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  1. skschlag

    MAG Olympic Sports at the College Level Great read. I love some of the creativity to help keep MAG alive. MAG cannot sustain any more program losses.
  2. G

    WAG College Gymnastics

    I have asked this before but didn't get a lot of response so I want to ask again. For those of you with college gymnasts, when are they heading back? Some schools already announced online only for Fall, so how will they practice? Have we heard what is going to happen to the 2020-21 season? And...
  3. skschlag

    Parents Save college Sports

    There are some concerns for all sports at this point that they could be cancelled. We need to do what we can to support, especially our Olympic sports! Link Removed
  4. bogwoppit

    MAG MAG college bound gymnasts during Coivd 19

    There was a thread started in the awesome college group, which i felt needed to not be lost. How will the current covid 19 situation affect your college bound gymnast, or you current college gymnast?
  5. bogwoppit

    WAG College bound gymnasts

    There was a thread started in the awesome college group, which i felt needed to not be lost. How will the current covid 19 situation affect your college bound gymnast, or you current college gymnast?
  6. thefellowsmom

    WAG Happy college story

    I know so many parents and gymnasts wonder what is possible for Kids who aren’t top level 10 recruits. I just wanted to share that a level 9 at our gym just received her acceptance letter to a very good school and a D3 gymnastics program. she could not be more excited and it goes to show that...
  7. flippin out

    WAG UCLA joins the college scandals i am surprised the amount of people on Twitter that believe that since Claire is walk on that she "didn't take a spot from someone else".........I do not know a single D1 spot (scholarship or walk-on) that is NOT a recruited position that...
  8. T

    WAG College Bound Showcase?

    Does anyone have any experience having their gymnast attend the College Bound Showcase? Just looking for defeatism as to what I can Expect. Bummed our coach isn’t going and worries that will play a negative factor...
  9. gymbeam

    WAG Emailing college coaches. Who all to CC?

    I spent some time yesterday looking at online Staff Directories for several college gymnastics programs. Some school websites had emails for all coaches, some only assistants, some recruiting directors, some office assistants and some various combination of those. What I’d like to know is who...
  10. M

    WAG College Question

    So many questions! Why is raising kids so difficult?!?! One question is, are there girls who just make level 10 in 12th grade that have been recruited to do gymnastics in college? My daughter is a late starter. She’s going into 9th grade next year. She competed her first year of level 8...
  11. T

    WAG From Xcel to College

    Hello, My daughter would like to perform gymnastics when she attends college. Will she be able to compete with the skills learned from being on Xcel? Thank u
  12. T

    WAG Will rising attendance lead to more college programs?

    I was watching the PAC 12 and listening to the commentators talk about the record breaking attendance Oklahoma has enjoyed this year. I know Utah and UCLA typically enjoy large crowds as well. I know there are a host of things that often dictate and determine how colleges add programs, but with...
  13. MILgymFAM

    Parents Slightly Off Topic- more than one way to do gymnastics in college.

    We just received notification that my DD was accepted into an incredibly selective scholarship program (under a 2% acceptance rate). She’s going to the absolute best college for her in terms of academics and fit, and she’ll do club gymnastics while she is there. I know there is a thrill to the...
  14. Aelin

    WAG College Gymnastics

    I am a junior in high school who would absolutely love to compete gymnastics in college. I am a level 9 vault and floor specialist, and I expect to be a level 10 next year. I know I’m not the ideal candidate for a college team as I would only have 1 year of experience in level 10 before I...
  15. T

    Parents Clueless how college stuff works...

    Since most Div. 2 and 3 schools do not offer scholarships - do they have anything "else" to offer? Just wondering....
  16. S

    Parents College Question

    Hey - other than that spreadsheet that someone keeps up with showing the commits (NCAA WAG Rosters & Commits) is there another way to tell how many spots are available for your daughter's year? Thank you.
  17. Avasmom

    Parents College gymnastics meets

    My daughter is going to a college gymnastics meet this weekend with a friend from gymnastics. I have never been to a college meet and since she is going with a friend I was wondering what souvenirs might be available for an 11 year old girl that eats, sleeps, and breathes gymnastics. Thanks!
  18. Splat

    Coaches College Project Gym Information needed

    I am currently going to HutchCC for Business Management. I am a part of their Honors Program and have received the opportunity to complete a special Honors project. Due to my interests involving gymnastics and business I have decided to create a project on the economics of gymnastics. For this...
  19. J

    WAG Question about college camps

    This is a build off a previous thread where people are recommending college camps for upper optional gymnasts. Question: are the “college camps” that people recommend for level 9 and 10 gymnasts one and the same, listed on college websites, and open to everyone? Or are there special college...
  20. skschlag

    MAG Rocky Mountain Open College Meet

    We got to go to the Rocky Mountain Open last night and watch Air Force, Arizona State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ohio State, So Cal United, and some guys from the OTC! First, The level of talent in the Big 10 is incredible! That is going to be one interesting season. I do not think I have...