Gymnasts Amazing practice

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Also, sorry for commenting again but I completely forgot to add: I've also written in the blog about this again ( I am thinking of doing it weekly, and maybe making a post about it here if I can fix technical issues.

Also, I hope it's still not annoying that I send so many/long comments. I'm not normally on forums and other such things so I have no idea if it's rude to comment too much.
No its not annoying! Read your post too! I should probably get a blog started too ive been noting down stuff from practices
No its not annoying! Read your post too! I should probably get a blog started too ive been noting down stuff from practices
If you do start a blog, feel free to share it here. I'm honestly not a big reader which is kind if silly since I am kind of a writer, but I do love to read about gymnastics.
I actually sometimes consider uploading videos either to my blog or chalkbucket, but I am hesitant because the internet can be a terrible place.
I have like the opposite problem
I hear this so often: I don't like being spotted, I don't like the pit, I tumble high and not far, my favourite is bars. I feel like I'm the opposite to a lot of people lol.
Also, tumbling high isn't usually an issue for me but ehhh... beam dismounts are an issue. My first ever beam dismount 2 years ago was a front handspring, and it's still a front handspring. I'm sure the reason is quite clear, with the hard end of the beam being a lot less inviting than a mat.

(Weirdly, a part of my mind would be less scared trying like a front layout or an areal handspring dismount than tucked, because they feel more forward oriented in my head. Or a gainer cause then I can go off the side which means no landing on the beam, but yeah that's all way in the future for now.)
If you do start a blog, feel free to share it here. I'm honestly not a big reader which is kind if silly since I am kind of a writer, but I do love to read about gymnastics.
I actually sometimes consider uploading videos either to my blog or chalkbucket, but I am hesitant because the internet can be a terrible place.
Yeah I just need to set time aside to set it all up. Completely undertand concerns about videos!
I hear this so often: I don't like being spotted, I don't like the pit, I tumble high and not far, my favourite is bars. I feel like I'm the opposite to a lot of people lol.
Lol you're not alone with bars. I adore bars too! Fav event though depends on the day. Floor is usually not my fav though it gives me too many injuries.
Also, tumbling high isn't usually an issue for me but ehhh... beam dismounts are an issue. My first ever beam dismount 2 years ago was a front handspring, and it's still a front handspring. I'm sure the reason is quite clear, with the hard end of the beam being a lot less inviting than a mat.
That makes a lot of sense, dont worry, it'll go away with time
(Weirdly, a part of my mind would be less scared trying like a front layout or an areal handspring dismount than tucked, because they feel more forward oriented in my head. Or a gainer cause then I can go off the side which means no landing on the beam, but yeah that's all way in the future for now.)
Oh yeah a lot of people randomly try out those and get it within a day or two (obv not on competition surface) while they need some time to build confidence for back tuck or front tuck dismounts.
Yeah I just need to set time aside to set it all up.
Again if you need any help let me know. I have worked on so many websites in my life it's crazy. (I really recommend wordpress. It has it's issues but it's super easy to start with and it's free.)

I've actually made a post sharing my blog and for some reason I found it kinda scary to do. I don't know how people do it with all their social media all day. I just never got into it and all I hear about it seems stressful. But anyway I shared my blog and I'm posting again in half an hour so that's another scary thing I managed to do.

Oh yeah a lot of people randomly try out those and get it within a day or two (obv not on competition surface) while they need some time to build confidence for back tuck or front tuck dismounts.
Right now I'm not trying anything near a front areal though. I'm scared of arching my back at the moment. I tried a front handspring though this week, and my back didn't give in so that's a good step. and a lot of small clear hips.

