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  1. A

    Parents Leaps and Jumps

    My daughter (13, L8) has such solid leaps and jumps on floor...and they are SO BAD on beam. Same leaps/jumps. This is pretty new and she's working on it and I am not saying a word. I know leaping on a beam is not the same as leaping on a floor. It's just amazing how different they are. I know...
  2. G

    WAG platinum jump

    hi! so i competed gold for 2 years in a row-i was trying to do platinum last year but i got so overwhelmed with the jump that i psyched myself out and could never do half the skills. here is what i’m doing all the time in practice now, do you think i’ll be able to do platinum this year? Vault...
  3. Gymbletot

    Parents Split jump

    My 6 year old is currently very into the idea of doing split jumps. I assume because they've been working on them in the gym. Having watched her leaping around on the trampoline and on her little beam, I'm just curious about the different mechanics between doing it on the trampoline vs off the...
  4. C

    WAG Pike Jump on beam

    Is a pike jump a B in level 8?
  5. JBS

    Off Topic Is that a nuclear power plant behind the big air ski jump at the Olympics?

    Guess I'm not the only one asking... https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/08/asia/ski-jump-winter-olympics-beijing-climate-hnk-intl/index.html
  6. adult_gymnast_20

    WAG USAG Xcel leaps vs. jumps

    What is the difference between leaps and jumps in Excel? specifically bronze, but how do you know which is which in general?
  7. J

    WAG Level 7&8 Beam Jump/Leaps

    How does the scoring work for level 7&8 for jumps and leaps on beam. I think (?) there is a requirement for a 180 jump or leap. What if it is close to 180, but not quite? Say 160-170. Do you not get credit for the requirement and lose a lot of points? Or just get deducted a little for not...
  8. G

    WAG Improving split jump beam

    Can someone please help with improving split jump on beam? It's not flexibility, my daughter can do past 180 splits. She needs help with how to get more power, etc to allow her the time to get to a full split on the beam. Any technique tips would be greatly appreciated!
  9. starzgymnastics

    Gymnastics Coach (Tumbling & Trampoline) and Fun Jump/Party Supervisor

    Description: As a team member with Starz Gymnastics and Trampoline Fun Center, you will have the opportunity to work in Amarillo’s most exciting tumbling and trampoline gymnastics (recreational/competitive) facility. You will primarily be responsible for coaching our recreational tumbling and...
  10. hsgymnast333

    WAG Dropping chest in jumps

    I’ve tried to find other threads on this, but my search has been unsuccessful. I’m a high school gymnast, btw. Whenever I do jumps, I drop my chest A LOT. Especially in straddles and pikes. When I do a pike jump, my chest practically touches my knees. When I’m doing jumps I think about looking...
  11. F

    WAG Jump to high bar

    When kids start jumping to the high bar, is the bar placement based on the kid's height or do they just try to get them all jumping from one or two settings regardless of height? My dd is super small and it's the first skill I've been nervous about. I have seen how much work goes into changing...
  12. Learning Parent GB

    WAG Leaps and jumps turning direction

    I've been trying to picture various leaps and jumps with turns and read an old thread on here and got myself thoroughly confused. I'm imagining a gymnast with a best left leg split, just because that is what my DD has, but this isn't about her gymnastics but me getting my head around it without...
  13. T

    Coaches Tuck jump 1/2 sideways & other question

    I have a Platinum gymnast who is struggling with finding a B in her beam routine. At this moment, we are not completely confident that her split leap will get B credit so we are trying to add a backup B to her routine. We’ve settled on a tuck jump 1/2, but my gymnast prefers doing it sideways...
  14. C

    Coaches How to Teach Kids to Run and Jump Properly?

    How do you teach your gymnast to run and jump using their toes/pushing through their ankles and toes? I have one particularly bad case, but a handful of team girls, that for the life of them, cannot run on their toes or jump pushing through their toes. This obviously causes major problems with...
  15. azara

    Coaches Making straight jumps exciting

    Hi all, I've just been rostered to coach a group of young rec gymnasts by myself (I'm pretty excited, feel like I've graduated a little haha). It's a very basic group, so two out of the three vault skills are straight jumps: straight jump off a 40cm box, and up onto a 20cm box. There are...
  16. T

    Newbie from germany - help at pbars somersault dismount & floor Jump bwd. with ½ t. to roll fwd

    Hey guys, I'm a 23 years old gymnast from germany and I hope I can learn a few things from you guys. I started gymnastics, when I was 21; I know, its like superlate but I'm trying my best ^^ I'm here because we don have a gymnast-Forum in germany, my coach isn't the best and I'm far away from...

    Aspire 1 jump series

    Hi. I am reading the requirements for aspire ine program. the floor, it seems like we need one switch leap, one jump that starts with both feet and a series of 2 jumps Can anyone help me out with this ? From what inderstand: 1 jump that can be mixed at the end of an acrobatic movement as...
  18. Sarah_the_gymnast

    WAG Does a fouetté hop/jump count for split requirements on beam?

    Assuming the split is actually at the right angle, can you get SR credit for doing this? And adding on, would a fouette hop to a wolf hop work as a jump series? ex to minus the full
  19. Sarah_the_gymnast

    WAG Connecting jump series

    Hey everyone. I've been wondering about connecting a jump series. So I've seen two ways: Swinging through and also (around 0:14) Swinging back (The girl in the second video got a 9.5) So anyway. I've heard that you lose the connection if you do what the second girl did. Obviously she...
  20. skschlag

    MAG Jump to prone?

    I had a fellow gym mom ask me this, as she has gotten conflicting answers... In L8 and JD, is a jump to prone allowed on floor? And by allowed, I mean, will the gymnast be deducted for doing one? @krc, @dunno

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