As a former gymnast I will agree that improper attire for awards drives me nuts. Parents spend so much money on leotards/warm-ups and for them to not be worn until the end of a meet is a waste. I understand that there are certain cases (sensory issues/too small/too warm), however in most cases...
Hi all! It's been a while since I've been on here after graduating high school, completing my gymnastics career and moving on to college. I've come back because I have some gymnastics related questions relevant to becoming a 19 year old ex-gymnast with the body of a 95 year old.
I crack, I...
I did track in addition to gymnastics for all of high school and let me tell you it wasn't easy, but it was completely worth it. I love gymnastics and track and they worked pretty well together (except for the exhaustion and shin splints) My coaches were both very understanding when I was late...
It also depends on the size of the school and the resources available, after all gymnastics is an expensive sport! If it's a small school there's probably not going to be very many gymnasts or people interested in doing gymnastics and the school will not be willing to put money in to the program.
An old team mate was actually talking about starting one up! I didn't know that I could compete individually so it's nice to know that's also an option. Although, I'm not sure how well a practice schedule would fit in to job shadowing/interning/classes/studying. My university offers a 5 year...
Unfortunately my college of choice doesn't :( It has so many opportunities for me, gymnastics just doesn't happen to be one of them. Luckily, the university is fairly close to my current gym so I know that there are plenty of visits in store along with coaching opportunities and open gyms. And I...
and it's so bittersweet. I competed my last meet ever today and I'm feeling nostalgic. I'm headed off to college in the fall and I'm so not ready to be done. To me gymnastics is more than a sport, it has been a huge part of my life for so long (okay maybe 6 years isn't that long but it sure...
Age 12- pre-team after 1 rec class (2hr x 2)
Age 13- old 4 (3hr x 2)
Age 14- old 5 (3hr x 3)
Age 15- did not compete (fractured back/ torn ACL)
Age 16- xcel gold; getting back into the swing of things (3.5hr x 3)
Age 17- new 6 (3.5hr x 4)
Age 18- 6/7 (3.5hr x 4)
It's been a long, bumpy journey...
With gofund me if you do not reach your goal they take a bigger cut of the money than they do if you do reach your goal. So I wouldn't say it was too bad, they were just being realistic and now that they realize the amount of love and support the gymnastics community provides, they've upped it...
You learn to deal with it ie; dark leos and going to the bathroom regularly. There are some girls on my team who refuse to use the obvious choice for gymnastics but they make sure to wear patterned leos so you can barely tell.
No shorts at any time for us, even at that time of the month. It's been this way for years. The one problem I have noticed is that I don't notice as much when my leo starts to creep up. Like way up. I think this could be more of an issue than wearing spandex, as obviously it is revealing where...
I haven't had a problem with the velcro strip ripping on mine, however I have had a problems with the bottom of the foot ripping from the heel hole.
I'm sure the pounding the brace endures from gymnastics is much greater than most other sports, so I don't think that they will replace it. In...