How is your training going?
Again if you need any help let me know. I have worked on so many websites in my life it's crazy. (I really recommend wordpress. It has it's issues but it's super easy to start with and it's free.)
Ahh wordpress. I tried it once before but I'm pretty sure I did something wrong because my screens were completely different from what some youtube videos short. I'll try again but if not I'll just resort to wix or smth.
I've actually made a post sharing my blog and for some reason I found it kinda scary to do. I don't know how people do it with all their social media all day. I just never got into it and all I hear about it seems stressful. But anyway I shared my blog and I'm posting again in half an hour so that's another scary thing I managed to do.
Yeah, its def a lil scary putting your life out into the world. I love reading your blog though.
Right now I'm not trying anything near a front areal though. I'm scared of arching my back at the moment. I tried a front handspring though this week, and my back didn't give in so that's a good step. and a lot of small clear hips.
Thats great! When I had a back injury, i was also scared of arching. Still am a little so I don't reinjure which is why I stay away from back and front walkovers (and for this reason will probably never try a front aerial). Im a little scared of front layouts too because you've to arch haha
How is your training going?
Its meh. Nothing too exciting.
Instead of writing massive updates, I thought I'd share a little one.
I tried my self made floor choreo yesterday. It was fun but I lack the endurance to do my acro well during the choreo, so I hope I can fix that...
I also did a (very bad) muscle up for the first time. Long story short: me and a friend sometimes try long hang pullovers on high bar from a dead hang. I did one with difficulty yesterday, and then I wondered if I could do a muscle up on high bar as well. Turns out I can but it took my like 3 attempts from the pull up position to get up there.
(PS. For some reason, my pullups have gotten more difficult recently, I think either it's the tiredness and stress, or I may need a bit more food to gain rather than lose muscle. Gonna pay extra attention to that.)
Also, I've been practising my castaway from high bar because I tend to fear hitting the low bar and it affects my form. and when that was going well, I started to stretch out my flyaway bit by bit, I got it to a very open pike. Still the technique needs a lot of fixing to get it to a proper layout. My secret ambition is to one day learn a pak salto and I thought a good layout flyaway is a good starting point. Still, a proper pike may be cool to do at my april competition.

Oh also, I passed my judging course and can now judge lower level competitions of all ages here.
Instead of writing massive updates, I thought I'd share a little one.
I tried my self made floor choreo yesterday. It was fun but I lack the endurance to do my acro well during the choreo, so I hope I can fix that...
Woohoo!! Yes, it takes time to build endurance for routines. We used to endurance routines before season started and still do them sometimes. Definitely took a while to get to a point where the tumbling looked good in the routine, especially the second pass.
I also did a (very bad) muscle up for the first time. Long story short: me and a friend sometimes try long hang pullovers on high bar from a dead hang. I did one with difficulty yesterday, and then I wondered if I could do a muscle up on high bar as well. Turns out I can but it took my like 3 attempts from the pull up position to get up there.
Ong wow! I definitely can't do a muscle up lol. I think its in part technique of the muscle up and in part strength. (I don't think I'm strong, especially compared to other gymnasts)
Also, I've been practising my castaway from high bar because I tend to fear hitting the low bar and it affects my form. and when that was going well, I started to stretch out my flyaway bit by bit, I got it to a very open pike.
omg wow, thats great progress! I remember you saying you were scared of hitting your feet and want to do an layout and now you're at a pike already!
Still the technique needs a lot of fixing to get it to a proper layout.
it'll get there!
My secret ambition is to one day learn a pak salto and I thought a good layout flyaway is a good starting point. Still, a proper pike may be cool to do at my april competition.
i never want to do a pak salto lol. If i ever get to higher levels, i want to learn a bail/overshoot haha. Most pak saltos I've seen in videos arent super pretty and I think Id be scared of those
Oh also, I passed my judging course and can now judge lower level competitions of all ages here.
Congratulations! Thats amazing!
Ong wow! I definitely can't do a muscle up lol. I think its in part technique of the muscle up and in part strength. (I don't think I'm strong, especially compared to other gymnasts)
If you ever feel like trying it for fun: think for the strength you should be able to do a pull up to where the bar is below your collarbone, if you can do that then I think a muscle up is feasable. The trick is from that point to go in a very fast tiny circular motion: away from bar, upwards, and over.

