YMCA gymnastics?

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Proud Parent
Mar 9, 2008
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Just wondering if any of our CB'ers are involved in YMCA gymnastics? If so, could you post some info about it. Such as, do you compete against only other YMCA's or do you go to other meets too? I can't say that I've ever seen a YMCA team compete at any of the meets I've been too. So I'm just wondering if they have their own league/meets & do they follow USAG rules, levels, etc?
We follow USAG rules and levels and we don't usually compete against other YMCA's but I think there are meets of just only YMCA teams. The difference is that we practice less and things tend to be more laid back. For example, my coaches are fine with a girl missing practice to play soccer if she wants because they can gain endurence from running.
I compete for a Y, and we only compete against Y's. We have a league of YMCA's around my area that we compete against at every meet. At YMCA nationals, YMCA's from all over the nation come and compete together. I rarely go to a meet with non YMCA's, unless im going to an invitational.
YMCA's are much more relaxed and laid back. I practice only 9.5 hours a week as a level 8.
If you have any more questions about the YMCA, you can PM me. I've been at a YMCA since I started gymnastics and I love it!
Thanks tumblerK & gymgymgymnast08! Guess I'll need to actually call our local Y & get the specifics on how the one is our area is run. More laid back sounds perfect! DD has severe fear issues, but is quite talented(State champ L5 & L6). Now competing L7. Her HC just can't seem to accept that his goals for her, are not her goals. Even though both DD & I have both had numerous discussions with him about it. He always pushes her too hard & then she gets extremely stressed & she loses skills & he yells at her more. Then she gets more stressed...loses more skills...it's a never ending cycle! He handles her fear issues totally wrong & refuses to adjust his coaching style in any way. The stress he's causing her, is going to drive her away from the sport she loves. But I think all of the private gyms in this area would do the same thing to her(although I plan to explore all options). DD does love her gym & her team mates...she even loves this coach(believe it or not?!)! But she admits that he just isn't the right coach for her. He fear issues are severe & she needs a very encouraging coach, that will let her work at her own pace, with gentle encouragement. She'll be entering highschool next year, taking all honors classes. I know she won't be able to handle all of that & the pressure placed upon her by him too. So I'm being proactive & trying to plan ahead...so she'll know what her options are. YMCA is sounding interesting...I'll have to do more research this option! Thanks!
Thanks tumblerK & gymgymgymnast08! Guess I'll need to actually call our local Y & get the specifics on how the one is our area is run. More laid back sounds perfect! DD has severe fear issues, but is quite talented(State champ L5 & L6). Now competing L7. Her HC just can't seem to accept that his goals for her, are not her goals. Even though both DD & I have both had numerous discussions with him about it. He always pushes her too hard & then she gets extremely stressed & she loses skills & he yells at her more. Then she gets more stressed...loses more skills...it's a never ending cycle! He handles her fear issues totally wrong & refuses to adjust his coaching style in any way. The stress he's causing her, is going to drive her away from the sport she loves. But I think all of the private gyms in this area would do the same thing to her(although I plan to explore all options). DD does love her gym & her team mates...she even loves this coach(believe it or not?!)! But she admits that he just isn't the right coach for her. He fear issues are severe & she needs a very encouraging coach, that will let her work at her own pace, with gentle encouragement. She'll be entering highschool next year, taking all honors classes. I know she won't be able to handle all of that & the pressure placed upon her by him too. So I'm being proactive & trying to plan ahead...so she'll know what her options are. YMCA is sounding interesting...I'll have to do more research this option! Thanks!

I know some YMCA gymnasts. Based on what gymgym and tumblerk and my friends all say about YMCA gymnastics, that sounds like it might be a good option for your DD. Its rough because USAG gymnastics takes up so much time and I know people who quit just because they "wanted to have a life" outside of gym. The Y's program sounds great and much less instense, and seems like the pressure to go at such a fast pace isn't really as much of an issue. And its a great way to cut back those hours and not give up the sport you love so much! High school is a big change from middle school and all honors classes is a challenge in and of itself, so that might be the perfect time to do it. Do you have high school gymnastics where you live? That is a fun option as well if it is in your area!
I know some YMCA gymnasts. Based on what gymgym and tumblerk and my friends all say about YMCA gymnastics, that sounds like it might be a good option for your DD. Its rough because USAG gymnastics takes up so much time and I know people who quit just because they "wanted to have a life" outside of gym. The Y's program sounds great and much less instense, and seems like the pressure to go at such a fast pace isn't really as much of an issue. And its a great way to cut back those hours and not give up the sport you love so much! High school is a big change from middle school and all honors classes is a challenge in and of itself, so that might be the perfect time to do it. Do you have high school gymnastics where you live? That is a fun option as well if it is in your area!
YMCA is sounding better & better! Unfortunately, no highschool gymnastics around here(Oh, how I wish there were!). We're in a highly competetive USAG area...some very well known gyms are in driving distance to me. DD has held her own against them too. But at what cost??? She is waaaay too stressed out!!! It's unhealthy for her. Her coach just won't easy up on her. He sees her talent & he feels "she's wasting it by being afraid". He can't understand that if she could "go for it", she would & that screaming at her isn't going to make her do it. I only see it getting worse next year. It will break my DD's heart to leave this gym...but it's an unheathy environment for her. I'm not even sure how this year is going to progress. It's not a healthy situation right now. But she says she's "handling it".
Can I ask what state you are in? Some states have lots of YMCA's in one area like mine so all we compete against is YMCA's, but some states don't have a lot of Y's so they have to compete against other nonY's
our gymmie is at a Y gym for the first time ever. She is receiving the best coaching she has ever received! She absolutely loves the coaches and her teammates. They compete at USAG meets and they place very well. Practice times range from 3/4 hrs/wk for the lower levels to 16/17 hrs/wk for Optionals.
Every Y is going to be different. There are some in my area that compete USAG and are very competitive with the other gyms around. I think in most parts of the country it isn't much less competitive. How they deal with fears though is really going to come down to the individual coaches. Its really not the case though that all coaches in competitive gyms deal with fears like yours. I think I would look around at all your options and when you're talking to prospective gyms ask what their philosophy is and how they deal with fear.
We have been at our Fl YMCA for 2 years and are EXTREEMLY happy.....They train hard if you want too....you can choose less if you want but obviously it is understood that you cannot progress as fast....

Our kids compete at all meets and usually take top spots in EVERY meet they attend....Our coaches feel the program is totally recreational, and the kids really look clean and polished although it does have a very 'academy' like feel to it.... It is a very positive place for all levels.

Last year our boys took 1 & 2 and the YMCA Nationals, girls only competed optionals but this year compulsories will go too.

Girls- Level 3's won Fl state title, 3rd place for Level 4.....our sister YMCA in Fl took 1st place level 5.

YMCA must put children first and they are very healthy for self esteem. I have never even sensed preferential treatment or favoratism.....something that i saw often at our private gym.....

Lets face it, the private gyms MUST win or else they loose clients....they invest more time in the more talented gymnasts. (NOT ALL.....please don't get offended...there are plenty of excellent private gyms:))

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