open gym

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  1. G

    Thoughts on OPEN GYM?

    My coaches say, NO OPEN GYM! It messes you up, and ruins your skills.... But, I completely disagree! I LOVE open gym, Me and one girl on my team go almost every Saturday, Its so fun to help with learning new skills, perfecting skills, and sometimes meeting new friends... I have found that it...
  2. B

    Cincinatti Gymnastics - Open Gym?

    I will be in Cincintti for a weekend this summer, and I was just wonderin if there was anyone on here who knew about their summer open gym schedule..? There is a schedule on their website, but I wasn't sure if that changed for summer. I just thought it might be cool to go. (but I'd make sure it...
  3. E

    Parents Open gym time

    Our gym is acquiring another gym in a nearby city. As we work to pull this gym in from being on the brink of closing down back to a competitive force, we have inherited some things with it. One is a weekly open gym. We went last night to help monitor. There were 60 kids there from kindergarten...
  4. B

    Open Gym (video)

    I finally went for my giants by myself at open gym on saturday!!! Before that, my coach would stand on a black and spot me, but I just decided to go for it! :D The video also has just some random tumbling, too.. ENJOY! oZ1Syrs99zs
  5. M

    Parents open gym? / just fooling around

    So DD (she's starting team on Levels 3 next week) has been trying hard all summer for 2 skills -bridge kick over and back hip circle She did her first bridge kick over off the floor yesterday in my living room. She said, "Hey Mom, I think I can do it now" and she did! Then today we went to...
  6. froggythegymnast

    open gym somewhere?

    i have a question im going to florida and i want to do some gymnastics. are there any open gyms there so i can practice my gymnastics?? im going to be in Ponte Vedra Beach is there some gym thats close there so i can go to open gym?? i dont whant it to be like 1-4 hours like 0-20min thank you
  7. S

    Bullies At Open Gym, Long Rant

    My 5 year old dd missed a lot of classes these last 3 weeks due to vacation and illness. We decided to try an open gym class. They separate the kids by ability level so my daughter was put in a group of older girls. They out right bullied her. At first, they wouldn't even allow her to get on the...
  8. Azgymmiemom

    Parents Big open gym tonight dd...

    got her KIP!!!:eek: I even saw it, too!! and I hadn't planned on staying, just got into a conversation with some other parents, and we all saw her do it!!! She was so excited she kept kicking her feet and she yelled to the entire gym(from the top of the bar)!! The coach that was monitoring the...
  9. M

    Open Gym ?

    My daughter (age six and a half) attends class 1 hour a week at her gym. I've book looking for open gym time (our gym doesn't offer it) and found two other local gyms that do. It's basically $5 of $6 for a hour use of the gym/equipment. We went yesterday and I walked around with my daughter...
  10. G

    Open Gym

    I'm just curious as to how everyone's gym runs "open gym." We allow anyone, even if they've never done gymnastics before, to come. Also, there is kids of all ages. We end up with little toddlers running and jumping around nearly getting run over by higher level gymnasts. Then of course there's...
  11. G

    So at open gym i found out some interesting news

    So i was doing bwo on beam an one of the coche,s asked me what high school i went to i replyed (im homeschooled an she said but what school district would you be in I said I live in ......... an she said well then you could go to ... next years try out make jv reslly easly .She allso said it...
  12. G

    Classes vs. Open Gym

    I'm just wondering how exactly does everyone work out? Do most of you take actually adult classes? I do open gym work outs because there is only 1 gym in my are that has actual adult classes and they are only once a week and I work a weird schedule. The gym I have found lets me come in on...
  13. S

    What can you do in open gym?

    I'm hopefully going to an open gym session this month after I get my cast off, What are you allowed to do in open gym? Any restrictions or somethin usually?
  14. G

    Parents Tell me about open gym?????

    I am assuming it is gym time you can pay extra for and have your dd work out. Do they get to do what ever they want or is it structured? It sounds good if they can go before a meet and run through all their routines a few times. Are there coaches there? From reading some posts, it sounds...
  15. M

    Parents Open gym video with me teaching Madi backhandsprings, lol Just a silly quick video, lol...
  16. M

    Parents I recorded my daughter a bunch yesterday at practice and today at open gym anyone

    want to see.. You can see them at I recorded her kips, tumbling and she and some of her teammates were running through the level 5 and 6 floor routines. I also recorded her practice Level 4 beam, bars and floor routines last night and uploaded them last...
  17. L

    Parents open gyms

    Hi all, I was wondering do you have any of your kids going to extra non-class training, like an open gym? Have you seen any benefit? My DD's coach says she needs a couple skills to advance to the next level and is otherwise more than ready. She offered privates but said having her come to an...
  18. JBS

    Coaches YES or NO...Aussie string tramp during open gym?

    We are having a misunderstanding at out gym right now. We are a fully recreational 17,000 sq. ft. gym. We have 2 trampolines....both are 7x14. One is a black poly bed and the other is a Aussie string bed. Many of our open gym students don't even take classes to the gym as open gym is open to...