Off Topic A rant about the weather

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Jun 26, 2007
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This is why I hate it when it gets warm in February! (My definition of warm in February is anything above 0C/32F aka the freezing point of water.) Today where I live in southern Ontario (Canada, across from upstate New York) it has been absolutely pouring cats and dogs all day. I was out for about 15 minutes walking in the rain, and then an hour after I got home, I had to go out again, and my jeans were still soaking wet!

I absolutely hate it when it rains when it's cold out. I would take snow when it's -5C over rain when it's +5C any day. I tolerate this weather in mid-late March because I know that it means that spring is coming and it won't last too long, but now I know that spring is still a ways away and that this rain just means that there will be more ice to slip on when it all freezes in a couple of days. I would much prefer that it stay cold and only snow until it's well into March.

Rant over for now anyways.
I totally agree, we are near Mont Tremblant and it is flash freezing right now after raining all day. The kids will be skating on my driveway at this rate.Not to mention I still have to do the usually 80 min round trip to get them from gym, that will not be 80 mins tonight!!!

It's nasty out there.

Just remember though summer in our part of the world is awesome, so we should only whine a bit!!!
It was already frozen by the time I had to go out again this evening, only a couple hours after it had stopped raining. I didn't fall (or even come close), but I think I'll be avoiding steepish hills for the time being. There's a hill that I often walk down that I've already fallen on once this year and I don't want a repeat of that.

I love winter when it actually behaves like winter. It's actually my second favourite season, after spring. It's just when the weather gets confused and the temperatures start yo-yoing that I start to have a problem with it.

And I agree, our summers are awesome.
Come to australia, its 90 degree's everyday in february. We had incredible heat waves in some parts of the country this february where it got up to 120 degree's.
It rains all the time in good ol' GB!!! At least you guys have a summer to look forward too!

It rained all this week and its meant to snow all next week again, although it has been strangely warm- 9C/48F.

I would count myself lucky if I'd fallen once on ice LOL. I skited down the hill outside my house on my backside every day for about a fortnight in December.

In the summer we're lucky if it hits 25C/77F... *cries*.
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I know! It has been some weird weather. It was about 44 the other day. It just bugs me because I've been running outside getting ready for track, and it's just so in-between. I have a hard time figuring out what to wear so that I don't get too hot, but also so I don't freeze. When it's cold it's easy-underarmor. When it's warm it's easy-shorts/t-shirt or tank top. The other day I ended up with lined carpis, a light sweater, and gloves! It's been pretty strange.
While I was writing the first post the temperature was in the process of dropping from about +5C to about -20C in only a few hours. The only time I was seriously worried about slipping was that night because it was already well below freezing and there had been no sun to shrink the ice and no maintenance crews to put salt on it so every puddle and then some left over from a full day of pouring rain on frozen ground (no way for the ground to absorb some of it) had turned into ice.

Aussie_coach, I actually do like winter, even more than summer, I just don't like it when the weather yoyos from one side of freezing to the other. I also just enjoy complaining about the weather, it almost doesn't matter what it's doing.
I know! It has been some weird weather. It was about 44 the other day. It just bugs me because I've been running outside getting ready for track, and it's just so in-between. I have a hard time figuring out what to wear so that I don't get too hot, but also so I don't freeze. When it's cold it's easy-underarmor. When it's warm it's easy-shorts/t-shirt or tank top. The other day I ended up with lined carpis, a light sweater, and gloves! It's been pretty strange.

Ya that is strange. I don't know if you got snow the other day, but I noticed that everytime it gets kind of nice again, the next day we end up getting a snowstorm.:(
I completely understand! We have a quote here in New England... "If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes." It was 60F three days ago, and we have a massive (possibly a foot of snow!) storm coming tonight.

And don't even get me started about the ice. Back in December we had a storm come through that left an inch of ice over everything, and some people were left without power for two weeks! Its still sometimes strange to drive down the street and see all the tree tops broken off. I'm interested to see what happens with things start blooming again here.

Come to australia, its 90 degree's everyday in february. We had incredible heat waves in some parts of the country this february where it got up to 120 degree's.

Oh, I'm jealous! I love the heat!
I like the variation that breaks up the monotony of winter. Last week it was 55 degrees. Tonight we are getting about a foot of snow! I think school will be closed tomorrow :)
Tonight we are getting about a foot of snow! I think school will be closed tomorrow :)

You Americans and your snow days:p. They would never cancel school over a foot of snow here. I've only ever had three snow days in my entire life. Once when I was 3 (my nursery school got canceled, as did my older sister's school, but I don't remember any of it), another was when I was in grade 3 (we had been in a blizzard for the whole weekend and it was still snowing like crazy on the Monday so they cancelled school), and the other time was last year (when we had the mother of all snow years and this one storm was particularly bad). That's 3 snow days in 18 years of school.

Occasionally I hear about school bus routes being cancelled but the schools always stay open and since I never once took a school bus to school it never effected me.
So did we. It was very nice because it was supposed to be the first day back from vacation, but instead we got to relax. :p
I envy you guys that get a snowy winter every year. Two days ago was the first time I've seen a good snow where I live (Georgia) in FOREVER!!! It was so beautiful! I love winter but it gets on my nerves that we don't get snow each year. Our winter has been crazy this year...well most years actually. It was a comfortable 65-70 degrees about 2 weeks ago...then we had severe tornado weather (2 hit within 5 miles of my house in the same night)...and then about 4 days later we got 7 inches of snow!!! This entire week is supposed to be like spring....UGH!!!!!!

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