Worlds qualifying process

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Proud Parent
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone have a link to the qualifying process for World's?
I know the qualifying process for making the USA team, more looking for the qualifying process to the World Championships themselves. I know teams are limited to 4, but wondering if they are going to the same system as the next O's of allowing additional event specialists(up to 2 per country) in addition to the 4 per country teams.
I have googled and cannot come up with anything.

The Canadian technical document says only a team of 4, no mention of any specialists.
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Yep, that's what the USA selection docs say too. But if event specialists allowed, wouldnt necessarily expect that to be mentioned in each countries tech docs, since they wouldn't be chosen by each country but by some FIG qualifying process. I am assuming not, but seems crazy there isn't a document on FIG website that outlines world Q process.
Yep, that's what the USA selection docs say too. But if event specialists allowed, wouldnt necessarily expect that to be mentioned in each countries tech docs, since they wouldn't be chosen by each country but by some FIG qualifying process. I am assuming not, but seems crazy there isn't a document on FIG website that outlines world Q process.

It really is crazy that there is nothing out there at all, I have searched pretty hard too.

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