My dd has 2 new coaches to her , and She likes them
but seems to have issues with 1 coach constantly telling her she has bent legs (she is ok with being told corrections ) the issue is the other coach tells her they are fine so she is getting Conflicting
corrections , She also is told she...
Northern Hills Gymnastics in Sturgis, SD will be a brand new 12,000 sq. ft. air conditioned gym and business scheduled to open in early 2019! We are looking for a head coach and program manager who wants to take charge and build their own recreational (boys and girls) and competitive women’s...
Hi there,
we are a german gymnastics club looking for an experienced coach full time. I saw that I can post here in the job area. Does anyone here know of a webside where coaches are looking for jobs ?
And ... well I don‘t know if anyone knows but what is the average salary ? Do you get paud...
We are looking for a coach who would like to relocate to Germany. You would train girls who already competed at the german youth championships and boys who are training for them and the 2. Bundesliga. We are a great team of coaches and gymnasts. If you are interested please feel free to ask. I...
..... looking at this hurts my soul.
For any new coaches or future coaches who may be reading this, some advice:
For any owners or future-owners:
Hi all,
I was wondering if there is such a thing as a private coach for gymnasts similar to Coach Up for other sports. I understand it may be more taboo in gymnastics than in other sports to get private lessons outside the gym. I recall reading a post at least a year ago on this forum about a...
DD has such a wonderful coach and I wanted to get her a gift to say “thank you” for all the positive ways she encouraged and invested in DD. Looking for recommendations from other parents or even coaches on some of their favorite gifts they have received!
What are the ethics, non- compete clauses, etc. associated with a coach leaving one gym and going to another. Is it just poor form or actually way worse to recruit gymnasts from the gym to take with him. We had already left gym A for gym B, and the coach is leaving gym A for coach C. He...
I feel like I make this thread every year but... man, I LOVE coaching right after season ends. The girls have spent the last few months cleaning up technique, and there are so many skills that they're ready to learn, but haven't because we've been focusing on routines. And then season ends, and...
While I’m SO glad that victims are feeling brave enough to start speaking out, the fact that this is the third in less than three months leaves me feeling uneasy. How many more do we not...
What would you do if your gym hired coaches with a known history of abuse? This happened at our gym. By known history, I mean you can google the coaches’ names and read multiple legitimate news articles. They are Geddert-type abusers.
Without googling the coaches’ names or really listening to...
I don't think this is going to get any mainstream media attention, but thought some here might want to see his statement.
Hi all. I have a question I hope some of you could help me out with. Dd has her first level 3 meet coming up. I was wondering about the deduction for a coach assist. Is it the value of the element PLUS 0.50? Is this standard for all assists whether it be for the back handspring or mill...
So, this is a weird sport. We've been around it for a while and I tend to be a sponge and soak everything up without saying much. When I have concerns, I address them with the coach; otherwise, I just sit back and watch. I frequent CB, though mostly as a troll reading through other people's...
Hey everyone!
I have a question(s) that I'm hoping you all will have some advice for...
I should give you a little history I suppose. My DD has been absolutely obsessed with gymnastics since she was 2. We found a tumbling acrobat kind of gym in our neighborhood that would start kids at 2.5...
This is our 11th year with the gym and have never had issues with a coach until now. In August, my daughter’s coach told her to “Leave!” practice 20 minutes early. She was unhappy that my daughter wasn’t pushing herself enough to try new skills. In September, she told my daughter that she was...
There’s this one older girl on my team who has had a reoccurring ankle injury ever since she pulled 3 tendons in her ankle a couple months ago. She’s 16 and a sophomore in high school. She typically does fine at practices with minimal pain. She wears an ankle brace at each practice and makes it...
If you didn't read my thread " "Progressing to fast" ..?" I reccomend reading that before this one.
Anyways, so for the past 2 months dd's coach did start giving her every other week private lessons...