Hello again!
So sorry to post this press handstand question just after the last thread, but this is really important.
Some weeks ago I told you guys of a new boy of my Level 4's, who has great tumbling skills, but a big lack in strength as he has been a dancer before!
Yesterday he did a full into a mat!!!!! With perfect form! I cannot believe it!
He got a lot stronger since he started. He has his standing straddle press now and he can finally manage to do at least some reps of pull-ups and leg lifts. And he finally can do 1 handstand push-up. I am so proud of him!
I really like him, but I see he is bored in training sometimes, when the others are still working on their tucks...
But his strength keep him from moving up, because he is too weak for rings!!!
I talked with his mom and they don't have big plan for him, although college gymnastics would be great they said!
I talked with the gym owner before practice. He watched Liam (the boy) and was also impressed.
He said that his skills and flexibility (he can do amazing oversplits and his shoulders are incredible flexible-perfect walkovers!) are so amazing, that he would overlook the strength component.
If the boy is able to climb a rope half way (7ft) up with no legs, can do 3 straddle press to handstands in a row and is able to do a standing back tuck onto a resi mat he knows he has a good base and is allowed to train with the Level 6 boys (he is coaching them) and he will spend extra time on preparing and conditioning with him.
I do a lot of prehab with the boys, because I know how hard rope climbs are on the elbows if you are not ready! But I think this is very reasonable, I have never tried rope climbs with him, but he can do 6 pull-ups or so, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Back tuck is also not a problem at all!
So I really want him to move up, because I can see how he looks at the older kids who are training for fulls and double backs and that he is bored with our RO BH BT things. I sometimes have him condition while the other work on back handsprings, but this is not fun for him, of course
So you see, I am in a dilemma!!! I am really desperate about this
Can you give me tips for press handstands? I would want him to be able to do it sooo badly!!
He can press up from a straddle fairly easy with good form. He can hold a straddle L for about 25 secs. But he can't get his bum and hips raised from the straddle L!
I have him do pike drags (he can pike up to about shin/ankle height), bum raises and pike presses against the wall, and I always spot him when he lowers down from a handstand to straddle L.
Liam just turned 12, he is about 5'3" and 115lbs.
Any other tips? What would you do? Do you think Liam will be able to do at least one straddle press handstand from floor by next season (September)?
Then I will work with him and maybe he manages to get the 3 in a row by Christmas?
So sorry to post this press handstand question just after the last thread, but this is really important.
Some weeks ago I told you guys of a new boy of my Level 4's, who has great tumbling skills, but a big lack in strength as he has been a dancer before!
Yesterday he did a full into a mat!!!!! With perfect form! I cannot believe it!
He got a lot stronger since he started. He has his standing straddle press now and he can finally manage to do at least some reps of pull-ups and leg lifts. And he finally can do 1 handstand push-up. I am so proud of him!
I really like him, but I see he is bored in training sometimes, when the others are still working on their tucks...
But his strength keep him from moving up, because he is too weak for rings!!!
I talked with his mom and they don't have big plan for him, although college gymnastics would be great they said!
I talked with the gym owner before practice. He watched Liam (the boy) and was also impressed.
He said that his skills and flexibility (he can do amazing oversplits and his shoulders are incredible flexible-perfect walkovers!) are so amazing, that he would overlook the strength component.
If the boy is able to climb a rope half way (7ft) up with no legs, can do 3 straddle press to handstands in a row and is able to do a standing back tuck onto a resi mat he knows he has a good base and is allowed to train with the Level 6 boys (he is coaching them) and he will spend extra time on preparing and conditioning with him.
I do a lot of prehab with the boys, because I know how hard rope climbs are on the elbows if you are not ready! But I think this is very reasonable, I have never tried rope climbs with him, but he can do 6 pull-ups or so, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Back tuck is also not a problem at all!
So I really want him to move up, because I can see how he looks at the older kids who are training for fulls and double backs and that he is bored with our RO BH BT things. I sometimes have him condition while the other work on back handsprings, but this is not fun for him, of course
So you see, I am in a dilemma!!! I am really desperate about this
Can you give me tips for press handstands? I would want him to be able to do it sooo badly!!
He can press up from a straddle fairly easy with good form. He can hold a straddle L for about 25 secs. But he can't get his bum and hips raised from the straddle L!
I have him do pike drags (he can pike up to about shin/ankle height), bum raises and pike presses against the wall, and I always spot him when he lowers down from a handstand to straddle L.
Liam just turned 12, he is about 5'3" and 115lbs.
Any other tips? What would you do? Do you think Liam will be able to do at least one straddle press handstand from floor by next season (September)?
Then I will work with him and maybe he manages to get the 3 in a row by Christmas?