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  1. M

    Parents DD's "school parent" drama...

    Ugg, I need a small parent vent! I hope it's ok here! I am also soliciting advice if there is any. Do any of you deal with this? DD is at a relatively large elementary school (approx 300 students). I think there are 3 total team gymmies there (and none are in her grade), though a few do rec...
  2. C

    Parents move ups and the drama begins

    So, dd is moving up to level 3. Her entire group of level 2s are moving up (about 14 girls). They are all very excited. That is the good news.:) DD's group has competed in both the fall and spring seasons. In the spring season a new group of Level 2s competed as well. They practiced on...
  3. M

    Parents Soliciting Advice from BTDT team moms - The gym drama/politics has begun.

    Hi everyone! Bear with me please, as this got fairly long... Some background of gym politics... We are very new to the gym team experience (though DD has been in rec for almost 3 yrs) - DD just began Level 3. At our gym, they do not compete L3's, they use it as sort of a pre-team I guess, and...
  4. N

    Parents Irritated/slightly amused/astonished DRAMA ALERT

    Oh, where to begin. Let me preface this by saying that this is not one of the posts where I'm going to tell you something that happenned at DD's gym so that I can glorify my own child's amazing talent and everyone can fawn over the fact that she's so amazing. Those posts irritate me. I...
  5. M

    Parents 1st Level 4 Meet and the drama that follows..

    My dd had her 1st meet this past weekend. She actually surprised us with her scores considering how her practices were. They had a mock meet, and her scores were hovering between 7 and 8s. At the actual meet they were mid 8s and high nines. She put her game face on and really did an exceptional...
  6. IrenicMom

    Parents Oy. Let the gym drama begin

    Should probably preface this by saying we're not intending to move at this time, or at any time in the next 1.5 years, at a minimum. But, still have to vent about this to folks who understand. So, the drama. A few years ago - there were some fairly significant coaching changes in the...
  7. L

    Parents More Gym Drama :(

    I really am not cut out to be a gym mom so I’m nominating my beloved husband for gym dad. Perhaps he will be more suited for his role. I’m only kind of kidding. In all seriousness, I’m going back to work full time in January and he is going to work from home and enjoy being the...
  8. G

    Coaches Gym drama

    Hi all. This is my first post but I've been reading stuff on this site for a couple years now. I'm writing because I have a bit of a dilemma at my gym. I work at a gym that for the most part is a very pleasant place to work and most of the coaches get along with each other just fine. We...
  9. M

    Grades excitement and drama

    This weekend we had 7 gymnasts competing the grades comp. This means they have to get a certain score to pass, and a certain score to get distinction. The top 6 then qualify to represent the county in finals next month and the 7th and 8th compete as individuals in the finals. On saturday we...
  10. G

    DRAMA at a meet!

    Here's a senerio for you. A coach on a cell phone steps onto the vault runway as a gymnast is about to start her vault. Her father stands up and starts screaming at the coach who's clearly embarrased. The guy won't let up and the gym goes dead quiet. Pretty awkward! Anybody ever witness anything...
  11. L

    Weird Gym Drama

    *WARNING: MAJOR RANT**So my gym recently got a new head coach of the women's program. She's been working there for a while, coaching our highest level girls, but she is not a very nice person...she coached a group for a while with a wide age and level range, in which she would go whole practices...
  12. gym monkeys mom

    Girl Drama UGH!

    I wish that your DD could go to gym and never have any clicky drama. LOL Our compulsary team has 12 girls Level 7 and up 3 are 10 or 11 years old and the other 9 are 13 and up to 15 years old. The girls usually get a long fine at practice a fair number of them hang out together outside of the...
  13. C

    Gym Drama on it's way

    Ok today was an interesting day. If you live through reading this god bless you. A bit of history - we have a new girls coach that started in June to replace a coach who left (she moved to CA). she is a coach qualified to teach through elite. The current HC is only qualified to go to L8...
  14. B

    Parents How Much Parent/Coach/Gymnast Drama Is There in Your Gym?

    What is the level of drama in your gym:? Is it a hotbed for rumors and pushy parents? Do the kids get along well or have problems amongst themselves? What about the coaches with the gym management and the parents? I'd love to hear more about things work at other gyms!
  15. tumblerK

    Off Topic Prom drama!

    So I was dumped the night before Valentine's Day by a guy who is in all the same classes with me, and now prom is coming up. I asked a boy, but he's the super super shy kind of guy who has never been to a normal friday night dance let alone a formal dance, so he wimped out like I knew he...
  16. dadingym

    Parents States...broken foot... drama rama!!!

    Hey everyone! Haven finished her season this past weekend. She won states with a 37.875 and was very happy. Our gym lost our title however and finished second. Our girls had a serious case of beam falls. It was just plain weird. They were going down one after another. Yesterday, Haven...
  17. M

    Parents Does this sport promote more Drama than most.

    I see it online and at the gym. I was just looking for some feedback from those who know and have been in this sport longer than myself. I have been involved in gymnastics for a very short time. My DD started kinda late and we had no intention of becoming competitive. Now she is a level 7 and...
  18. DbacksMom75

    Parents Preteam drama time!

    So after practice tonight one of the other moms grabs me to the side to relay an "incident" that took place at the gym that I apparently missed. The gym is closing for two weeks during Christmas so they have been scheduling make ups for the girls. Since my gymmie couldn't make it to the preteam...
  19. P

    Parents Drama in the viewing area

    I've been reading the CB for a little while now but never felt like posting until now.... I enjoy watching my daughter as often as possible but in moderation at practice. My problem is there is one mother who is at every minute of practice and never leaves. She has the right to be...
  20. G

    gym drama

    Is there any drama at your gym? Recently we had a meet and I was "mean" according to this one girl. She said I said some pretty hurtful things when all I did was defend myself when a girl told me she thought her score should have been higher than mine while she went to pout in a corner...