step out

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  1. Kaylee_gymnast22

    WAG Lay out step out on beam

    I’ve been practicing my lay out step out on the beam for a while but I find they are often inconsistant and can sometimes be heavy. I try going up onto a pano sometimes but what can I do to help improve these and bring them up to the high beam? I’ve been in this boat for a while and I need to...
  2. G

    WAG Standing Back Handspring (step out) problems

    Basically I have had SO many problems with my back handsprings, especially standing! I have had a standing back handspring for about six months now, and my form has been all over the place. I have attached a video of one of my "better ones", but here are my known issues with my back handspring...
  3. M

    WAG Layout step out on beam question...

    Is there a deduction for lack of arch on a layout step out on beam? I have seen this skill two ways like this at 6:15 and Which one is the "correct" way to do it? Im confused Thanks!
  4. M

    WAG BHS stick vs BHS step out on beam

    My daughter who is competing level 7 this year is competing a BHS BHS on beam. She learned her BHS on beam doing a stick and thats whats more comfortable for her. She did BWO BHS with the BHS landing on two feet. She made the choice this summer to do a step out BHS to stick series. She's one of...
  5. M

    WAG Back Handspring Stepout Lay step out on FLOOR

    Back Handspring step out Layout step out on FLOOR: When do you teach it? How do you teach it? What are prerequisites? What levels should girls be doing this (training USAG)? Is it a hard skill to learn?
  6. coach1234

    Coaches Back handspring layout step out

    Hi I have some gymnasts that need to start thinking about connections on beam, I would like to do back handspring layout step outs with them and I was wondering if anyone had any good drills/techniques you use to make these work for your gymnasts Thanks :)
  7. Hannahmariee00

    WAG Front handspring step out into front handspring?

    One of my passes for my floor routine is a front handspring step out connected right into a front habdspring. I've been having problems connecting the two skills. As I go into the second handspring, I rotate very slow and usually land with my legs very bent (almost like a squat position). I...
  8. B

    Coaches Layout step out on beam ...

    Just curious ... How do you guys explain the arm movement in the Layout step out on beam (especially in the take off) ... would you say the arms go up, down and then up again? I'm so burnt out I'm getting confuse over simple things ::laughs:: I would love hearing how you guys explain teaching...
  9. T

    WAG Difference between front handspring/ front walk over step out?

    My girls are 5 and were doing something today...the coach told me it was a front handspring step out or a running front walkover if I recall? Can someone tell me the difference between that and a regular front it just that you land with 2 feet with front handspring? Which is a...
  10. gymgurl

    WAG Front Layouts/front somi step out round off (flic) layout

    Okay so this year I am competing level 7 and for floor I have a few options for my tumble rows. Right now they are Handspring front and Round off flic layout unless I get some new skills. Currently I am pretty close to getting my full twist and can land it upright on my feet on a mat in the pit...
  11. M

    WAG back handspring back layout step out

    Hi. My daughter is having a little trouble doing her bhs back layout step out on beam. She always has trouble keeping squared on the beam. At level 8 she had so much trouble doing bhs, bhs and sticking it. She always came out of it crooked and fell off beam. So her coach modified her beam and...
  12. M

    Mennicelli or Backhandspring step out ...

    Hy there, I was wondering what the US name for a mennicelli is. Is it a bh step out ??? And if so, WHEN does a gymnasts "step out" ? I have heard so many different versions that I have to admit I am confused... Thanks...:confused:
  13. 2

    First BHS step out, LO step out on beam

    I cannot believe my older dd did her first Level 9 series on beam tonight. She is typically very conservative and doesn't like to go for new skills, but surprisingly she went for it! Hopefully this will be a confidence booster for her and her uptraining. I know there is a big jump between...
  14. M

    Backhandspring Layout Step Out

    Bahh, I need help. I just can't get it. Does anyone have any tips.. or steps.. Idc, anything will improve it!!! Thank You :)
  15. C

    Pre Team - Step Out of Handstand on Beam

    I am starting to teach my 5 and 6 year old pre team girls handstand on beam and just need some ideas on teaching them proper step out position. So far, we do front support holds on low/med/high beams to understand hand positioning and balance. That is all we have really done so far. This is a...
  16. M

    crooked bhs step out

    My DD has been trying to learn a bhs step out on for a long time. She hasn't progressed to a beam yet though. She is practicing on a line and will move to a beam when she can do it. She jumps back and always has her hands to the side of the line. She jumps back and goes to the side of the hand...
  17. G

    Coaches Back handspring step out?

    I posted this on the skills board, but maybe it belongs here. My dd is L6 and her backhandspring step out does not have much leg seperation. She just can't seem to get her legs to split any further. What tips can you give her? She is very flexible so I do not think that is the issue. (I...
  18. G

    Back handspring step out

    My dd does not get much leg seperation on her back handspring step out. any tips on how to get more of a split in her legs?