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Mar 15, 2010
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I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. I'm still somewhat frozen and still a tad loopy from anathesia, but I can't open my mouth further than an inch nor can I close it. My cheeks are extremely swollen and bruised but I'm not in a whole lot of pain.

However, I don't know what to eat! I'm not the hugest fan of popsicles, ice cream, etc. sort of thing and find they upset my belly a bit. I am also terrified of getting something stuck in the hole or ripping out/getting something caught on my stiches.

Any suggestions for easy to eat/drinkable, cold or lukewarm, nutrious food?
Jello, yogourt, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, veg soup put through the blender. Carnation instant breakfast for nutrition. Hope you feel better in a few days.
My one piece of advice, speaking from experience: Avoid anything with small particles/seeds like the plague. The last thing you want is to get something stuck in the holes in your gums and get infected (like what happened to me). My swelling had all gone down and 2 weeks later one side of my face swelled up like mad until it looked like I had a tennis ball in my cheek, and was extremely painful :( . I'm sure you'll be fine though, don't be stupid like me and eat rice haha. Also, it's hard to rip your stitches out unless you really try to so don't worry.
Yogurt tubes are pretty good (you can freeze them and they're even better), and I've heard a lot of people turn to baby food for a few days! If you can make smoothies without a ton of seeds, those can be very healthy (you can put kale, spinach, cucumber, etc in there and usually can't taste it) so it would be worthwhile googling some recipes. I second the Carnation Instant Breakfasts and the jello, those are fantastic. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
When I had mine removed, my dentist gave me a syringe which I filled with salted water so I could clean the stitches and the holes. It worked well and really helped to get rid of the small food pieces that were stuck. Also, the salt helps to prevent infection. I still have it as I still have a quarter of my wisdom! You can buy that in a drug store.

For the swelling, icing is the only thing you can do.

As for things to eat, I ate baby food for the first 2-3 days, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple sauce... I had to add salt to the baby food because it doesn't have a lot of taste. Then I got tired of being hungry and ate the same thing as usual... just took twice the normal time :)
Oh and for the swelling, grab a scarf and stick an ice pack in the bottom and tie it up against your face. It's not exactly a fashion statement but it keeps your hands free and makes it easier to ice throughout the day :)
So far in the last 48 hours I have had a yogourt, a Carnation Instant breakfast & some baby food. I just have no appetite! Nannie will probably force feed me some puréed potato leek soup & mashed sweet potatoes though, so I should get along okay nutritionally & calorie-wise.

Icing my face (the doctor stuck two frozen maxipads in a cloth and tied it to my head, lol!) and taking these HUGE prescription ibuprofens, they're almost the same size as horse pills.

I look like a life size Cabbage Patch Kid.
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I remember going shopping the next day... I got a lot of stares. As if it wasn't normal for a human squirrel to be shopping clothes!
I went to the gym today to pick up a paycheque, the girls had quite the laugh at my chipmunky, purple/green cheeks!

I got quite a few stares while grocery shopping with mum :)
When I had mine out I made mashed potatoes with cheese...and refried beans with cheese...and soup (not with cheese). The cheese was for extra calories, since I wasnt eating a whole lot.

My stitches fell out in under a day & the world did not end, for what that's worth. But I also didn't swell, so mileage very much varies.
I'm terrified of my stiches coming out, especially considering how swollen I am!
My wisdom teeth were the worst! Getting two out was fine, minimal pain and swelling but they did make an extra big hole and did not put in stitches. The problem happened when I flew on a plane a few days later. Someone on the flight was carrying a virus and with the hole in my mouth and the pressure from the airplane, I caught a life threatening cardiac illness. A few days after the flight I had the pain of a heart attack and was in the ER. Six months later I was "almost" completely healed. Ultimately, I was fine but I learned NEVER to fly with a big open hole in your head.

My hubby had two out a few years ago and was told no crunchy foods or straws for a couple weeks. I remember when I had mine out that even mildly spicy things like pizza or pasta sauce would burn at my incisions. Other than that, I don't remember it being too bad after the first day or three for either of us, although I remember that it did take longer than I expected to regain full ROM in my jaw - a week or two maybe?
Yes, I certainly cannot open my mouth very far or close it all the way! I really don't find it overly painful- not painful enough to take the codeine that was presecribed, just the prescription ibuprofen.

I have a really bad cold and really bad allergies though, and every I cough/sneeze/sniffle/blow my nose/clear my throat (which is often), my mouth starts bleeding!
I'm so sorry- wisdom teeth extraction on top of a cold! It sounds perfectly miserable.

I feel for you deeply- I had all 4 fully-impacted wisdom teeth removed all at once, and was just as you described yourself. It took about 2 weeks to feel normal again. I wished I had known that from the get-go, so I could mentally prepare for it.

Just keep swishing with the salt water, especially after you eat. That will help remove any food particles and prevent infection. Let your oral surgeon know if you develop a fever. (sign of infection) Take it easier than you might think you should,and you will heal faster.

I love the frozen maxipad idea to ice the face! (-: I wonder how my son would respond to me providing those for him when he gets his wisdom teeth out?

Feel better soon!
Thank you! I suggest tying the frozen pads in a light scarf, and making two so that while wearing one you can freeze the other :-) just say they're icepacks, not what they really are ;)

It works surprisingly well!

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