they are. Need to sub a skill? Ok! Need to miss practice? Ok! Injured and need to come and mostly condition? Ok- And we hope you heal quickly! I love that I can watch anytime, quite literally from outside if I want since it’s a store front.

ETA: oh, and I love that they stop early the last practice before every meet and eat strawberries dipped in chocolate together as a team while getting excited about the meet- a tradition by the HC.
Everything I read about what is going on makes me more grateful for the gym we attend.

The girls are treated as people, as children, first, and gymnasts second.
They understand that family, school, and even social obligations are important, as long as you understand it can impact your gymnastics progression. You won't get treated as less than, or get in trouble for missing gym.
Injuries are taken very seriously and gymnasts are taught (very firmly) that if it hurts, you STOP. (This might get more nuanced later. Mine is only 8/silver)
The coach we train with the most displays zero favoritism. The girl who wins everything and the girl who is always last get loved on and worked with the same.
Gymnasts are never yelled at, insulted, or belittled.
My DD is happy. And the way she is being treated by these important adults in her life? Is how I want her to EXPECT to be treated by the important figures in her life. I don't have to apologize for the way her coaches treat her and warn her that it is not normal, like I did at her old gym.

I could write 18 pages about why our gym drives me insane, but the reasons we're there are big reasons.
I would also like to hear:

Why I think my child loves this gym...

DD loves this gym because sometimes they get to have FUN! (At her old gym sometimes girls got in trouble for smiling when they were supposed to be working.)

She loves that with coach 1, she gets to be a little bit of a superstar, since she's a quick study on bars, and very strong. He gives her "challenges" above and beyond what the other girls are doing, once she's mastered the skills, which ignites the determination in her. She loves it (and he gets the most out of her, because he asks for it.)

She loves coach 2, because she is so sweet and patient. Endlessly patient. She only ever has encouraging words. She makes the girls feel safe and she is very easy for them to talk to. I can't stress how important this is when you're trying to teach little kids how to speak up about problems and advocate for themselves. It doesn't come easily to them, but she makes it easier.

She loves coach 3, mostly because she'll let her upgrade her skills. "Oh hey, do you want to put that in your routine?" Yes...yes she does. She also gives really good corrections that my DD says "just make more sense." She also yells at them, but in a funny way? My DD thinks she's hilarious and spends a lot of time at practice laughing since coach 3 started.
I love my dd's gym and all of her coaches. Of course communication could be better but it has improved so much over the last year that I can't even complain about that!
My dd's coaches truly care about her and all the gymnasts. They keep a nice balance of fun and work. They play fun music. They believe them when something hurts. They understand when school gets in the way. They keep a log of injuries so they can track if something is wrong with the training. They push them to be the best they can be in a positive way. I said in another thread that my dd's gym might not be the the best gym in the country but lately I'm thinking it just might be...
I do love our gym! The coaches are tough but supportive, the owner is fantastic, and it’s given my daughter so much confidence in the last year...she is a totally different person! Her level head coach CALLS me and talks about how she is doing!! Can you believe that?? It’s really great!
I love our gym because the coaches are amazing, easy to talk to, and encouraging and positive almost all the time. The only time I've seen them get upset is when a kid is obviously not paying attention or distracted, which they always remind us is unsafe. But most of all I love the gym because my daughter LOVES that gym.

She loves her gym because she loves her coaches, she feels safe and cared for and respected every second she's there. She loves her gym because she loves learning new skills, and because she has a natural talent for gymnastics, she learns new skills quickly. But her best days in her gym come after she's struggled with something for awhile. I will never forget her face when she finally did a fly away on the high bar, after freezing on the skill for months, or when she came home to tell me that she went straight to the high beam and did a back handspring without having to warm it up on the low beam first.

I love the gym because it's teaching my daughter so many amazing mental and physical skills. She loves the gym because it really is an amazing, incredibly rewarding sport.
As a gymnast: I love my gym because the atmosphere of the class is so much fun, flipping is fun, and we have independence to choose what we want to learn, but also guidance from coaches if I need it. I appreciate that we can all learn at our own paces and nobody is judgemental at ALL. It rocks!

As a coach: I enjoy the gym because they are supportive of my development as a coach, as well the gymnasts, because the facility is good, owners are nice and genuinely want to have a positive place for kids to train, rather than just making money.
I love our gym because:

They don’t have age or body type restrictions for JO. If a girl doesn’t have a typical gymnasts body or is wanting to compete for the first time at 9 or 10, as long as they have the desire and can do the skills they are given a chance.

