WAG Wrist pain?

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Did she get her state qualifying score at the first meet? If so, that’s a good argument to let her rest, sit a meet out and come back in a meet or two.
Did she get her state qualifying score at the first meet? If so, that’s a good argument to let her rest, sit a meet out and come back in a meet or two.
I honestly don't know what a qualifying score for level 3 would be. That's how clueless I am. Bars were a mess but she did pretty good on the other events and scored mid-upper 8's. I think her all around was 32.95?
I just looked and it's 32.00 so looks like were good there. I'm taking her for xray today and planning to talk with coach tonight.
And now I feel like the worst mom ever. She does have a small fracture that's already healing so we've earned ourselves a trip to the ortho doc. How has she been doing this stuff for 3 weeks and not complaining?!? I feel like we should xray her whole body now just to make sure something else isn't broken. :(
So sorry to hear about the stress fracture- at least you know what you're dealing with now and can move forward with a plan. You are definitely not the only mom to ever feel intimidated about talking to the coaches! Good luck to your DD as she heals!
Don’t let it eat at you. You did what you thought was best at each step of the way... hindsight is 20/20 and this sport always seems to be a guessing game. My daughter broke her wrist once and I didn’t even take her to the doctor until two days later because she wasn’t complaining or crying about it, just not using it much. (She just switched to cartwheeling one-handed, I mean what am I supposed to think?!) And to be fair to you, the first doctor missed it as well. It can be so hard to know. She’s on the path to healing now!
This is a classic gymnastics story. Something hurts, doctors tells the gymnast to take it easy. The parent wants the gymnast to take it easy, tells the coach what the doctor's orders are. Coach thinks the doctor's wrong/exaggerating/or even just misunderstands, gymnast knows that good gymnasts suck it up, deal with the pain, and don't complain and wants to please her coach. Parent wants to say something but gymnast isn't really complaining all that much and the coach has power over the gymnast's happiness so the parent doesn't want to rock the boat. And you end up with a gymnast competing on a broken wrist.

Please take this as a learning experience. You're certainly not a bad mother and shouldn't feel that way, but next time follow your instincts and lay down the law with the coach. If the doctor says she can't use the wrist then she can't use the wrist and if the coach can't respect that then she can stay home until she's healed. This is a fairly benign situation, but this is the road that leads people to ignoring much larger issues. It's part of the "culture of gymnastics" that people are always talking about and it can lead to some pretty messed up situations. I hope your DD has a speedy recovery and congrats to her for qualifying to states!
We skipped practice last night and I talked to coach a little.

Ortho doc is a friend of the family and checked out DDs xray this AM. He says its actually not a fracture, it's gymnast's wrist. He wants to cast her to make sure she doesn't use it while it heals. Sounds like she may be out for the remainder of the season. :( Rough start to competitive gymnastics. Guess we'll see if she really wants to stick with it through all of this.
My DD had gymnast wrist at the same age (9 or almost 10, training level 7 with lots of BHS on beam, timers for bigger vaults, giants, etc.). She hadn't been complaining, but when she told me after practice her wrists were a bit sore, we decided to talk to the PT who came to the gym periodically. He suggested we get x-rays to get a baseline of what was going on so we'd have something to compare to if the pain persisted, and it turned out she already had gymnast wrist in both wrists. :( I don't think it's something that always causes the type of pain we typically think of with a fracture. I agree with the others. This is a good learning experience for you both to not ignore pain and to not be afraid to speak to her coaches. Speedy healing, and congrats on qualifying to state in her very first meet!! (Don't worry about losing out on a season. If she's serious there will be plenty more, and if she's not then she got her qualifying score first meet out of the gate, so she can be proud of that!) Also, listen to the doctors/physical therapists to make sure her healing is complete and that her wrists get strong enough to withstand the stresses gymnastics puts on them.
I hope she recovers quickly. It’s such a bummer when they get injured, even when it is minor. I know. That’s how I know about the doctor’s notes. I honestly don’t care much about the gymnastics part 5 years in, as long as my daughter is having fun and feeling like she is progressing. She’s not a super star but I’m proud of her tenacity. I have learned that as much as it is good to let go of all the worry about how they compete/progress etc., you need to be in the drivers seat when it comes to the medical/health part as a parent. You have to take them to the doctor when it hurts and you need to be clear and directive about what the doctor says with both your daughter and the coaches. Gymnasts are a little crazy in my opinion (I obviously wasn’t one). Lol.
I'm just really sad for her. When she joined the team she was behind the curve. Everyone knew the routines and had most of their skills. She considered quitting several times. But..she decided to stick it out and worked so hard to be ready to compete. At her first meet she took 1st on beam and 2nd on floor. She was SO PROUD of herself and was looking forward to the next meet. Now she gets to watch the whole season from the sidelines. :(

