Does anyone have any success stories for a female gymnast learning a press from straddle-L past the age of 15, who is not tiny, if they had not been working on it as a child (when they were a part of other programs)? These people can hold a static handstand effectively, can lower down to straddle-L slowly, and have no visibly apparent weaknesses (i.e. very strong at pull-ups, L-leg lifts, straddle-L leg lifts, handstand pushups, inverted hangs, etc.). They also are great at straddle-L walks on beam (with feet above beam level). Pressing from stand is fine, but they can't even press from straddle-L to stand after much spotting and effort. The weaknesses I do see are a slight flexibility issue (full oversplits in regular splits but not quite all the way flat in straddle split) and the back does not appear to be able to round over itself like the people who take to it quickly. It's funny to see the younger gymnasts perfectly execute this skill but are significantly weaker. And we are talking about muscular athletes of medium build and probably fully grown. Also: long legs with very muscular thighs- I just would like your opinion: Is it probable?