MAG Would you like for the men to have music on floor?

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics

Deleted member 26744

Would you like men to have music with their floor?

I'm not really sure about it, but I think it would be interesting to see what they could do artistically with the music. I do kind of like how when the men stick a landing you can really hear it though.
I think it would be cool if it was done dont turn it into the same format as a Women's routine, maybe they could pick powerful strong music to play in the background but not "dance" and have artistry introduced...almost like a good movie score where the tumbling comes with the crescendo of the music.
I think it would be cool if it was done dont turn it into the same format as a Women's routine, maybe they could pick powerful strong music to play in the background but not "dance" and have artistry introduced...almost like a good movie score where the tumbling comes with the crescendo of the music.
That's what I was thinking as well. There could be some kind of martial arts style choreography, it doesn't have to be girly.
No, but it might be interesting to see elite women’s routines without music ( and the extra dance) at the elite level. I would keep the music for developmental routines through Level 10.
Definitely not for compulsory men's levels... Possibly for optionals, but still, likely not.
It's advantageous not to have to time your skills to your music, or worry about deductions if the routine doesn't end timed to the musical conclusion. And now we'll need hired choreographers to match each routine to the music, vs the coach/athlete just picking their best routine.
I think adding music, with 5 other events, is a lot. My son would much rather do beam and uneven bars lol
.... I could be talked into supporting it.

If nothing else, we'd hear a lot more video game music on floor, which I wholeheartedly support.
lol, yep! judging on the women’s side, last season I whispered to my judging partner, “is this Mario Cart?!” I imagine on the men’s side it would be, “here comes another Mario Cart”
No, but it might be interesting to see elite women’s routines without music ( and the extra dance) at the elite level. I would keep the music for developmental routines through Level 10.

I would argue that there should be no music for developmental levels until optionals, partly because the compulsory music is so incredibly bad but also because it's painful to watch a lot of the younger kids attempt to perform choreography in both developmental and Xcel. Keep the music for the higher developmental and Xcel levels and definitely NCAA. And drop it for elite because it does seem extraneous there.

And definitely no music for men's floor exercise at any level.
Ok maybe instead of music that is choreographed just like Hype music playing in the background...I do think they do this some at the JO meets someone above said they like jamming out to the songs during the guys meets... but do they at the Olympics? Like everyone gets to pick their Floor Hype get some personality without the added pressure of any "choreo"

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