All of this makes me understand in a much more nuanced way why DD's bars finally improved this year. In the transition summer between 6 and 7, they add in a lot more strength work. Now obviously strong is good and stronger is better, but for my DD specifically, that little bit of extra strength made it possible for her to do more reps of the kinds of exercises Dunno discusses. Poof, much better kips, stronger swings, and the capacity to do cast handstands and giants. She never scored much over 8 on bars last year, but I bet she could notch a 9 on a L6 routine today.
Gardenia, I don't think your DD is unusual in finding the flipping vault difficult! Our girls started working on the mechanics of Tsuks at L5 and have been working intensively on Yurchenkos since the beginning of the L6 comp year. They are now competing L7 and I think maybe two of their group of 10+ could actually do a Yurchenko at this point. I fully expect DD and at least one of her teammates to spend an extra year at L7 or whatever it will be next year because of vault.