Parents $1000 ...fundraising

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We have to do individual fundraising. Our dues

dues includes meet attire, travel for coaches, club dues, meet entry, and Friday practice leo

increases by level. Now that my dd is a level 8 we are responsible for an extra $1000 this coming year. As a level 6 dues was $400, level 7 was $800, and as an 8,9, & 10 it is $1000. Our monthly is all the same for optionals ---$250 (which, I hear is a good tuition price.) But mostly, we have done fundraisers as a group to off set the dues. This year which begins in April we have to pay our $1000 by August, so they suggest we do individual fundraising or pay it out of our own pockets, any ideas that work and I am very dedicated to raising the money, I just don't know where to start.
In our state we have a deposit on pop bottles. We raised almost $200 in 2 hours time going around our neighborhood collecting them. We individually also bought candy bars from Gordon Food Service and sold those, which is very easy. What state do you live in? I help set up fundraisers for our gym and have many ideas.
I don't know if you have SAMS Club where you are but I heard they sell the candy bar fundraiser boxes. You sell each bar for $1.00 and keep everything over cost of box - which for some reason I think was $20.00.

Car Wash fundraisers and BBQ Plate also popular.
At our gym we can raise funds individually (if we like to),our gym has a Home Interior Candle Fundraiser,which works very well for us.I will go with my daughter around our neighborhood to sell them.To me it is important to teach my daughter that the sport is not cheap and she also has to put some effort in to raise the funds(which the fundraiser is only a small portion).
For us there is fund raising only for the equipment replacement and repair. All fees are to be paid by the families. I have never heard of fund raising to pay for an individual gymnast in Quebec.

Sadly gym, like other sports, is not cheap at any competitive level. Though I do know many of you have girls in the lower levels who attend 6-10 meets a season, that really has to add up. Ours do 3 or 4, which really keeps the costs down.

A sponsored something would be my suggestion, as that way your gymnast is the one doing the physical work. Good for kids to learn the value of a dollar.:D
I don't know if this is a possibility for you and I know nothing of how it really works, but I noticed in our gyms yearbook or program (the book that had the girls pics in it, coaches pics, etc and was handed out at the meet I attended) that many of the upper level girls had sponsors on their family pages. "Dr. Smith's office is proud to sponsor Sally Gymnast" with the businesses contact info, etc. Does your gym do this? If not, maybe they could? I don't know if sponsors effect anything else in the long run or not.

How about getting her and some teammates together and doing a carwash and splitting the proceeds? Or even a bakesale and doing the same?

Family and friends? Maybe have her make a nice flyer about her gymnastics/accomplishments how much she loves it, etc and ask for small donations. Even $5-10 adds up. Send it out and see what happens. Many people will donate to help a child achieve their dreams.
I think most of us are right there with you. I organize fundraisers throughout the year. Our biggest moneymakers are Applebee's breakfast and Bring a friend sleepovers. We also have "E-bay Yard Sales" during the winter months. Hang in there, it will work out - it always does.
Some that we have done are as follows.

Joe Corbie pizza
Yankee Candles
Home Interror candles
there are a ton out there many companies have fund raising options.
We have done:

Yankee candles 40% profit
Breck's plants/flowers 45%
$1 candy bars (52 bars/box, we made 24.50)
Our most effective fundraiser was when our team was doing a Tumble-a-Thon. I wrote a letter from DD saying that our gym was doing "Spirit Posters" and that DD was trying to collect as many signatures as possible. We included address labels for people to sign and a preaddressed envelope. I inserted a picture of DD in her competition leo in a split at the top. DD talked about what level she was and her favorite events. Then we mentioned the Tumble-a-Thon and said that if anyone wanted to sponsor her, it would be welcome. I spelled out what the Competition Fees consist of and that we needed to raise $900 for the year. I also pointed out that it did not include gym tuition or our personal travel costs. We told people to please not feel obligated to help and that we would put their signatures on the poster no matter what. I sent the letter to about 50 of our family & friends. We raised $700!

We also sold Pampered Chef and made 30% on what we sold (the Consultant donated 15% and PC donates 15%). We raised $1000 for DD's Individual Account between those two fundraisers.


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