Thanks tumblerK & gymgymgymnast08! Guess I'll need to actually call our local Y & get the specifics on how the one is our area is run. More laid back sounds perfect! DD has severe fear issues, but is quite talented(State champ L5 & L6). Now competing L7. Her HC just can't seem to accept that his goals for her, are not her goals. Even though both DD & I have both had numerous discussions with him about it. He always pushes her too hard & then she gets extremely stressed & she loses skills & he yells at her more. Then she gets more stressed...loses more's a never ending cycle! He handles her fear issues totally wrong & refuses to adjust his coaching style in any way. The stress he's causing her, is going to drive her away from the sport she loves. But I think all of the private gyms in this area would do the same thing to her(although I plan to explore all options). DD does love her gym & her team mates...she even loves this coach(believe it or not?!)! But she admits that he just isn't the right coach for her. He fear issues are severe & she needs a very encouraging coach, that will let her work at her own pace, with gentle encouragement. She'll be entering highschool next year, taking all honors classes. I know she won't be able to handle all of that & the pressure placed upon her by him too. So I'm being proactive & trying to plan she'll know what her options are. YMCA is sounding interesting...I'll have to do more research this option! Thanks!