for some reason I thought it'd be midnight where you're at so I was really surprised when you replied by the way.

i never want to do a pak salto lol. If i ever get to higher levels, i want to learn a bail/overshoot haha. Most pak saltos I've seen in videos arent super pretty and I think Id be scared of those
oddly to me they dont seem that scary. That'll probably change when I'm actually hanging on the bar to try it though, haha. I think in general bars is the least scary apparatus. a bail or overshoot would be cool to try too. But I really don't want to bring up that I want to learn them some day yet, I think first i need a layout, and maybe my giant, cast handstand and clear hip or sth of that level before i suggest it or the trainer will be like yeaaaaah lets not think about high to lows.
Woohoo!! Yes, it takes time to build endurance for routines. We used to endurance routines before season started and still do them sometimes. Definitely took a while to get to a point where the tumbling looked good in the routine, especially the second pass.
I haven't done cardio on purpose for a long long time, like maybe ten years. I mean I'll run laps for my warm up, I like dancing intensely, and some of my faster strength exercises are very intense and feel like cardio. But I've avoided "cardio for the sake of cardio" for years now. It feels like its usually so weight loss oriented and that makes me uncomfortable. But yeah I'm going to have to look at how to gain some endurance. If you have any tips for floor routine endurance, like what your coach has you doing, let me know :).
(PS. my endurance is usually better at a meet, at least the first few apparatuses. The adrenaline makes me so much more powerful than usual. Last year I competed only a hecht roll because of shin injury, but my takeoff was so hard I could have just as well done a front tuck out of it haha)

Also, how's your gymnastics going?
If you ever feel like trying it for fun: think for the strength you should be able to do a pull up to where the bar is below your collarbone, if you can do that then I think a muscle up is feasable. The trick is from that point to go in a very fast tiny circular motion: away from bar, upwards, and over.
Hmm maybe I'll do that one day
for some reason I thought it'd be midnight where you're at so I was really surprised when you replied by the way.
Oh no it's midday rn (I'm at school)
oddly to me they dont seem that scary. That'll probably change when I'm actually hanging on the bar to try it though, haha. I think in general bars is the least scary apparatus. a bail or overshoot would be cool to try too. But I really don't want to bring up that I want to learn them some day yet, I think first i need a layout, and maybe my giant, cast handstand and clear hip or sth of that level before i suggest it or the trainer will be like yeaaaaah lets not think about high to lows.
Haha yes definitely
I haven't done cardio on purpose for a long long time, like maybe ten years. I mean I'll run laps for my warm up, I like dancing intensely, and some of my faster strength exercises are very intense and feel like cardio. But I've avoided "cardio for the sake of cardio" for years now. It feels like its usually so weight loss oriented and that makes me uncomfortable. But yeah I'm going to have to look at how to gain some endurance. If you have any tips for floor routine endurance, like what your coach has you doing, let me know :).
For floor, we do slightly watered down routines and sprint one lap back and forth along the diagonal after each tumbling pass (run the direction you started the pass from then back to where you were supposed to end, get someone to pause the music while you're running)

For bars we used to warmup with 3 kip cast pushways to a couple tapswings
(PS. my endurance is usually better at a meet, at least the first few apparatuses. The adrenaline makes me so much more powerful than usual. Last year I competed only a hecht roll because of shin injury, but my takeoff was so hard I could have just as well done a front tuck out of it haha)
i agree!!!
Also, how's your gymnastics going?
Imma reply to this in a while I've to get back to schoolwork
Okay time to write my update lol.

