Our level 8 team has a bunch of young ones this year, including my daughter. They are having a blast together. This video was from our recent meet in San Francisco:
I watching a level 8 floor routine on youtube ... 9.4 was her score but she only did two passes? I thought 3 tumbling passes were required. She did a 1 1/2 first pass and fhs front layout front tuck for 2nd ... that was it.
I am coming back from a broken ankle and I'm going to be competing the next meet this weekend. I am watering down my floor routine as it's a lot of pounding on my ankle. Can I compete with just 2 passes. They will be round off whip half and then front layout punch front. I have enough A's and...
Does the Psuk have a lower start value then yuerchenko?
Also I notices some girls front pass consists of front handspring, front lay front pike and other girls don't add the front handspring in. What are the pros and cons to this and does either way fullfill the level 8 requirement?
1 1/2 back twist ... fhs front layout ... back full twist
1 1/2 back twist ... fhs front full ... back full
Two different floor routines ... can they do these passes? Am I missing something not talking about leaps and jumps just tumbling passes.
So the general consensus is that giants are a necessity at level 8. However, giants are a skill that I don't think will ever happen for me. I have a shoulder injury that prevents me from being able to fully open them, & taps have always been a weakness for me. I will be competing level 7 this...
It's been a long road! I posted a lot throughout my sons injury, decline, and wrist surgery.....it's been a little over a year since his surgery and a big gym switch and he is on his way to competing L8 this season.
It's been three months since he has been at the new gym. I have NO idea how he...
What is the hardest part about in the USAG System from L7 to L8?
I am talking about average L8, nothing like double back dismount on bars or so.
I guess, the main differneces are the pirouette or bar change on bars, the added front salto and full twist on floor, acro series on beam and of...
My son's coach wants him to do his level 7 pommel horse routine for level 8. I know he had the magyar sivado in it. He did all the 7 bonuses. Will this work for a level 8 routine? Will it be successful as a level 8 routine??
Our province just switched to the JO program, and everyone (even my coach) is pretty lost. Reading through requirements, I seem to be L8, but I'm wondering what your "typical" L8 routines skills on each apparatus are. Thanks so much for the help!
Is it possible to make a Level 8 Pbar routine WITHOUT a press to handstand?
DS has trouble with it due to injury so I am just wondering if a decent L8 routine can be made with out it.
Hi y'all! I'm training level 8 in a super competitive gym in region 1 and my coaches want me to have a 10 SV on everything. What are some vaults I could do that aren't yurchenko entry (issues with that)? Thanks!
So this is my beam routine i'm training for level 8: mount, dance, BWO BHS, dance, RO, split jump wolf jump, dance, tuck half, full turn, dance, front pike dismount.
Do I have enough As and Bs for a 10.0 SV? Do I need the RO (fear issues)?
Thanks a jillion,
Hello dear community!
Just for info - this is the account of my cousin :)
I have been a gymnast myself for a little more than 7 years. I started at age 8 and quit when I was 16. I did an exchange year and then everything was really busy with school, and boys...
At the time I quit, I was a...