Parents WOOHOO Westerns!

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Proud Parent
Just found out that dd made it to Western Nationals! She was an alternate for region 1. She is so excited. The only problem is that when she didn't make it at regionals she took a week off and has only been back in the gym for 2 days. Also, at practice on monday she was only working new skills! Now it is back to routines.
What wonderful news, she must be so excited. A weeks rest can be a good thing too, she can get back to the routines with a whole new attitude. Best of luck.
One of our L9s is an alternate for Region 3---she has never stopped doing routines. The plan has always been to go to Westerns as the alternates are included in the official practice and then hang out to see if she'll compete. Her mom is less than thrilled to go to Ok for 3.5 days(over Mother's Day weekend)and possibly not even see her dd compete, but dd and HC are insisting on it.

Good luck to your dd----at least you know you'll see her compete!
We just found out that she was an alternate for region 1. She placed 10th. At regionals she didn't even get fitted for apparel. I guess with these new age groups some of the regions barely had enough girls to field a team of 6. We don't even know what region she is competing for! In her age group in region 2 there was only 3 and region 3 and 4 only had either 6 or 7. My dd age group in region 1 had 22 girls! Really weird!
That is so weird that she will be competing for another region?? How strange. I hope that means that the L9s from Abby's old gym might get to compete at Westerns as well. They finished 7th and 9th in their age group. They are such sweet girls and work so hard, I hope they get to go as well! :D
She competes Saturday morning. She is a junior 7.....I am not sure what color leo she will be wearing! I don't understand if she gets the region 1 leo or the leo of the region she is competing for! We knew last year, she was on the region 2 team. When is your daughter competing? We have girls in junior 2 and 3.

Mariposa....what region were they in? Easterns seem to have more kids in each age group.
She is Junior 1.She will also be there for the Training session on Thursday.Are you planning on going to the training session?If so what Region?We are Region 2 and our session is on Thursday from 1100 - 0100.
No, we are not doing the training session. Our coach decided to do a practice here before we all leave. We are actually flying into Kansas City and driving. I was able to get a good price on plane tickets from there. We are Region 1 now. We used to be at leading edge though.
No, we are not doing the training session. Our coach decided to do a practice here before we all leave. We are actually flying into Kansas City and driving. I was able to get a good price on plane tickets from there. We are Region 1 now. We used to be at leading edge though.

Leading Edge has really great gymnasts.DD went to there meet for the last 2 seasons.
We'll be flying into Tulsa and it is about 1 hr from there.So we have to rent a car too.
Expensive trip.
It is expensive! I priced flying into Tulsa and it was over 500.00 for a ticket. I couldn't see spending 1000. on plane fare. I got round trip tickets from Kansas city for 250! It is about a 3 hour drive. I wish we were going to the dinner though, it sound like it will be fun.
Congrats to your DD our club is only 7 yrs old and has noone to westerns yet. The club owners have gone with previous clubs however it iwill be xciting when it happens for us as a club. We have had 1 level 9 and another one coming up.

Congrats to y our DD. You should be rpoud of her. I know some of these level 9's have been there for years so she should be proud its a tough group!!
I got tickets for $350 rountrip.The rental car will be about $ 200 for 2 days that is crazy.We will go to the banquet.Although I'm almost having second thought's about it with the flu going around.Well I guess we are expossed to alot of people elsewhere so it probaply does not matter.
Congrats and good luck!

Pixie's gym is hosting Westerns and as parents we have to sign up to work it. I will be there Saturday morning entering scores. This is a BIG BIG deal for our little town of 30,000. I hope all goes well and everyone enjoys their visit.

Again, good luck to all!!! ~hugs
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