Gymnastics is going okay. We're in meet season so lots and lots of routines and not too many upgrades. My ankle still hurts (usually after/during floor) and idk why its not healing - maybe because I put too much stress on it too soon. But I can't really not do gymnastics cuz meet season. And i missed two meets already (1 cuz of ankle, another cuz of travel distance) so I don't want to miss any more. On to more specific stuff:
Vault: nothing much tbh. I want to do half on half offs but I train with the level 7s who do timers onto a mat stack and so I can't train twisting vaults.
Beam: lots of routines. But I'm also working on roundoff tuck dismount and want to put that in my routine. Right now its into a pit. Also kind of training cartwheel roundoff.
Bars: Again, lots of routines. I have trouble connecting my whole bar routine (I've only done like 4 fully connected routines this season, including practices). Its multiple factors: endurance, grips and kip mainly. I've also been trying to get my giants on strap bar (I did them one practice! But haven't been able to do it since). And... yesterday I got my kip cast handstand on low bar! Don't know how because I don't have a strong kip but somehow the day just felt right for kip cast handstands haha. (I only had a cast handstand without kip).
Floor: the dreaded event. In terms of routines, i wanted to put front handspring front tuck into my routine instead of my front pike because the front pike is not consistent. I had FHS FT for like a month but lost it right before season so I switched to pike. But now since I don't really have either, and meets soon, I replaced my front pass with a round off layout (yes two back passes are allowed), which I think definitely is more consistent.
What's funny though is that during pre season training, I was so sure that I loved front tumbling (FHS FT) and that I'd never be a back tumbling person. Yet, here I am.

Anyways im still gonna work on FHS FT. I'm also trying to get some back twisting in on tumble track but I literally cannot figure out which way I naturally twist. I'm a righty. I used to think I twisted left (thats how I do my turns) so I began training round off halfs twisting left on tumble track - I kind of got them too. Then whenever I tried going for the half, my body wanted to twsit right. So then I tried right twisitng and it felt more natural. Now my body wants to twist left and won't twist right half the time. I'm so confused on what to do. And my coach just says twist the way it feels natural. But I DONT KNOW.

Thats basically it though.
Hey, so I wanted somebody to talk to and I just don't want to bother people at home with this more...
I had a rec gymnastics comp today and it went great. We were in a group of only 4, and I was sure me or this other girl got gold of the four of us. We all thought so, and the people I knew in the crowd thought so too. But then that girl came in second, and I came in third. It's so disappointing and strange. The thing is, we don't have qualified judges or a clear code of points for these comps. There's a few requirements per routine but that's it. The judges decide their own criteria. I heard last year a judge gave a full point for "friendly smile" on vault. And I don't want to be the person who sais "I was better but the judges are wrong" but I guess tonight I'm that person. It's just, ugh... I've never won gold on anything in my life, and tonight I felt like I deserved it. The girl who won had 3 falls on beam and less difficulty on all events, I had no falls. But then, I don't want to be the person that drags others down because I didn't win.

Anyway, got any advice for dealing with this? I've had discontentment before, but they always felt like my own doing, I'm not good with dealing with perceived injustice I guess haha. I just wanted to share with somebody.
Perhaps later I'll tell you about all the highlights, because I did some stuff that I'm really proud of too.
Small addition: the scores aren't online yet, so I can't tell what I lost it on and I am sooo impatient. They'll be up "tonight"
Hey! Great jobbb on your meet, I'm so proud of you!!!
Yes I know its hard to deal with injustice. You have more life experience than me so you'd know how to deal with this better but here's my thoughts:
You know you did well. Be proud of that, in your books, you won. Your only competitor is you, you wanna be better than the person you were yesterday. So if you performed well, you won.
Also, you mentioned the coaches aren't really qualified. Why does their opinion matter to you then?
Also, you mentioned the coaches aren't really qualified. Why does their opinion matter to you then?
I think it doesn't help that i know some of them personally. I felt a lot better for a bit when the scores came online, I think it was frustrating still having to wait for that wondering what happened. We looked at the scores together and kind of agreed that it was just really weirdly scored. A girl with 3 falls on beam outscored a girl with 1 fall and a cleaner routine, I got 3rd of 4 on bars with a toe shoot and kips and a clear hip etc. while they did pullovers and climbing on the bar instead of squat on, etc. My routine was cleaner than last year's, which scored so much better. So yeah, that kind of gave me some ease of mind that it wasn't my weaker floor tumbling or sth that cost me, just weird scoring.

