WAG ...and the Sever's saga continues...

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We don't have a resi or loose foam pit. We have a sting mat and two eight inchers, one of which is usually being used for vault landings and the other on for level 3 on top of their vault. When she tumbles, it's on a rod floor. When she hurts, there's no tumbling. When she doesn't hurt, they limit her to 10 passes (5 of each), usually takes about 20 minutes...do you suppose that is too many?

it just might be. try 6 total. and not having resi or loose foam to place mats on top is problematic for these kinds of body issues.
My daughter had awful Severs for a year + and the only thing that "cured" it was when she actually broke her foot and was in a cast for 8 weeks ....she had done the heel cups, icing , resting , motrin etc but until she was in the cast for the 8 weeks, nothing helped...came out of that cast over 5 years ago and has never had another issue with Sever's....
I'll chime in. My 10 yo dd has been battling severs for over a year now. She also recently had Achilles tendinitis and was put in a boot for 2 weeks. Also struggles with the "stomach out, butt out" arching issue. Took her to a PT and he suggested exercises to shorten her calf of the "overuse" foot that was causing the muscles to pull and arch everything. She does a lot of rounding exercises to try to correct her back now...everything seems to be tied together I guess.

As for the Severs...I can empathize. We're going through a rough patch with it right now and we're coming upon dd's competition season this weekend. It's HORRIBLE!! Wouldn't wish it upon any enemy.

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