Interesting meet in more ways than one! The gyms were divided and the 1st half came in did one event and then would go back to the warm up gym and warm up their next event while the 2nd group was in the main gym competing. They went back and forth like that for the entire session. When they got back to main gym to compete, they did get a 30 second touch warm up on the apparatus, bc it is different from what they used in the warm up gym. The girls all said they really liked this meet format. Meet was run much like a regional/sectional type meet---the girls all had a competitor number pinned on the backs of their leos.
2 things my gymie didn't tell me before we left the hotel to go to the gym--a) she had a sore throat and b) her knee was bothering her(again)---apparently has been for a few weeks, but didn't say anything bc she knew I would talk with the coach and she wouldn't be vaulting/cut back on floor for a little while. So, I see her come in for her 1st event(vault) and she has pre-wrap as a patellar tendon compression wrap! So, I had to wait for the end of the meet to find out what was going on. And now, she's down for the count with some upper respiratory viral thing.
Anyway, with all that here are her scores:
Vault: 9.05( I could tell the knee was a little issue on her run)
Bars: 9.0(
grips didn't get hung up at all!!)
Beam: 8.35(1 fall)--this event was scoring quite low, but for her it was her best routine of the year. Finally got credit for the bwo-bwo.
Floor: 9.075
AA: 35.475(up about 1 point again)
They had gyms from 4 states for L7, so placement was very competitive especially for the 12 and under. Didn't place on vault or beam---did place on bars/floor and was 11th AA. No, she didn't have the BIG scores, but overall very consistent. The head coach put her up 1st on bars and floor to get a good 1st score and told her she did great in setting up the team. He also said he felt she should have scored higher on bars and floor---maybe even on beam.
Team took 2nd which just made their day!!!
As a side note, many of you are aware of the problems we had at our previous gym. Well, guess who walked in while the L7s were on their last rotation--her former coach! He was there to coach his L8 team(they have 2 girls left) and I saw him stand there and watch my gymie do her floor routine. She never scored 9s as a compulsory on floor(usually mid to high 8s) and here she was dancing and tumbling and looking like she was having a blast. This was the coach that told her she didn't have what it takes to be in gymnastics.