That being said, I'd love to tell you a bit about the meet. I'll make a seperate comment for that, hope you don't mind me going into detail.
Hey! Great jobbb on your meet, I'm so proud of you!!!
So, I'd love to tell you what I did because I'm so happy with how it all went!

So I started on bars, which is nice (bars-beam-floor-vault). I like this order, because I like getting beam done early-ish. At the end of the meet I'm kind of having a down as the adrenaline goes and I get shakey, so beam is way harder.

Bars: I did a kip, cast, back hip circle. Pike on to toe shoot, tap swings, kip, front hip circle, cast to clear hip below horizontal, tap swings, flyaway tucked.
I actually never did the clear hip in a routine before, so that's kinda cool. It did kind of end in a dead swing though, I think I bent my arms at the end. I'd wanted to try it out on my training Wednesday, but I was hungry and low energy and things just weren't working that day. My toe shoot really flies in the air now. I feel like it's powerful enough, I just need to clean up the form and work on getting my legs behind me so I don't dead hang out of it. The kips on the comp only had a small cast out of it, but that was enough so I also wasn't trying to cast very high. I do want to work on that though in the time to come.

Beam: So I'm last to go of the four of us. One girl falls three times, one girl falls once, one girl falls twice. And then it's my turn and I'm like eeeeeh. Welllp. I kind of expected to fall too, just because everyone had. But I didn't. I did slow handspring mount ( "candlestick" (This but on beam: ), a cool low beam flexibility pose, full turn, cat leap to cat leap half turn, tuck jump half turn from sidestand (C element) to straight jump half turn. Front handspring dismount off the end of the beam. My mother said she saw the judges exchange an impressed look at my candlestick, so that's cool. I also know one of them so I'm looking forwards to asking him what he thought of my beam when I see him next. It wasn't my cleanest beam ever, because I was thinking of those 6 falls I'd just witnessed so I was a bit hesitant on my skills. However, they weren't wobbly, just lacking a little height on the straight jump and doing a 90% turn instead of full (Put my foot next to the other foot instead of in front.)

Floor: I had 2 goals on floor: contageously cheerfull, and a front tuck. I know a front tuck may seem basic, but I don't get a lot of coaching and it's been a scary one for me (plus I had to stop working on them for a literal year and a half due to shin injury).
Small sidenote before I go on: as we're starting floor, it turns out one of the organisations tables is sticking out on the floor. It was on my choreography path, so I tried to alter the path as I went.
Anyway, I feel like my choreo went amazing, it was super cheerful and the other gymnasts loved it I think. I did make some mistakes in form, my double turn accidentally because two and a half turn. My cat leap to cat leap full became a cat leap to cat leap full to ohnonono why is there a table on floor. I knew it was there but its still scary when its right in front of you as you land the leap. So yeah, some less tidy stuff. But my back extention roll was high, my choreo was great, and... I landed that front tuck! As expected, I punched waay harder during the meet than I do in training, so I landed well upright and did a little hop out of it. (I've had some issues landing super low in training. The last training I actually bailed out like 8 out of 10 attempts). But yeah, I did it!

Vault went fine, I think. I scored super low so I wonder if I did something wrong I don't know about, but then I see the other people's scores and I'm like yeah those make no sense either so lets just forget about the scores. We actually had mini trampoline and the table at 1m20, so we all fleeeew because that's way too low for mini tramp at our age. I did a front handspring and an attempt at half in half out. It was (supposedly) best vault counts, so I took a risk with that half in half out. I've not been able to practise it really, and it went ehh... wild. I twas more a 20% in 80% out I think. But I had a good handspring, and I feel ready to start practising springboard for actual certified meets next year. (more about that later).

