Parents Advice Needed 6 Year Old

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Proud Parent
Hi all,

Here is the dilemna and some background. My daughter Sophia is 6 (april bday) and started gymnastics September 08. Couldn't do a cartwheel. Moved to invite only rec class within a week, preteam two in 3 months and level 3 in June 09. She goes each summer to stay with my parents (no daycare) and she did gymnastics with a team in St Louis (they moved her to level 3/4 within a week) and also privates with a fabulous youngish (late 20s) coach. That coach has called me 4 or 5 times with great feedback and has tried to call her coach here (Northern Virginia) with no call back. Reason, she is adamant that Sophia compete level 4 this year NOT 3. Sophia has all her level 4 skills but still needs a slight spot on the ROBHS. She has had one practise (level 3) at her gym here at home, 16 kids level 3, kind of low energy practice.....I asked the coach after how it went, she said "Fine"....after 10 weeks away....

Another gym (small) near the house is interested in her for their level 4 team (also does TOPS) but the facility is not nearly as nice. Coaches are great, good success.

Here is the question.......with a kid like this who loves the challenge and learns very quickly.....should I just let it go and have her compete level 3? Ask again for a level 4 evaluation, or consider the small gym with alot of interest. I don't want her to be bored.....they say she'll win alot in level 3 and not necessarily in 4.

New to this and so confused!!!

Hmmm, I think you know the answer to this question already. Are you looking for someone to give you a push? Let me be the first to say JUMP!

She is used to being trained by other coaches, L3 is not sanctioned, she has talent, is coachable and loves gym. Sounds like you have a good gym close by that wants her NOW. Also sounds like the gym is at now is complacent about it's gymnasts progress. I would've at least expected a "wow she sure has improved this summer" from them.

But, as I said, you already know the answer, don't you?
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My DD trains in a terrible facilty with awesome coaches! IMHO coaching fit is paramount!
Good luck with your decision!

I agree with Taxi that coaching is the key - not whether she does Level 3 or 4 this year, not how fancy the gym is, not how many medals she might/might not win the first year, but how good her coach or coaches are at developing her talent. Remember that this sport is a marathon, and you need to think about what is best for your dd in the long term. The very most important thing for your dd to learn at this age is a true love of the sport, and as her parent you need to select the gym/coaches that you believe will do the most for her in the long run to develop her skills and her attitude towards her chosen sport.

Good luck to your dd - it sounds as though she does have a future in gym.
Like Bog said, think you know the answer.

Best of luck, your DD sounds very talented.

We used to live in Northern Va ! Moved in 2005
What does the current gym offer that the smaller gym cannot? Sounds like what Bog said that you already know the answer but sometimes you just need a little validation. Your DD sounds very talented! Best of luck ...let us know what you decide and welcome to CB!
Heh, I grew up in NoVa.

I think you know the answer too. I don't see an issue with either level really but I will say that the smaller gym sounds more committed to your dd.

We have actually been dealing with the reverse. 2 larger gyms have mentioned to us that they would put Midget in a higher level, but we know that her gym and coaches are very committed to her so we are staying.

The current gym is huge, pits everywhere!!! 2 full size floors etc. But the coaches seem really interested in the Senior girls and not so much in the progressive younger program.

The current gym is huge, pits everywhere!!! 2 full size floors etc. But the coaches seem really interested in the Senior girls and not so much in the progressive younger program.


I think that last part answers your question.
I would write out the pros and cons of each location and then go from there. Sounds like you know the correct answer but sometimes seeing it logically helps put the pieces in the Puzzle. Remember that Bigger is not always better. Best of luck
Welcome to the board! It sounds like your daughter is full of talent, and you have just the right amount of parental concern to fit in beautifully;)

While no one can make your decision for you, my advice is to go to the gym most interested in developing your daughter's talent and love of gymnastics.

As was said above, bigger isn't always better. When my daughter joined her team, they didn't have their own facility. They used space in a rec only gym, and it didn't even have a full floor. The girls who competed the 1st year had to do half their routine, have the music stopped, then run and start from a different corner. They never had a chance to do a full floor routine until they got to the competition venue. All of them placed top 3 at our Provincial Championships that year.

