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  1. M

    International levels

    I know there is a competitive program aimed at going-to-be-elite level gymnasts, from when they are quite young - I think its called 'international levels'. I know I have seen the document with the level requirements in, but now I can't find it anywhere on the internet. I think this program is...
  2. H

    International Scholarships?

    this is more of a curious thought than a serious question but if anyone can shed some light on the world of NCAA i'd be very grateful! I was just wondering what the likelihood of an international (e.g. British) student getting a college scholarship would be, or do colleges always favour...
  3. S

    10th Annual Universal International Invite 2008

    The most challenging international invite will be held at Miami Palmetto High School. Feb 15-17th is the Mens Competition and Feb 22-24 is the Womens (L2- elite)
  4. DEMom

    International Competition

    Our gym wants to take our optional gymnasts to an International Competition in 2009 to either Germany or England. As an active participant in the parent's association, I am trying to understand how our levels compare to levels in those countries and what venues we might consider. We are...