Final comment, and then I have to go because my father wants to watch sports with me :)
I am so happy my mother was able to come. I've been kind of depressed for a period in my life, and I feel like I've found my true self back in gymnastics: the active, bouncy happy girl/woman I once was and still am when I have the space to be myself. I wanted to show that happy version of myself at gymnastics to my mom, so that's why I made the super cheerful floor choreo. I'm so happy with how it turned out and how I got to share that side of me with others, and especially with my mom.

Anyway, end of rant because my father is waiting. If you'd like to hear more from me, I have more news to tell some time when I have time.

Meanwhile, how's it going with you and your gymnastics? How have your meets been going?
So, I'd love to tell you what I did because I'm so happy with how it all went!

So I started on bars, which is nice (bars-beam-floor-vault). I like this order, because I like getting beam done early-ish. At the end of the meet I'm kind of having a down as the adrenaline goes and I get shakey, so beam is way harder.
Wow, we're kinda opposites. I like vault bars beam floor. Or floor vault bars beam. I'm very shakey and nervous at the start so I like beam to be near the end.
Bars: I did a kip, cast, back hip circle. Pike on to toe shoot, tap swings, kip, front hip circle, cast to clear hip below horizontal, tap swings, flyaway tucked.
Ooh this is a cool routine! Lowkey don't think I'd have the endurance for this.
I actually never did the clear hip in a routine before, so that's kinda cool. It did kind of end in a dead swing though, I think I bent my arms at the end. I'd wanted to try it out on my training Wednesday, but I was hungry and low energy and things just weren't working that day. My toe shoot really flies in the air now. I feel like it's powerful enough, I just need to clean up the form and work on getting my legs behind me so I don't dead hang out of it. The kips on the comp only had a small cast out of it, but that was enough so I also wasn't trying to cast very high. I do want to work on that though in the time to come.
Im so happy for you! I remember you posting about working on toe shoots and catching them so this is great to put it into a routine!
Beam: So I'm last to go of the four of us. One girl falls three times, one girl falls once, one girl falls twice. And then it's my turn and I'm like eeeeeh. Welllp. I kind of expected to fall too, just because everyone had. But I didn't. I did slow handspring mount (
ooh this looks fun. I wanna try this at my next practice!
"candlestick" (This but on beam: ), a cool low beam flexibility pose, full turn, cat leap to cat leap half turn, tuck jump half turn from sidestand (C element) to straight jump half turn. Front handspring dismount off the end of the beam. My mother said she saw the judges exchange an impressed look at my candlestick, so that's cool. I also know one of them so I'm looking forwards to asking him what he thought of my beam when I see him next. It wasn't my cleanest beam ever, because I was thinking of those 6 falls I'd just witnessed so I was a bit hesitant on my skills. However, they weren't wobbly, just lacking a little height on the straight jump and doing a 90% turn instead of full (Put my foot next to the other foot instead of in front.)
so glad you didnt fall off!!! Especially after watching all those falls. Ive never done cat leaps on beam but I assume they look good. Our gym has us do split and switch leaps.
Floor: I had 2 goals on floor: contageously cheerfull, and a front tuck. I know a front tuck may seem basic, but I don't get a lot of coaching and it's been a scary one for me