So, my drawn out point, don't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a gym by it's square footage! Try the other gym, and let your daughter's smile help you decide!

Good Luck:)
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Have you taken her to this smaller gym and let them give her a try out? You mentioned they expressed interest, so it sounds like you may have already taken her there? If you're seriously considering the switch ask them if your dd can do a couple of practices with their L4 team. That will give you both more of a feel for how this gym would work(or not) for her. Just to make sure, I would ask her current coaches why they don't think she would do well at L4 this year. Each gym tends to have keys they look for in a gymnast at a particular level and if your current gym has a serious/successful(?) optional program, they may be more inclined to hold a young gymmie back to work on many basics and form so that when she advances into the higher levels with them, she has the skills they deem to be important.
Hi all,

Here is the dilemna and some background. My daughter Sophia is 6 (april bday) and started gymnastics September 08. Couldn't do a cartwheel. Moved to invite only rec class within a week, preteam two in 3 months and level 3 in June 09. She goes each summer to stay with my parents (no daycare) and she did gymnastics with a team in St Louis (they moved her to level 3/4 within a week) and also privates with a fabulous youngish (late 20s) coach. That coach has called me 4 or 5 times with great feedback and has tried to call her coach here (Northern Virginia) with no call back. Reason, she is adamant that Sophia compete level 4 this year NOT 3. Sophia has all her level 4 skills but still needs a slight spot on the ROBHS. She has had one practise (level 3) at her gym here at home, 16 kids level 3, kind of low energy practice.....I asked the coach after how it went, she said "Fine"....after 10 weeks away....

Another gym (small) near the house is interested in her for their level 4 team (also does TOPS) but the facility is not nearly as nice. Coaches are great, good success.

Here is the question.......with a kid like this who loves the challenge and learns very quickly.....should I just let it go and have her compete level 3? Ask again for a level 4 evaluation, or consider the small gym with alot of interest. I don't want her to be bored.....they say she'll win alot in level 3 and not necessarily in 4.

New to this and so confused!!!


You know what I'm about to say because it sounds like you've made up your mind alread but you just need to know you have.

a "nicer" looking gym doesn't mean a good program, good coaches or coaches who care. You can have the smallest gym in the world with older equipment and have the best program. You have 2 coaches now that say she should be at L4 I would go with the smaller gym and move her along assuming she wants to do this. Remember winning is nice but if the kids aren't challenged when they win it doesn't have the same meaning as a prize won with alot of hard work. it sounds to me like she should be L4 and I think she will win things at that level too. It doesn't take long for them to get the moves.
I would write out the pros and cons of each location and then go from there. Sounds like you know the correct answer but sometimes seeing it logically helps put the pieces in the Puzzle. Remember that Bigger is not always better. Best of luck
Well, the decision is made....the gym presented me with my post when we got to the gym tonight. Someone turned me in for "badmouthing" the gym. Decision was easy after that.

In for a penny, in for a pound.
Well, the decision is made....the gym presented me with my post when we got to the gym tonight. Someone turned me in for "badmouthing" the gym. Decision was easy after that.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

It is one of the things I have learned here, the gym world is a very small place. The sad thing is someone here took the info and used it against you. Shame on them.:eek: Though I hardly think you were badmouthing your gym and you didn't mention any names either, sensitive much?

However you have now got a new gym to look forward to.:D

Let us know how it goes.
It is one of the things I have learned here, the gym world is a very small place. The sad thing is someone here took the info and used it against you. Shame on them.:eek: Though I hardly think you were badmouthing your gym and you didn't mention any names either, sensitive much?

However you have now got a new gym to look forward to.:D

Let us know how it goes.
Thank you all so much for the advice and counsel. I'm really proud of my little gymmie.....she walked out with me with her head held high and off we go!!
Shame on whomever presented this to your former gym, and to the gym for taking it as badmouthing.

Sad state of affairs when you can't ask for opinions without reprocussions.

Perhaps it was not your actual post but the resounding change gyms responses that was the issue. Either way it was not the business of whomever took the post to your gym. It was your business. Again, sad.
Well, I guess your DD has learned how to be the bigger person today! Best of luck at the new gym!

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