They focus on perfecting basics, and I never have to worry they are pushing crazy skills too early/young. Making sure the gymnasts feel successful in the level they compete is a priority.

They see them as kids first, gymnasts second. Not allowing your child to miss an odd Saturday of training for a birthday party or family reunion is actually discouraged.

All parents and staff are required to take Respect in Sport prior to being a part of team.

Parents are encouraged to be a part of the organization, attend board meetings, and are asked for feedback on potential changes.

Hard work is recognized and rewarded. Success is celebrated and used as a motivator for gymnasts. Discipline is age appropriate and focused on teaching rather than punishment.
For me... I am really happy with Short Stack's gym
  • We can drop in on any practice at any time for any amount of time, as long as we are not disruptive
  • Our 3 main coaches ALL work with all of the girls L4-L9
  • The coaches have distinct, yet complimentary personalities. And they are all supportive of the girls--especially if that girl regularly puts forth the best effort she is able.
  • Coaches have high expectations and are demanding but never demeaning.
  • Although the communication could always be better (it IS gymnastics after all) I rarely feel like I am in the dark
  • Xcel is not treated as less than
  • The coaches are approachable
  • Visible owners
Are you describing our gym??? :)
I love my club because it's full of positive, creative and supportive people. The parents, the club board, the director and the coaches are all genuinely good people who put the kids first, always.

Our club works hard to improve on every area. We also cooperate with other sports under our club's name and that makes it feel like one big family.

And I love our club because the girls we coach are awesome. The older girls set a good example to the younger ones to follow. They are respectful, hard working and cheerful. And I love the fact that everyone in our club cheers for everyone.
Why I love our gym: My DD LOVES our gym. Simple as that. She loves her coaches and her teammates. They are her second family and she is thriving. I can't ask for much more..
I love my daughters gym because;
They see the kids as individuals - not gymnastics robots
The coaches invest much of their time into their gymnasts- not just at practice and meets, but at holiday parties, ‘fun’ meets- they see the value of spending time together not at a meet or practice
We have an open door policy
They support all their gymnasts and push them to succeed- from the 12 yr old level 3 to the 14 year old level 10-
I love our gym because I have seen GROWTH in the coaches. When our new coaches came on a few years ago, they implemented a plan that, well, didn't really work with our girls (long story). It took some time, but rather than continuing to beat their heads against a brick wall, they made adjustments to their coaching strategy. They made the choice to grow and change rather than putting it all on the girls. To me, that is huge.
I love my DD's gym because she loves it. She loves her coaches and team mates. I love how the level 10's know all the younger kids and encourage them. They did it when she was a little level 4 and they do it now that she is a level 9. I love our gym because they have taught my daughter by example (coaches and athletes) to encourage each other, and yet it is okay to have friendly competition. I love that I saw our amazing level ten girls after they were done with their event cheering on and encouraging the other girls in their rotation group throughout their routines. When one girl in particular fell twice on her bars, they were the first ones (after her coach of course) to go up to her, high five her and hug her. I love that more than I can even express to you. I love that I saw our coaches verbally encourage the girls who were NOT their athletes through a rough routine. I love that my DD's coaches know her so well- they understand how she ticks. They know when to give her a pep talk, when to be tough on her and when to tell her "its okay, relax". I love that they encourage her to believe in herself more. I love that they believe in her- a kid who despite chronic health issues, despite not being the one with all the talent, not the superstar has made it to level 9. I love that they love her work ethic and not only encourage it and have praised it over the years, but that they also know that she just will never stop and that there are times that they need to step in and tell her to take a break, or even go home because the day is over. I love that her coaches are teaching her to leave it in the gym- that even after a bad day where they are grumpy, the kids are grumpy or it all went wrong, tomorrow is a new day and an opportunity to try again. I love that my DD has learned about another culture, and even a few words/songs/ etc in another language. I love that there are days that DD comes home and talks about the games that they played at gym. I love that I have walked in to pick up DD and have personally seen laughter and games being played. I love that I can watch if and when I desire with no notice. I generally choose to not do this (too scary for my blood now!) but I can do this if I desire. I love that I have witnessed enough times over the years where the coaches (HC in particular) have demonstrated to me that they have my child's safety as the priority.
I am the first to admit that over the years I have not agreed with things they have done, and that there have been things I didn't like. However (and this is a BIG however) the past several weeks of listening to victim statements have made those disagreements seem like nothing. They have frankly made DD's coaches seem like they are angels from heaven. It has made me so grateful that I randomly chose this place when I was looking for a class for DD many years ago.

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