I would talk to your coaches. Gyms differ in what they allow their gymnasts to compete even if it works for a specific level. None of our girls were allowed to do a cartwheel roundoff series for L7 beam.
Not sure if those routines listed above meet the requirements for 7. My gymnast did L7 years...
At my dd's first gym, each gymnast paid the registration fee for only the meets that she was attending. All meets were mandatory except if you had something extremely important that you couldn't miss. The coaches' fees were different for each level depending on the distance of the meets, number...
At both gyms my kid competed for, the coaches gave high fives, hugs or fist bumps after competing. They were not really concerned about placement but working towards improvement. The gymnasts get their special recognition at the awards ceremony on the podium and receive their medals. Is anymore...
My state says that you need to get the qualifying score at one sanctioned meet during the season to qualify for the state meet. I recommend that you check to see if there is information on your state's website because the qualification rules do vary by state.
My daughter made the transition from gymnastics and is now doing cheer in college. She never did cheer before college. The transition was not too difficult but did take some time to get used to tumbling on the dead mat while wearing shoes. She just started with the basics like roundoff back...
There were no state teams for Xcel in my state/region but it could be different for yours. I would find your state and region's website and see if there is any info. You could always ask your coach as well.
My daughter always loved her plum practicewear leotards. We never had their long sleeve competition ones though but it looks like they have some nice ones with good prices.
Our public high school has a program that allows some student athletes to go to school in-person for classes in the morning and then leave around 11:30. They take the rest of the classes online asynchronously through a program approved by the school district. I'm pretty sure it was 2 online...
You could do some research on the gymnasts on the roster of a few D3 colleges that you might consider attending. Check them out on mymeetscores.com and see the general makeup of the team. You won't know what skills they competed but you can possibly get an idea of what they might be looking for.
Sorry to hear about your situation. I would recommend talking to your gym asap and see if there are meets they have not registered for yet so they could refund you the money for those.
I could be wrong but the A skills that I see are kip, cast, kip, squat on and tap swing 1/2 turn dismount which is 5. If platinums can't do that dismount, that would add up to the 4 that the judges said.