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Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
So, three out of the four fairies I requested showed up...

Bars was first... Didn't miss a single squat-on in warm-up and then missed it in competition AND hit her toes on the bar in her flyaway! Ugh. And yet she managed to get a 8.45 which was 4th place! Go figure! Lordy, I hate bars.

Then on to beam... Solid enough routine, though not the best I've seen her do. Judges seemed to be scoring pretty easy because she got a 9.2, but the first few places all went to girls with 8.7-8.85. 5th place.

About this time I was thinking that this was just not going to be a great meet for her, but then she pulled off the nicest floor routine (9.15, 2nd place) and nicest vault (9.3, 1st place) that I've seen her do!

AA was a 36.10...her first 36 EVER! And 2nd place! Nailing her bar routine wouldn't have gotten her a higher place because 1st place had something like a 37.5. Anyway, she's super-happy and I'm super-proud!

DD's floor and vault...

Edit: For some reason, the video isn't showing up... at least I can't see it. So here's the link. Appologies if it double-posts...

There is no link here. I would love to see her routine, I know she is having a great season.
So glad it went well, even if all 4 fairies didn't show ;) That is an AWESOME AA score - esp. at L6, as the PP said! Way to go K!!!! Thanks for sharing her floor and vault - both really beautiful :)
Edit to the original post...
I meant the top places went to girls with 9.7-9.85 (though you probably figured that out). I think those scores are so high I can't even conceive of them... much less type them.

I've decided that her generous bar score is due to extra credit given for being able to smack your feet on the bars on your fly-away (hard) and still stick your landing. Now there's TRUE tallent! ;)
I could see the videos and she looks so awesome - her tumbling was STUCK!!!
stupid bar fairy. leaving after warm ups. somebody needs to fire her !!!

her front tuck & tumbling pass are awesome and her hitch kick it lovely. nice vault too.
She did so awesome! Way to go Kathy! Tell her I had Emma watch it and she was very impressed.
Wow! Congrats to DD on the fabuous meet! An 8.45 on L6 bars with a fall and toe hit? That's sounds like a very solid routine otherwise. 37 next???
stupid bar fairy. leaving after warm ups. somebody needs to fire her !!!

Well, she has had meets where the bar fairy wasn't there for warm-ups but showed up in time for the main event, so I suppose it all comes out even in the end.
She really makes it look effortless!! Beautiful job! Darn fairies, anyway-I heard they are rather mischevious! My Mia's first L6 meet is this coming Sat, and I'm a nervous wreck! It's our hosted meet, so maybe I will go help outside that session and not watch. I might pass out if I were to see her hit her toes on the bar...

Anyway, she won't be as poised and polished as your dd, but I can guarantee....her hair will be fabulous, lol!!
Yay, great meet! She looks really good!
So, three out of the four fairies I requested showed up...

Bars was first... Didn't miss a single squat-on in warm-up and then missed it in competition AND hit her toes on the bar in her flyaway! Ugh. And yet she managed to get a 8.45 which was 4th place! Go figure! Lordy, I hate bars.

Then on to beam... Solid enough routine, though not the best I've seen her do. Judges seemed to be scoring pretty easy because she got a 9.2, but the first few places all went to girls with 8.7-8.85. 5th place.

About this time I was thinking that this was just not going to be a great meet for her, but then she pulled off the nicest floor routine (9.15, 2nd place) and nicest vault (9.3, 1st place) that I've seen her do!

AA was a 36.10...her first 36 EVER! And 2nd place! Nailing her bar routine wouldn't have gotten her a higher place because 1st place had something like a 37.5. Anyway, she's super-happy and I'm super-proud!

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