(plus I had to stop working on them for a literal year and a half due to shin injury).
Small sidenote before I go on: as we're starting floor, it turns out one of the organisations tables is sticking out on the floor. It was on my choreography path, so I tried to alter the path as I went.
did the organizers not notice it? Thats so weird
Anyway, I feel like my choreo went amazing, it was super cheerful and the other gymnasts loved it I think. I did make some mistakes in form, my double turn accidentally because two and a half turn. My cat leap to cat leap full became a cat leap to cat leap full to ohnonono why is there a table on floor. I knew it was there but its still scary when its right in front of you as you land the leap. So yeah, some less tidy stuff. But my back extention roll was high, my choreo was great, and... I landed that front tuck! As expected, I punched waay harder during the meet than I do in training, so I landed well upright and did a little hop out of it. (I've had some issues landing super low in training. The last training I actually bailed out like 8 out of 10 attempts). But yeah, I did it!
yesss!!! I love how this meet went for you!!
Vault went fine, I think. I scored super low so I wonder if I did something wrong I don't know about, but then I see the other people's scores and I'm like yeah those make no sense either so lets just forget about the scores. We actually had mini trampoline and the table at 1m20, so we all fleeeew because that's way too low for mini tramp at our age. I did a front handspring and an attempt at half in half out. It was (supposedly) best vault counts, so I took a risk with that half in half out. I've not been able to practise it really, and it went ehh... wild. I twas more a 20% in 80% out I think. But I had a good handspring, and I feel ready to start practising springboard for actual certified meets next year. (more about that later).
Yayyy. Ive been trying to get a half on half out too.
Final comment, and then I have to go because my father wants to watch sports with me :)
I am so happy my mother was able to come. I've been kind of depressed for a period in my life, and I feel like I've found my true self back in gymnastics: the active, bouncy happy girl/woman I once was and still am when I have the space to be myself. I wanted to show that happy version of myself at gymnastics to my mom, so that's why I made the super cheerful floor choreo. I'm so happy with how it turned out and how I got to share that side of me with others, and especially with my mom.
I like the thinkinh behind it. Gymnastics does really bring out a side in us that other activities probably cant.
Anyway, end of rant because my father is waiting. If you'd like to hear more from me, I have more news to tell some time when I have time.
Meanwhile, how's it going with you and your gymnastics? How have your meets been going?
Lemme make a new reply bc this is gettinh long
Gymnastics has been alright overall. Meet season was worse than expected. I don't know why but I do so much worse at meets than at practice. I only had one meet in the entire season that I hit all my routines. Actually not even that because I hit my feet on the floor on bars but it was still a good meet. I didn't qualify to regionals as kinda expected. But whatever, I can work upgrades now so thats fun (my fav part of gymnastics). Upgrades im excited about so far: back full on tumble track (ive only done in it like twice though and no idk how im gonna put it on floor), and giants on strap. Everythinh else is just eh.
Gymnastics has been alright overall. Meet season was worse than expected. I don't know why but I do so much worse at meets than at practice. I only had one meet in the entire season that I hit all my routines. Actually not even that because I hit my feet on the floor on bars but it was still a good meet. I didn't qualify to regionals as kinda expected. But whatever, I can work upgrades now so thats fun (my fav part of gymnastics). Upgrades im excited about so far: back full on tumble track (ive only done in it like twice though and no idk how im gonna put it on floor), and giants on strap. Everythinh else is just eh.

It's been a while. How's it been?

I have some very big negatives personally, but I'm conquering fears.
gymnastics wise I've made some big steps, surprisingly.
I did a back handspring on trampoline 2 weeks ago! and then 1 week ago I did one on the trampoline track (the long long black trampoline). Before I got exhausted they were also decent. But the main thing is I overcame the fear.

I've also done a new release move on bars. I don't have an example but it's a front support, cast, straddle over, half turn and catch the bar ( The form is terrible still though. And I can't actually use it in any routine because I am facing the wrong way for my dismount afterwards.

I've also done a castaway to half turn kip a few times. It's suuuper messy. I have trouble not doubling up my grips by accident when doing this

I'm doing well with the forwards saltos on floor too, so that's good. And I managed 1 time to do a kip right out of my toe shoot to high bar, which I'd love to replicate soon.

Oh and I've done some very ugly press handstands. I'd love to work on those again one day, but I think that'll have to wait for now.

I think that's the main progress for now. My big goals for now are
- This dismount or a flyaway half turn:
- back handspring on floor, ideally with roundoff
- back tuck anywhere
- gainer dismount from beam.
- cartwheel-round off on beam
- better front handspring
soooome day I'll get those giants too. but they are very inconsistent. The one day I almost make it over on the strap bar, the other day I barely get height...
soome day I'll cast to handstand. I can cast to straddle with my but, shoulders and hands almost in 1 line, but I have trouble fully opening my shoulders and I can't close my legs without going waaay down again.

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