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  1. Mrs. Puma

    Women How many hours of conditioning?

    I'm just curious if there's a rough ratio of how many hours of conditioning to total hours in the gym? I assume it may differ depending on the level too.
  2. M

    T&T Hours for T&T vs artistic

    A recent thread on high hours in WAG reminded me of something I've wondered about before. How many hours do competitive T&Ters train as opposed to WAGers? At our gym, everyone level 5 and up trains for 5 hours a week during the school year, which seems insanely low to me compared to WAG. We...
  3. Committed

    Parents max hours at the gym?

    What is the maximum amount of hours a child can do at gymnastics? Are they L10 or elite? The recent posts about super high hours made me wonder. I think DDs gym maxes out at 22.5 hours/week for L10. No elite track.
  4. Aero

    Women Need opinions on hourly rate for increased summer hours.

    Hello everybody! I am going to be increasing my team's training hours over the summer break to really capitalize on training new skills and getting them ready for the next competitive season, with the goal of moving them all up to the next level. I am very excited for this because I'm going to...
  5. J

    Off Topic Got to gym 2 hours early and im bored

    I came early because i was going to swim. The pool is closed :D
  6. G

    Parents quick progress after increase in hours?

    I'm just curious to hear if anyone noticed a big jump in progress when their gymmie started practicing more hours? Mine acquired a bunch of new skills when she went from 1.5 hours/week to 3 and then again when she went from 3 to 4. Started next week she'll be going 7 hours/week so I'm excited...
  7. munchkin3

    Women She wants to cut out some hours....

    DD asked to cut some hours......here is a short history, DD is barely 10, L4 at a small gym for 3-4 years and went from 9 hours per week to 12 hours in august 2014, split in 4 days. We moved to new gym where she is training L5/6 and the schedule is 4hrs. 4 times a week, which is 16 hours. I...
  8. twinmomma

    Women Not so much an hours question, but days

    I've searched all the "training hours" threads, and they aren't exactly what I'm looking for. As an L3, DD trained 3 days a week, 3 hours a day. After season was over, she was identified as one who had the potential to test out of L4 and move to L5. While I'm still not sure I agree (she...
  9. P

    Parents Higher JO hours in some areas than others?

    I have noticed that JO programs in some other areas don't seem to train as many hours as they do where I live. Is it common for an area to have all gyms with high hours? Since these gyms compete against each other I guess it makes sense for them to all have the same hours -but I'm slightly...
  10. E

    New Grades and Training Hours.

    It seems like dd's group will be doing the new grades next year, she will either do 6 or 5, the coach has told the girls a little about it and the have begun work on the range and conditioning side of things. How many hours on average are needed to train for these grades? My dd's group...
  11. Amusibus

    Women A teeny update on hours

    A couple weeks ago I had posted about being bummed out that we couldn't afford the third optional day for my daughter, which is the day they practice the fun stuff, i.e., new skills. Happy to report that we found a way to make it work. As a result of the extra day and some other schedule...
  12. O

    Parents Any other parents that work alternate hours /off shifts?

    I'm wondering how others balance working off hours/days/shifts, with practices or meets. For me, I work 3/4 weekends per month, 12 hour nights, so practices aren't a challenge. But I'm looking at our new meet schedule, and 75% of the meets are on my work weekends. And it's hard trying to...
  13. S

    Women minimum # of hours

    This is a question for coaches--what do you think the minimum # of hours would be to successfully train for and compete L5/L6 in the fall and spring (assuming the coaching is excellent)?
  14. M

    Women Generally speaking...what hours are appropriate for what age?

    My daughter is 7, nearly 8, and is a Level 3. Her regular gym schedule is 10 hours a week. She also does TOPS which is an extra 2 hours and has the opportunity to "uptrain" for the next level skills at an additional 2 hours per week. If she were to do all the training hours available to her...
  15. G

    Parents Hours/tuition/assessment fees/leotard

    What level is your dd, how many hours do they go a week and what are the fees? Also, how much is the competitive leo (not including warm-up)? My 8 year old is working on level 5 skills (competed level 4 last year). We don't know what level they will compete next season until September. She goes...
  16. C

    Women Tell me about your trainig (hours, level etc)

    I am from Europe and I am sooo curious about other countrie's gymnasts. So I would love to know how many * pull-ups * dips * Leg Lifts * 90degree Leg Lifts * L-Sit (in seconds) *press handstands in a row *standing pike presses (if any, those are hard!) can you or your DD do and which Level...
  17. E

    Women Training hours for Level 7

    I am no a gymnast myself, although I was involved several years as a kid and my little sister is doing it. Just out of curiosity (I am studying sports science and recently started being really interested in gymnastics!) I have a question. There is a gymnast with these routines, not aiming for...
  18. gymbeam

    Parents so, about USGA training hours recommendations...

    ...Our gym called a parent meeting a few weeks ago and informed everyone that there are now USGA recommendations for the number of hours that a gymnast should be training. The impetus, supposedly, was safety and insurance. It was explained that if someone gets hurt at a meet and USGA finds...
  19. D

    Men Too many hours?

    How many is too many hours for training? I am not complaining, because the option is wonderful, but my son is 8. He is bumping up to 21-24 hours per week. He is a level 6 plus future stars. I do not want him to burn out nor do I want too much strain on his body. I have, so far, let him tell me...
  20. Kcanflip

    Parents Optional level at minimal hours?

    So just curious if anyone knows of optional level girls that do minimal training hours. Maybe just to stay in the sport, or to allow flexibility in the teen years, etc. I believe we have a level 6 at our gym who trains just twice a week (8 hours) and still competes USAG. It seems like this...