Never having spent time in a gymnastics gym myself I can't attest to what it's actually like but I have the suspicion that the show will be like most shows targeted at a certain market.
Take X characters and put them into Y situation. It could be a gymnastics gym, a pirate ship, a blimp, a high school, a restaurant. It's the same characters just in front of a different backdrop.
Let's hope the creators don't have the gymnasts competing simultaneously in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics.
And in their defense can they really call the show. "Not so perfect 17.3...."
Now I'll support the show because I support exposure for gymnastics, but I'm also worried. Gymnastics cannot keep being characterized a certain way in the media or else it won't survive.
Now the problem with sports shows is the sports isn't enough, they always have to add drama no matter what it is, completely ignoring that the sport itself is drama. Heck, even the actual sports games have drama inserted into it. On the side of football, the commentators love talking about the troublesome characters. There's no way a network will greenlight a show that is just about the sport itself, even look at Stick It, where they had to add in the whole rebellious aspect of it.
Now if somehow the creators managed to just focus on the in gym struggles well good for them and I'll give them many kudos. I just wish it were easy to convince an audience to follow a show, and lets hope they don't ask NBC sports for help in how to present the thing. Egad.
It would probably be much better for reality shows to be shown, or some sort of hybrid which follows a team but presents it dramatically. Of course even in reality shows, all the producers want to film is people fighting.