Another 1st for a new Level 7!!!

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It must be the week for first level 7 meets. My dd competes as a 7 for the first time this Sunday evening! She is so excited she can't wait. It's our big home meet, it hasn't always been her best meet, because it is our first meet of the season.

Calling for all good luck wishes and fairies, she has only had her routines for about 3 weeks! It is going to be so exciting for her to finally get to compete her own routines. It has seemed like it has taken so long to get here. She has been dancing around the house ever since she got them. I haven't seen her perform it yet, her sister saw her today and said that it looked really good, but I will see it for the first time since the day she created it on Sunday.

It will be a hectic weekend, both girls have dance recital practice this morning, and pictures, dd # 2 has basketball games today and tomorrow, I have to work at my job and at the meet, can you see my head spinning. Oh yes and I have to cook for the coaches room. Only other gym parents could understand, my friends just shake their heads. By the time we get to competition I will be ready to just sit back and enjoy. On the positive side no time for nerves to set in for either of us.

I will try to get videos up as soon as possible.
Sending good luck fairies to DD for her meet, and a Mom support fairy for all the work you will have to do to get everyone everywhere on time and in good shape.
I know she has to be so incredibly excited... Good Luck Cate on your very 1st Level 7 meet!!!!!!!!! looking forward to vids!

There are a few of dd's x teammates (from different gyms) competing at your meet this weekend. It sounds like a lot of fun:D
Good luck wishes your way!

If I had a cloning machine, I'd send that along too.
Good luck to your dd! She'll do great! And to you, I send the extra energy fairy, 'cause you are doing way too much, girl! :D
Good luck to Cate on her 1st ever optional meet. And lots of extra energy to you.

Enjoy the meet and best wishes(lots of caffiene too!!)
Quick Update

I'll post more later but dd's first meet is over!!!

She had fun and her scores were OK, top thrill of the day...she got to meet, talk to and get a hug from Jonathan Horton....after that I think the meet was the second thing on her mind. lol.

Her scores:

Vault- 9.35- 5th
Bars- 7.70- still those bars but her routine looked better
Beam- 8.7 6th place
Floor- 8.6- no place

AA-34.35...missed states by .15

There was some drama, she was visibly upset after floor. I thought she looked beautiful, but apparently she rolled her ankle after her round off, and left out her flipflop in her round off/flipflop/back tuck. I was so enjoying watching her I didn't even notice. My normally very calm daughter was in tears after the meet, it took a while to reassure her how proud we were of her. Remember this was her first meet, after two weeks of practice on routines, I'm sure things will get better. Videos will be posted tonight.

Thanks for all the good wishes!
That is a great AA score for a first meet. I don't think she'll have any issues qualifying for states.

It is tough when things don't go as planned in the first meet, takes them a bit to shake it off. My oldest had a similar experience at her first meet this year, I am hoping her 2nd will be better.
Her scores are very respectable:). At the level 7 meet we were at, the scores were all over the map. Your DD's bar score is much better than many I saw yesterday. Quite a few 6's were handed out at the meet we attended. I think your DD did a really good job for her 1st level 7 meet! Now she's got those 1st meet jitters out of the way;)! Keep up the good work!:) She has more chances to qualify for states right??? It didn't have to happen at this meet did it?
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D, does your club require a 34.5? Cause 34 is the IL L6 qualifying score...

Cate had AWESOME scores for her first L6 meet!!!!!!! I just have to say that all of our girls got 34's their first L6 of the season as well - and if you saw some of these kids practice you would be like no way! 34 is wonderful for the 1st L5 meet in our state.... the bars connections will come & if she really wants to make em easier she could always do a little extra conditioning. Sorry that she was not feeling so great about herself, but you guys had some very tough competition at the 1st meet... She needs to be extremely proud, she is fabulous!:D
Great job on the first meet!!! Those are very respectable scores! And down here in VA, she would have qualified for states already! (you need a 34.00 AA for L7). Give her a big hug and we can't wait to see the videos!

D, does your club require a 34.5? Cause 34 is the IL L6 qualifying score...

Cate had AWESOME scores for her first L6 meet!!!!!!! I just have to say that all of our girls got 34's their first L6 of the season as well - and if you saw some of these kids practice you would be like no way! 34 is wonderful for the 1st L5 meet in our state.... the bars connections will come & if she really wants to make em easier she could always do a little extra conditioning. Sorry that she was not feeling so great about herself, but you guys had some very tough competition at the 1st meet... She needs to be extremely proud, she is fabulous!:D

Oh my gosh thats right! Just smack me in the head!!!!! This was her 1st optional meet!!!! I must have had flashbacks of last season LOL !! I feel stupid - oh my goodness what a fabulous job for her 1st Level 7!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her routines...
Great job, Cate! And that's still a great floor score, even though she omitted a skill, IMO, but I'm no L7 expert, lol! She's well on her way to a great season. Best of luck to her & keep us posted. We want videos!! ;)
Sounds like Cate is on the way to a really awesome season! Congrats on her first L7 meet! Sorry about her ankle....hope all is better now.

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