Hey! Great jobbb on your meet, I'm so proud of you!!!
So, I'd love to tell you what I did because I'm so happy with how it all went!
So I started on bars, which is nice (bars-beam-floor-vault). I like this order, because I like getting beam done early-ish. At the end of the meet I'm kind of having a down as the adrenaline goes and I get shakey, so beam is way harder.
Bars: I did a kip, cast, back hip circle. Pike on to toe shoot, tap swings, kip, front hip circle, cast to clear hip below horizontal, tap swings, flyaway tucked.
I actually never did the clear hip in a routine before, so that's kinda cool. It did kind of end in a dead swing though, I think I bent my arms at the end. I'd wanted to try it out on my training Wednesday, but I was hungry and low energy and things just weren't working that day. My toe shoot really flies in the air now. I feel like it's powerful enough, I just need to clean up the form and work on getting my legs behind me so I don't dead hang out of it. The kips on the comp only had a small cast out of it, but that was enough so I also wasn't trying to cast very high. I do want to work on that though in the time to come.
Beam: So I'm last to go of the four of us. One girl falls three times, one girl falls once, one girl falls twice. And then it's my turn and I'm like eeeeeh. Welllp. I kind of expected to fall too, just because everyone had. But I didn't. I did slow handspring mount (
https://balancebeamsituation.com/front-handspring-over-beam/) "candlestick" (This but on beam:
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eb1TzN2ZfD8/maxresdefault.jpg ), a cool low beam flexibility pose, full turn, cat leap to cat leap half turn, tuck jump half turn from sidestand (C element) to straight jump half turn. Front handspring dismount off the end of the beam. My mother said she saw the judges exchange an impressed look at my candlestick, so that's cool. I also know one of them so I'm looking forwards to asking him what he thought of my beam when I see him next. It wasn't my cleanest beam ever, because I was thinking of those 6 falls I'd just witnessed so I was a bit hesitant on my skills. However, they weren't wobbly, just lacking a little height on the straight jump and doing a 90% turn instead of full (Put my foot next to the other foot instead of in front.)
Floor: I had 2 goals on floor: contageously cheerfull, and a front tuck. I know a front tuck may seem basic, but I don't get a lot of coaching and it's been a scary one for me (plus I had to stop working on them for a literal year and a half due to shin injury).
Small sidenote before I go on: as we're starting floor, it turns out one of the organisations tables is sticking out on the floor. It was on my choreography path, so I tried to alter the path as I went.
Anyway, I feel like my choreo went amazing, it was super cheerful and the other gymnasts loved it I think. I did make some mistakes in form, my double turn accidentally because two and a half turn. My cat leap to cat leap full became a cat leap to cat leap full to ohnonono why is there a table on floor. I knew it was there but its still scary when its right in front of you as you land the leap. So yeah, some less tidy stuff. But my back extention roll was high, my choreo was great, and... I landed that front tuck! As expected, I punched waay harder during the meet than I do in training, so I landed well upright and did a little hop out of it. (I've had some issues landing super low in training. The last training I actually bailed out like 8 out of 10 attempts). But yeah, I did it!
Vault went fine, I think. I scored super low so I wonder if I did something wrong I don't know about, but then I see the other people's scores and I'm like yeah those make no sense either so lets just forget about the scores. We actually had mini trampoline and the table at 1m20, so we all fleeeew because that's way too low for mini tramp at our age. I did a front handspring and an attempt at half in half out. It was (supposedly) best vault counts, so I took a risk with that half in half out. I've not been able to practise it really, and it went ehh... wild. I twas more a 20% in 80% out I think. But I had a good handspring, and I feel ready to start practising springboard for actual certified meets next year. (more about that later).
Final comment, and then I have to go because my father wants to watch sports with me

I am so happy my mother was able to come. I've been kind of depressed for a period in my life, and I feel like I've found my true self back in gymnastics: the active, bouncy happy girl/woman I once was and still am when I have the space to be myself. I wanted to show that happy version of myself at gymnastics to my mom, so that's why I made the super cheerful floor choreo. I'm so happy with how it turned out and how I got to share that side of me with others, and especially with my mom.
Anyway, end of rant because my father is waiting. If you'd like to hear more from me, I have more news to tell some time when I have time.
Meanwhile, how's it going with you and your gymnastics? How have your meets been going?