A "Candygram" is a piece of candy, along w/some sort of bag/container and a handwritten message from the parents. The candygram is then given out at the end of the meet to each individual child. Quite a marketing gimmick, eh? Of course the host gym puts these together for pennies on the dollar and then charges anywhere from 5.00 and up. And course you can "upgrade" the candygram when you purchase them, y'know... add a bigger toy, stuffed animal, whatever. Is Virginia really the only state that does this?
Of course you can then purchase the program, pins, leotards, and all of the other things that are normally sold at a meet.
I'm lucky in that DD is older now and doesn't care so much about the Candygrams, the but young ones are heartbroken when the other girls get one and they don't! DD would rather save the money and spend it at Abercrombie - HA!!!
We're still waiting on the breakdown of our coaches fees for the year. They'll let us know in August, but I anticipate about another 1,500 for the year..... Hopefully our Booster club will come up w/some good fundraising ideas that don't always involve going door to door to sell items. I just can't do that to my neighbors anymore... with the school fundraising and sports fundraising, it's just too much to ask.