time off

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  1. F

    Parents Time off for surgery advice

    Hi my son is having to take about 6 weeks off gymnastics for surgery recovery. He is currently refusing to have the surgery if it means missing any gymnastics....obviously, he will have it done but does anyone have advice about how to reduce his fear he'll forget his skills and just generally...
  2. D

    Parents Growth during the time off?

    Curious if your child has experienced growth during the time off. Puberty starting where it had not before, or puberty accelerated. Periods happening, bodies changing, boys voices changing, etc. Mine surprisingly has not really grown much-yet. Between 1/4 to 1/2 inch. But her body is definitely...
  3. GymMomK

    Parents What To Do With Time Off For Injury?

    My daughter sprained or strained her big toe and her foot is crazy swollen and sore. This is not her first injury... Anyway, what does your gymnast do when they are injured? I realize it depends on the injury, but thought I would ask. In my opinion, she should be visualizing and conditioning...
  4. A

    Parents Is it possible to take time off from competition for a while?

    I'd be grateful for advice from experienced parents and coaches. Please bear with me, I know this is too long a post! I am already getting a bit anxious about my dd's gymnastics situation for the coming season; I know its a bit early but here goes. My dd had a tough level 4 season. I think a...
  5. D

    Parents Coaches advice on time off please

    I would really like some other coaches opinions. Our gym really has no down time. There are no full week closings. I know a lot of gyms in our area do Christmas week, last week of August kind of thing. Staff and athletes are off. But not this one. We (Dad and I) got lectured last year, because...
  6. dani4

    Parents slightly OT.. very strong-willed 4 year old- might take some time off from gym

    My younger daughter is driving us all crazy now. She is turning 4 in a few days. She is so difficult about everything. She is always tough, but right now going through a massive control-freak episode. It seems to have escalated over the last month and I'm really ready for it to be over. Now it...
  7. billise

    Parents Time Off Due Move

    DD's gym is closed this week and we will be moving next week, meaning 2 weeks out of the gym ahead of DD's evaluation at new gym. DD is a 7 year old level 3 at her current gym so it's really no big deal, it's not like her future is riding on this. But I am really curious to see what her skills...
  8. x98peterson

    Women Taking time off?

    My daughter joined team in January, she is also in All Star cheer at the same gym, she is 7 yrs old. She is in the gym right now 12 hrs a week - 8hrs team and 4 hrs cheer (she is level 4). She said she wanted to quit gymnastics, I asked why and she said she was "tired". I persisted, so she...
  9. Amusibus

    Women What is the norm for payments during time off due to injury?

    My 7 year old level one daughter has a knee injury. It started as Osgood-Schlatters then was severly exacerbated by an incident at home (but that is another story). Her orthopedist wrote a note for her to stay out of gym completely for 2 weeks, during which time she will be doing physical...
  10. GymMomK

    Parents IT Band Injury, Time Off, Blocks & Missing Meets

    My daughter has had a really, really rough year or so... (last year level 9, this year back to 8 due to "blocks") -About a year ago, during a meet, she fell off beam during her back tuck and hit her foot on the way down. Had to take a few weeks off. Came back and was blocked on her bhs bhs beam...
  11. munchkin3

    Parents Forced Time Off is SO hard

    Sorry, I reposted this from Mens thread.. So DS has been dealing with a wrist injury for 4 months....he was casted practically up to his neck 2 months ago and had it removed after 4 weeks. He has been without the cast for 3 weeks and trying SOOOO hard to keep up and stay with the team, and GO...
  12. munchkin3

    Men Why is making DS take time off so HARD!!!!

    So DS has been dealing with a wrist injury for 4 months....he was casted practically up to his neck 2 months ago and had it removed after 4 weeks. He has been without the cast for 3 weeks and trying SOOOO hard to keep up and stay with the team, and GO to practice etc. He does not want to miss...
  13. D

    Coaches taking time off

    1 of my level 5s'(who I think is really good) Parents came in today to ask if her dd could take off for the summer to do swimming. I said I don't think it is a good idea and wondered if we could just work around her schedule. The parent kinda just wanted to take off for the swim time and then...
  14. E

    Women Time off after surgery?

    Hi guys:). I'm currently sitting in a hospital bed typing this haha. I got my appendix taken out 2 nights ago. They're saying I might need to take a month or a month and a half off. Would this make me lose any skills? I'm level 5 and would be okay to go in to just condition? I'm dieting without...
  15. M

    Men Coaches, what do you think about taking time off?

    My son a 10 year old, just finished his second year of level 6. He is struggling right now with wanting to take some time off. Actually he goes back and forth wanting to quit and then loving it. One issue is the time that gym takes (4 nights per week) and not getting to play with all the...
  16. I

    Vacation/ time off??

    I am training for level 9 this summer and I am going on vacation for around ten days and will be going on various vacations also throughout the summer. I was wondering what are some ways to stay in shape, stay flexible, and be able to go back to gym without being behind?? I wont have any...
  17. J

    summer time off

    Hi! I am going to have 4 weeks off gymnastics this summer (not my fault, my parents planned our vacations right before the coach's vacation). I would like to come back as good as I can. What is the best way to do that? Completely rest my body? Do gym conditioning? Do another sport? I was...
  18. M

    Parents Time off from gym, update

    So dd has been 'team-less' for about a week now. I can tell she likes the less stressful schedule. She did have to move her school schedule around, since while she was on a gym team, she qualified for 'off campus PE' and could come home one hour earlier. They had to put PE back in her...

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