~•Newbie here !

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Hey everyone ! I'm holly :) I'm new here (obviously) but also to gymnastics. I'm 15 & I just started 2 months ago.

anyway, I started when I was 4 but my parents pulled me out bcos they're afraid of me getting injured/not growing (even tho I'm 5'5 now haha). I finally convinced them to let me join. So even though I started really late I hope you guys can give me tips and stuff ! It's been 2 months of ungraceful falling all over the place but for some reason I still love it
anyway , see u all around the forums :D

Welcome to The Chalk Bucket! I hope you have fun on here! I'm pretty much new to gymnastics as well and i'm 17. The people on this site are amazing and can give you awesome tips on anything! all you have to do , is ask. :p
Welcome. You can get started later in gymnastics and still be successful.

I did gym as a kid, but I decided to quit when I was 7 and focus on dance. I started again as a 15 year old, trained with my university's club team in college, still work out when I can, and coach competitive girls. While I never compeated the sport, I love it, and I've found ways to continue being involved.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I feel a special attachment to older begginers.
Im 16 and I just started gymnastics recently too =)
Everybody on CB is very helpful and friendly. Dont be afraid to ask questions, even if you think its a really simple skill that u might be struggling with! =D
Welcome to Chalkbucket!
new too :)


im new too :)
well sorta, i was in gym,. when i was little but my mom pulled me out :( but oh well, i did do cheerleading for a while, didnt like it. i loved gymnastics more!

i just started up again, and im 15.
I started when I was 16 too. Welcome to CB!! You'll find it very helpful for sure.
hey im new to cb but i have been doing gymnastics since i was littlr im 13 and a levl 9 if u have any questions feel free to ask i will try to help u the best that i can
Wow it's nice to see others who started late too ! And of course people who have been doing gymnastics for a while to help us out :)
Anyways thanks everyone for the welcomes !
I'm in the exact same boat you are! I'm fifteen and have only recently begun gymnastics again! Most (wise) gymnasts can relate to each other because of the comradrie(?) we feel through this challenging and compelling sport!:D
gymnastics at any age

I think that it is great for anyone to discover gymnastics no matter what age!!!!

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