But I'm also really glad we caught it when we did. She has to sit it out for 6 weeks but this could've ended in surgery and no more gymnastics if she hadn't spoken up. Hopefully next season will be better.
I'm sorry to hear about your DD's wrist. I'm sure she will heal quickly but it's such a bummer. Unfortunately injury is a very real part of gymnastics and and I'm sorry that you are learning this during your DD's very first season. I'm sure your DD will continue to find joy at meets cheering on and supporting her teammates. Also coaches are often very good about giving injured girls a special job to do during meets.
@Jessleemom I hope your DD's recovery is progressing well. Just curious, but why is your DD out for the season if she's only in a cast for 3 wks and splint for 3 wks? Our season starts in Nov and ends in March. My DD had dorsal wrist impingement over the summer. Basically overuse. A soon as she hit 21 hrs/wk, she got the injury. After a few weeks of not using her wrist/PT, she had no pain and eased her way back in. Last week, the pain came back but more intense. ER x-ray says no fracture but her wrist is tender to the touch. Tomorrow we see her Sports Med Dr who saw her over the summer. We'll see. Her first L7 meet is in one month. We're preparing her for the reality that she could miss a few meets.
@Jessleemom I hope your DD's recovery is progressing well. Just curious, but why is your DD out for the season if she's only in a cast for 3 wks and splint for 3 wks? Our season starts in Nov and ends in March. My DD had dorsal wrist impingement over the summer. Basically overuse. A soon as she hit 21 hrs/wk, she got the injury. After a few weeks of not using her wrist/PT, she had no pain and eased her way back in. Last week, the pain came back but more intense. ER x-ray says no fracture but her wrist is tender to the touch. Tomorrow we see her Sports Med Dr who saw her over the summer. We'll see. Her first L7 meet is in one month. We're preparing her for the reality that she could miss a few meets.

Thanks! Her recovery is progressing slowly but surely. She got her cast off last Wednesday and her xrays look better but she's still having a lot of pain. They extended her time in the brace/splint to 4 weeks and she's still completely off weight bearing acitvity. Once she returns on November 20th they want her at 25% activity for one week, 50% the next and so on.... If she has any pain then we need to back off again.

Our season runs September-January. She got injured right before the first competition in mid-September and did compete before we knew the extent of her injury. In the cast/splint she's missing 5 meets. Absolute best case perfect world scenario, she'd be back to full activity and competition ready in time for states December 13-15. More realistic is the possibility that she'll be able to compete in her gym's home meet and last meet of the season in January. But she may not even be ready by then. 10-12 weeks of limited activity, I imagine it'll take a while to get back to her starting point.

I hope your daughter's appointment goes well and she's not out for too long!
Thank you for clarifying. Again, hoping it all goes well or her and she’s better and back to normal soon!
If anyone is curious about our wrist pain saga....she returned to full activity and competed in two meets, including states. She brought home a few medals, got her confidence back. Her last meet is a home meet and its this upcoming weekend.

She came home from practice last night complaining of the same pain but in the other wrist. We're headed back to the ortho doc on Monday. Beginning to wonder if maybe this isn't the sport for her. I don't want her to be injured all the time. :(
If anyone is curious about our wrist pain saga....she returned to full activity and competed in two meets, including states. She brought home a few medals, got her confidence back. Her last meet is a home meet and its this upcoming weekend.

She came home from practice last night complaining of the same pain but in the other wrist. We're headed back to the ortho doc on Monday. Beginning to wonder if maybe this isn't the sport for her. I don't want her to be injured all the time. :(
Did I mention tiger paws :cool:;)

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