Yes, what 2G1B said

Last season he was chronologically 6 years old for most of the season, competing as a 7-year old. Prior to that he was Level 1 because he had just started gym, and then got moved to team. Because this past Future Stars season (May-September) goes by the upcoming year's ages, he was an 8-year old for future stars even though when practices started he had just turned 7.
But because they all "lost" a year they have to be ready for future stars a year earlier which means the boys who were successful were the ones who did pre-team at 4-5 and started level 4 competitive aged 6. It's basically just a year less for boys to get into the sport and ready. My son still got to do the training and a clinic, and it was a GREAT experience for him, but didn't go to testing because he just had too little time on team to have mastered all of those skills, even though he is learning them faster than many. It just crunches everything by making a large majority of the boys a year "older" than they would have been in the past but keeping the entry age for the program the same. In the past he would have had two years on team before being old enough for the first year of future stars, but now he only had one because he didn't start until age 6/comp 7.
It's really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things - because he'll get where he is going to get whether or not he has success in the FS program, I have no doubt of that. It's just that it crunched EVERYTHING by changing the cut-off. And in a program already geared toward the young, fast learners, the crunch is felt by those boys who didn't start gym in preschool.
But I still think it's harder on my oldest/slower mover who may have no options at some point, unless things change at his current gym
What would birth date determination be? Would that mean, all kids born in a given calendar year are in the same age group?